IRC log for #elinux on 20121208

01:33.10*** join/#elinux djerome (
02:55.13*** join/#elinux _Lucretia_ (~munkee@pdpc/supporter/active/lucretia)
04:55.41flybackponders using vietnam movie audio as a source of "white noise" for sleeping and crypto
05:11.06*** join/#elinux phantoxeD (
05:22.11flyback <--- my exact model furnace old draft blower I Use as a sleep machine/white noise
07:28.40*** join/#elinux Kmarc (
14:28.07wmatflyback: please try to stay on topic
14:51.50flybacklok :P
15:21.59*** join/#elinux risca (
15:43.25*** join/#elinux djerome (
16:00.01*** join/#elinux GPSFan (~kenm@
17:08.11*** join/#elinux _Lucretia_ (~munkee@pdpc/supporter/active/lucretia)
18:24.10*** join/#elinux cr-ver (
20:07.16*** join/#elinux djerome (
20:47.00flybackchills out to

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