IRC log for #elinux on 20130131

01:35.25*** join/#elinux djerome (
01:42.20flyback-almost chocked to deatjh
04:53.20flyback-holy crap it's nasty outside I can hear it pushing on the window
05:17.30flyback-begins to charge batteries just in case
05:18.55ashesi want an automatic way for a web site to display jpeg images as a button to link to a movie. this is so my young nephews can download movies from my NAS
05:19.58ashesmy sister can manipulate the torrent web interface and then drag and drop the downloaded movie to the kids directory/folder, but i need a web script/app to display it to a 5 year old
05:20.06ashesi need it to be easy for them
05:20.12ashesor they won't use it
05:21.06ashesthey use android, ipad, and windows. the NAS is linux. i use openbsd. integrating this into a web page is the only way i see this working
05:22.08ashestorrent to a samba share, drag drop to the kids folder, and httpd displays it to the kids
05:30.27*** join/#elinux ccxCZ (
05:48.12*** join/#elinux lyakh (
08:00.33*** join/#elinux m4t (
08:07.10*** join/#elinux suy (
08:59.31*** join/#elinux dape8708 (~dani@freenode/sponsor/dape)
09:00.07dape8708hello, anyone with administrative acces to the wiki please? i just registered, confirmed email, seems i'm on a queue..
09:14.02*** join/#elinux suy (
09:54.31*** join/#elinux jackmitchell (~Thunderbi@
11:26.20dape8708thanks guys, im set on elinux wiki now, take care
11:26.25*** part/#elinux dape8708 (~dani@freenode/sponsor/dape)
12:12.47wmatI do have to sleep sometime :/
15:03.05*** join/#elinux GPSFan (~kenm@
15:12.36*** join/#elinux GNUtoo-x60 (
15:20.46*** join/#elinux gandhijee_ (
16:43.19*** join/#elinux likewhoa (~likewhoa@
16:53.10*** join/#elinux isbric (
17:00.22*** join/#elinux suy (
17:17.01*** join/#elinux isbric_ (
17:39.12*** join/#elinux TimRiker (TimRiker@bzflag/projectlead/TimRiker)
17:39.12*** mode/#elinux [+o TimRiker] by ChanServ
19:55.59*** join/#elinux phantoxeD (
20:11.26*** join/#elinux GNUtoo-x60 (
20:18.29*** join/#elinux TimRiker (TimRiker@bzflag/projectlead/TimRiker)
20:18.29*** mode/#elinux [+o TimRiker] by ChanServ
22:11.24*** join/#elinux Russ (
22:11.24*** mode/#elinux [+o Russ] by ChanServ
22:41.19*** join/#elinux contempt (~contempt@unaffiliated/contempt)
22:50.27*** join/#elinux contempt (~contempt@unaffiliated/contempt)
23:05.18*** join/#elinux cr-ver (

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