IRC log for #elinux on 20130214

00:31.26*** join/#elinux djerome (
03:05.30*** join/#elinux cr-ver (
04:22.46*** join/#elinux phantoxeD (
05:54.56flyback-calmly ponders pulling the plug
06:02.28*** join/#elinux lyakh (
07:01.37flyback-has some rum raisen ice cream for the first time in his 39 yrs and realizes why rum was/is such a popular beverage
08:20.34*** join/#elinux suy (
08:20.48*** join/#elinux contempt (contempt@unaffiliated/contempt)
08:35.56*** join/#elinux jackmitchell (~Thunderbi@
08:55.03*** join/#elinux suy (
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10:21.45*** join/#elinux suy (
10:25.08*** join/#elinux gustavoz (
11:30.02*** join/#elinux GNUtoo-x60 (
13:55.32*** join/#elinux PavillonNoir (
14:13.06*** join/#elinux Patero-ng (
14:48.47*** join/#elinux likewise (
15:07.24*** join/#elinux suy (
15:33.37*** join/#elinux suy (
15:41.07*** join/#elinux suy (
16:07.34*** join/#elinux anunnaki (
16:14.58*** join/#elinux GvzEvxre (~TimRiker@bzflag/projectlead/TimRiker)
16:14.58*** mode/#elinux [+o GvzEvxre] by ChanServ
16:17.27*** join/#elinux suy (
16:18.19*** join/#elinux GNUtoo-x60 (
16:36.04*** join/#elinux anunnaki (
16:40.45*** join/#elinux phantoxeD (
16:42.03*** join/#elinux phantoxeD (
16:44.28*** join/#elinux phantoxeD (
16:52.23*** join/#elinux GPSFan (~kenm@
17:11.55*** join/#elinux ArctosArcanum (
17:13.34*** join/#elinux anunnaki (
17:18.29flyback- <---- HGAHAHAHAHA YOU GO TO HELL AND YOU DIE!
17:21.58flyback- <--- best ever
17:23.35suydoesn't understand the purpose of this channel in general, even less to flyback- :-P
17:23.47flyback-oh sorry forgot I was here
17:52.13suynot a big deal, just is strange that this channel is almost silent, execpt for you posting video links
19:20.03*** join/#elinux TimRiker (~TimRiker@bzflag/projectlead/TimRiker)
19:20.03*** mode/#elinux [+o TimRiker] by ChanServ
20:09.34*** join/#elinux GNUtoo-x60 (
20:28.00*** join/#elinux anunnaki (
20:36.25anunnakii just saw a mk802IIIs (s-8gb nand ,bluetooth) i was wondering is it possible to hook up switches to these devices to perform functions like running a bt script to scan and autosconnect/pair ?
20:36.53anunnakior if i were to hook up a ir dongle, a switch to activate a file transfer
20:57.51*** join/#elinux likewise (
21:01.56*** join/#elinux likewise (
21:26.01anunnakianyone know of using this with mk802? i heard you hook this up via usb to get hardware interfacing.
21:27.03anunnakiwould it be a pita to do that. add two switches to turn on/of ir dongle and another switch to run a script for bluetooth to autoconnect/pair
21:32.07*** join/#elinux phantoxeD (
21:33.45wmatanunnaki: your questions are to general to answer without someone actually doing some work to figure it out. My advice would be to try, and or google heavily.
21:34.21anunnakiheavily is the word
21:34.35anunnakior different search engine.
21:35.14wmator try asking in a more specific group/mailing list
21:35.41anunnakiyou can tell im a beginner because my questions are general couldnt you.
21:35.48wmatnot at all
21:35.57anunnakiim actually asking the same questions in a couple channels and then wait for responses
21:36.29anunnakiedev, gentoo-embed, arm,netbook, mk802, hackndev etc..
21:36.41wmatinstead of asking: try, think, try again, think more, sleep, try again, think, sleep, try one more time, then ask ;)
21:36.54anunnakisleeping is the hard part!
21:38.18anunnakibeen non stop reading about these rasppi, cubie, hackberry, mk802,i,ii, iii,iiis mk808, and now minix. for the past 2 days when i discovered rpi
21:38.43wmatsave your money and buy a beaglebone
21:39.17anunnakithen theres reading up on cross compiling for arm at the same time. while im patching this kernel for my moto q lol ahh who has time to sleep
21:39.44wmatuse openembedded/yocto
21:40.02anunnakiyeah i looked at a beaglebone briefly but saw it was expensive compared to the others. but i liked how they have nice kits for it like the lcd
21:40.15wmatyou get what you pay for
21:40.22wmatthe bone is cheap, for what you get
21:40.25anunnakii know. thats what scares me
21:40.48anunnakii want three devices, one for myself, and two for prototyping
21:40.59wmatnot to mention the community around the Bone can actually help you
21:41.18wmatthe RPi is a great start though, don't let me disuade you
21:41.28wmatin fact, I have 2
21:42.12anunnakiyes cheap and huge community. im in those channels as well
21:42.30anunnaki#raspian is pretty good with info
21:43.03anunnakii like the cubie that it has ir.. but then again if i can add ir dongle and get it to work properly on a dogbone..
21:47.47anunnakiwhats the dogbones full name so i can search for it.. i can barely pull up anything with "dogbone board embed"
22:06.12anunnakiwow all that stuff
22:23.12anunnakihow old is beaglebone
22:25.06wmatthe processor is newer than the RPi's, if that's what you're getting at
22:38.01anunnakiahh good.. yea rpi is version 6.. and beagleboen is version 7
22:40.19anunnakijust watching a video about the rpi being slow and outdated, that ubuntu dropped support for version 6
22:41.10anunnakistill wouldnt one of those dual core be better?
22:41.20anunnakion the mk802
23:00.48flyback-feel free to wander in #43oh anunnaki it's not linux based it's a 16 bit risc chip
23:00.54flyback-but they canuck around with bt, ir, etc all the time
23:01.13flyback-hey what part of pa are you in?:
23:01.36anunnakihello flyback-  good thing you piped in,, i was trying to think of that channel the other day and couldnt remember it or who told me (you)
23:02.03anunnakiflyback-, you are pottsville right?
23:02.12anunnakiim up northeast.. scranton
23:02.26flyback-im beaver falls/chippewa
23:02.29anunnakioh wait no im thinking of someone else thats from pottsville
23:02.32flyback-about 45 mins from pittsburgh
23:02.36flyback-I think you are only 1-2 hrs from me
23:02.55anunnakiyeah thers a penn state branch there isnt there?
23:02.59anunnakibesides erie
23:03.10flyback-yeah that's about 10-15 mins from here
23:03.22flyback-beaver is about 15 mins from beaver falls depending on what part
23:03.30anunnakiwell pitt is about 4 from me
23:03.38flyback-mins or hrs?
23:04.17anunnakiyeah but im 2 hours from phili and 1 1/2 from nyc, and about 3 from boston, 4 for d.c.  not bad :)
23:04.39flyback-unless we get nuked :P
23:05.02flyback-which for now is doubtful
23:05.08anunnakihaha yeah. thats the biggest con about this location.. its perk is its own demise
23:05.28flyback-you know you can stop a plutonium bomb by  blowing it up
23:05.38anunnakianything possible with the crap thats been going on these past couple years.. who knows
23:05.56anunnakiyeah some bombs have to be detonated a specific way or theyre useless
23:06.05flyback-in general they would rather disarm it another way to avoid radioactive plutonium dust in the air but alpha emitter would be way better than fission bomb fragments
23:06.23anunnakiall you have to do is touch anti matter and the world is over hah
23:06.31flyback-yeah plutonium is so replusive that it's like trying to squeeze a water baloon and it gets between fingers
23:06.45flyback-so they have to implode it into a perfect sphere
23:07.16flyback-so even a few bullets hitting the tamper would probably reduce it's yield a good bit or kill it al together
23:08.24flyback-so really all our fighter pilots would have to do for most nukes coming at us is blow them up
23:08.56anunnakiim sure they will use something more sophisticated than nukes
23:09.20flyback-nk rockets are scud tech
23:09.28flyback-even I could eventuslly learn to hoot those down
23:09.30anunnakihonestly if i wanted to wipe out a nation i would just release bioagents
23:10.28anunnakiid think they would do the same first
23:10.37anunnakilessen the numbers then they can attack
23:11.51flyback-I hope this modified xp home install disc I converted from dell to gateway (both old laptopd have legal licences) works
23:11.52anunnakianyway.. i need to buy a nice device to play with and put a linux distro on
23:12.10flyback-I rather would have used linux on this temp box but flash performance is so bad I gotta go back to xo
23:19.49flyback-I need to find a use for my dht-walnut and embedded planet board
23:19.51flyback-both ppc
23:52.58flyback-wonders what drug brain damaged idjit wrote "sin city"

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