IRC log for #elinux on 20130222

01:32.44*** join/#elinux phantoneD (
02:30.45flybackhas the start of something like the flu :(
02:47.06flybackreally starting to go downhill now ugh, I hate getting the flu or wtfever this is
03:05.51*** join/#elinux cr-ver (
03:09.46*** join/#elinux sub0 (
03:48.44*** join/#elinux ccxCZ (
06:28.52*** join/#elinux anunnaki (
07:11.16*** join/#elinux lyakh (
08:29.35*** join/#elinux likewise (
08:31.44*** join/#elinux suy (
08:32.44*** join/#elinux Russ (
08:32.44*** mode/#elinux [+o Russ] by ChanServ
09:22.37*** join/#elinux sub0 (
10:27.14*** join/#elinux likewise (
12:19.24*** join/#elinux anunnaki (
13:05.46*** join/#elinux likewise (
15:58.17*** join/#elinux likewise (
16:13.47*** join/#elinux TimRiker (~TimRiker@bzflag/projectlead/TimRiker)
16:13.47*** mode/#elinux [+o TimRiker] by ChanServ
17:02.36*** join/#elinux Russ (~russ@
17:02.36*** mode/#elinux [+o Russ] by ChanServ
17:41.54*** join/#elinux likewise (
17:59.01*** join/#elinux phantoxeD (
18:07.07*** join/#elinux Russ (~russ@
18:07.07*** mode/#elinux [+o Russ] by ChanServ
18:48.19*** join/#elinux Russ (~russ@
18:48.19*** mode/#elinux [+o Russ] by ChanServ
19:19.55*** join/#elinux Russ (~russ@
19:19.55*** mode/#elinux [+o Russ] by ChanServ
20:13.35*** join/#elinux Russ (~russ@
20:13.35*** mode/#elinux [+o Russ] by ChanServ
20:31.38*** join/#elinux ArctosArcanum (
21:08.25*** join/#elinux likewise (
22:17.28*** join/#elinux Russ (~russ@
22:17.28*** mode/#elinux [+o Russ] by ChanServ
22:51.46wmatTimRiker: myself and prpplague were reminiscing last night at ELC about the tuxscreen and it's place as the spark that got the embedded linux phenomenon going in the community
22:54.11Russawww, I missed out
22:54.35Russdid the drunk nordstroms group come by your table too?
22:55.37wmatno, I missed that!
22:55.44wmati was sitting at the bar
22:56.30wmatthere was a lady who got cut off and escorted out before you all returned from the brewery
22:58.14Russwas she wearing purple? and had a signal11 sticker?
22:59.06Russoh, wait, that was all after we got back
22:59.23wmati miss all the good stuff!
23:00.35Russapparently they came over because they thought alan ott was a girl
23:02.13wmatheads down to final talk
23:10.31TimRikeryou guys are having too much fun! :)
23:17.50Russso why don't you come out to these thingsL

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