IRC log for #elinux on 20140129

00:34.59*** join/#elinux zodiac1111__ (~zodiac111@
01:00.46*** join/#elinux zodiac1111_ (~zodiac111@
01:55.33*** join/#elinux zodiac1111__ (~zodiac111@
02:30.43*** join/#elinux zodiac1111__ (~zodiac111@
02:41.12*** join/#elinux djangonistered (~ogutu@
02:53.05*** join/#elinux zodiac1111_ (~zodiac111@
03:06.02*** join/#elinux twatcup (
03:06.03*** part/#elinux twatcup (
03:29.34*** join/#elinux zodiac1111__ (~zodiac111@
06:48.06*** join/#elinux jann (
08:27.14*** join/#elinux lyakh (
09:06.29*** join/#elinux albert___ (
10:13.42*** join/#elinux dijenerate (~dijenerat@
10:56.59*** join/#elinux zodiac1111__ (~zodiac111@
11:16.20*** join/#elinux phantoxeD (
11:19.16*** join/#elinux dijenerate (~dijenerat@
11:57.03*** join/#elinux zodiac1111_ (~zodiac111@
12:18.08*** join/#elinux zodiac1111_ (~zodiac111@
13:48.09*** join/#elinux Zygo (
14:53.50*** join/#elinux cbrake (
15:11.44*** join/#elinux wing9 (
17:32.40*** join/#elinux cahbtexhuk (~cahbtexhu@
17:37.48cahbtexhukhello, I need some help building drivers
17:38.43cahbtexhukI have an olinuxino-micro board, rtl8188eu-based usb wifi dongle
17:38.57cahbtexhukand 3.12 kernel
17:39.34cahbtexhukI don't know how to crosscompile properly on a normal PC, so I was trying to compile on the olinuxino itself
17:40.15cahbtexhukand when I try to make all - make fails with error: implicit decalration, which in theory should be just a warning, not an error
17:40.45cahbtexhukCFLAGS += -Wno-error in Makefile doesn't help at all
17:41.16cahbtexhuk these are the driver sources I've been using
17:41.39cahbtexhukand i got my kernel from here
17:48.46gustavozalways rushing, i was going to say there's BR support for the olinuxino-micro and we could enable staging/wifi in the config and it would probably work, but hey
17:49.14wing9you think so?
17:49.32wing9I got no experience with that at all ^^
17:49.39gustavozmaybe, i did the olinuxino config but mine doesn't have wifi so i can't test it
17:50.18gustavoz(i did make it wifi-enabled but for the dongles i've got which are based on other chips)
17:50.54wing9this channel is boringly quiet. then a wild elinuxer with a question appears .... gone!
17:51.15gustavozthat happens in every channel, ask->no answer in 1 second->gone
17:53.07wing9really?   ...  (I should wait 1 second and disspear! - just kidding)
19:21.39wmatwing9: hence to topic
19:23.01wing9maybe he speculates on exactly 24h and will be back in 22h? ;-)
19:26.07wmatwhich will be exactly when nobody else is around
21:41.59*** join/#elinux albert___ (~albert__@

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