IRC log for #elinux on 20131110

00:11.38*** join/#elinux nesit (
00:16.28okiasit was the spi! :D
00:16.41okiasanyway, how to simply find out, what regulator does use SDIO slot?
00:36.33Russdevice tree
00:36.57Russkernel log messages
01:19.11*** join/#elinux restrator (~teonmea@
01:58.06okiasRuss: well, it's not documented yet
01:58.32okiasRuss: so, first SD work only when you load system from it (because it can't power itself without wince)
01:58.38Russtime to pull out the volt meter and start probing traces
01:59.14Russnot knowing what is hooked up to what regulator wise is a scary thing, its really easy to blow up a board that way
01:59.18Russso probe away
01:59.39okiaswell, maybe that regulator is even mainline, but no idea how it's controlled :P
02:00.00okiassome wince debug could be usefull..
02:00.06Russjust look at the board
02:00.08Russwhat chips are there
02:00.12Russthen look up the datasheets
02:00.22okias:( I have it like device complete
02:00.34okiasnot sure if I can disassemble it without damaging
02:00.46RussI know nothing about wince debugging
02:01.08okiasbut you have totally right
02:01.18okiaschecking chip on board is easiest solution
02:01.19Russmaybe you can find pictures online of someone else who took it apart?
02:01.41okiasRuss: tried, I can try harder.. it's loox c550
02:01.45Russand then if you are able to see what i2c messages wince is sending, you can actually make sense of them?
02:02.26okiasRuss: not sure, but I can learn probably :P
02:02.35Russcan you buy a broken one on ebay?
02:05.32okiasRuss: well, I see clearly screws, so I'll ask friend for this "star" screwdriver :)
02:05.51okiasIn free time, there is lot other parts to port :D
02:06.28okiasanyway I feel it work better with 3.x kernels than with 2.6.27
02:06.56okiastime to build some small userspace
04:01.44*** join/#elinux nesit (
04:11.20*** join/#elinux restrator (
08:48.11*** join/#elinux Zygo (
10:02.43*** join/#elinux lyakh (
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16:16.06*** join/#elinux espiral (~maze@unaffiliated/espiral)
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19:22.48okias[    0.165159] gpiochip_add: gpios 256..271 (htc-egpio) failed to register
19:22.50okias[    0.165288] gpiochip_add: gpios 272..287 (htc-egpio) failed to register
19:22.51okias[    0.165348] gpiochip_add: gpios 288..303 (htc-egpio) failed to register
19:23.07okiasis possible to have there gpios > 255 ?
19:28.59*** join/#elinux contempt (contempt@unaffiliated/contempt)
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19:57.40*** join/#elinux phantoxeD (
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20:08.01*** join/#elinux contempt (contempt@unaffiliated/contempt)
20:16.22*** join/#elinux contempt (contempt@unaffiliated/contempt)

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