IRC log for #elinux on 20130121

03:05.11*** join/#elinux _Lucretia__ (
03:30.29*** join/#elinux flyback (
06:23.17*** join/#elinux lyakh (
09:39.00*** join/#elinux jackmitchell (~Thunderbi@
10:26.06*** join/#elinux likewise (
10:56.50*** join/#elinux soafee-chan (~spaec@unaffiliated/traumapony)
12:24.51*** join/#elinux gustavoz (
12:53.41*** join/#elinux _Lucretia_ (~munkee@pdpc/supporter/active/lucretia)
13:20.01*** join/#elinux cr-ver (
13:30.26*** join/#elinux GNUtoo-x60 (
13:31.55GNUtoo-x60hi, is it possible to get a kernel+initramfs under 1.8M with the following capabilities:
13:32.39GNUtoo-x60some sort of iwconfig, udhcpc, wget md5sum and kexec
13:33.23GNUtoo-x60the target arch is x86 in 32bit
14:04.03*** join/#elinux GPSFan (~kenm@
14:15.40gustavozGNUtoo-x60: maybe, have you tried?
14:16.54gustavozkernel size is the biggest concern, depending on drivers and such
14:18.27GNUtoo-x60gustavoz, yes and it's a bit more than 1.8M
14:19.28GNUtoo-x60maybe busybox is too big also
14:19.34GNUtoo-x60because I used static linking
14:19.54GNUtoo-x60I wonder if dynamic linking to a well configured uclibc would give better results
14:20.02gustavozGNUtoo-x60: well you can try static vs dynamic with all the same options and check the result, at some point dynamic is a better option (with more packages)
14:20.26gustavozit's very package dependent though so you'll have to measure it up
14:20.57GNUtoo-x60thanks a lot
14:21.07gustavozout of curiosity are you using some build system or all by hand?
14:21.20GNUtoo-x60by hand
14:21.34GNUtoo-x60since there is only busybox for now....
14:21.44gustavozthen remember to strip everything, with sstrip you'll get some extra savings
14:22.04GNUtoo-x60ahh ok
14:22.06gustavozand maybe use a higher compression method in the kernel binary
14:22.06GNUtoo-x60thanks a lot
14:22.15GNUtoo-x60it's at xz already
14:22.49gustavozmaybe you can use busybox hush (smaller than ash, but less features) too
14:23.26gustavozand disable threads in uclibc if you didn't already
14:23.54GNUtoo-x60I used static linking, not to uclibc
14:23.58GNUtoo-x60to glibc....
14:24.06GNUtoo-x60I'll use a build system
14:24.11gustavozoh, you'll get big savings with uclibc then
14:24.25gustavozbinary size full libc is like 1.8 MB vs 300 KB
14:24.53gustavozyou can also trim a lot of unused/old/compatibility stuff in uclibc to make it even smaller
14:25.40GNUtoo-x60thanks a lot
14:25.54gustavozi'm quite biased being a contributor, you can try using buildroot, it'll make your life quite simple for those use cases
14:29.02GNUtoo-x60or openwrt?
14:29.28GNUtoo-x60openembedded could work too but it's not suited for such use cases
14:29.56gustavozopenwrt is also an option, it's an old fork of buildroot that continued development on it's own path
14:31.15gustavozwhere openwrt handles packages buildroot does not, you could say openwrt is more focused on users of the target "firmware" where buildroot is more suited to self-contained
14:31.48gustavoz"packages" in an installable afterwards kind of sense, like rpm, aptitude, so on
14:34.25GNUtoo-x60yes like ipk
14:50.26gustavozGNUtoo-x60: stripped non-threads uClibc libc library is ~ 190 kB
14:53.20gustavozGNUtoo-x60: lzma rootfs.cpio ends up being ~ 500 kB with a buildroot build of busybox (default config so somewhat biggie), kexec-tools and wireless-tools
14:53.34gustavozdynamic uclibc
14:55.22GNUtoo-x60thanks a lot
14:56.38gustavozi was curious, for the kernel i've used i386_defconfig so that kills it, but as you know a lot can be saved there by tweaking
15:43.57*** join/#elinux GNUtoo-x60 (
16:30.41*** join/#elinux like2wise (
17:28.03*** join/#elinux GNUtoo-x60 (
19:03.00*** join/#elinux spidercaleb (
19:03.15spidercalebDoes anyone here know much about aufs?
19:08.47gustavozhow much?
19:16.16spidercalebWell, I'm trying to use a directory with colons in it's name as a branch
19:17.08spidercalebIt doesn't work in quotes or with the colons escaped
19:17.28gustavoznever tried that with aufs, i usually use overlayfs these days since they don't require special tools, let me try if it works
19:20.24*** join/#elinux GNUtoo-x60 (
19:20.48gustavozmount doesn't seem to be very happy about it
19:21.45spidercalebSpecifically, I'm trying to switch_root onto an aufs with a base read-only NFS root and a folder named after the node's MAC address on another NFS share as a rw branch
19:21.53spidercalebIf that makes any sense
19:21.56gustavozmy fault, it worked like a charm with busybox mount + overlayfs
19:22.45gustavozdon't know the exact details of what you want to achieve, but yeah, it can make sense
19:23.52gustavozi did a simple mount -t overlayfs over -olowerdir=/etc,upperdir=/tmp/hi:there /tmp/etet with /etc being RO flash, /tmp/hi:there being an sdcard (ext4) and /tmp/etet being an empty dir
19:24.12gustavozso maybe blame aufs tools :)
19:24.17spidercalebA root for cluster nodes that supports configurations that apply to all, a group of nodes, or a single node
19:24.44spidercalebBut the server does all the grouping
19:42.02*** join/#elinux Russ (
19:42.02*** mode/#elinux [+o Russ] by ChanServ
20:42.39*** join/#elinux likewise (
20:44.19*** join/#elinux risca (
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23:02.58*** join/#elinux djerome (
23:04.06*** join/#elinux likewhoa (~likewhoa@
23:07.41*** join/#elinux contempt (contempt@unaffiliated/contempt)

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