IRC log for #elinux on 20120820

01:21.00*** join/#elinux bizhanMona (~bizhan@nat/cisco/x-tfnziohnwaovysvz)
06:06.40*** join/#elinux mertsas (~martin@nat/cisco/x-yeuhenwigtccvkcm)
06:13.51*** join/#elinux lyakh (
06:33.33*** join/#elinux ChanServ (ChanServ@services.)
06:33.33*** mode/#elinux [+o ChanServ] by
07:21.15*** join/#elinux bizhanMona (~bizhan@nat/cisco/x-bjsmvnwrrwaxycxk)
07:23.50*** join/#elinux Russ (
07:23.50*** mode/#elinux [+o Russ] by ChanServ
07:48.31*** join/#elinux phantoxe (
08:21.31*** join/#elinux ChanServ (ChanServ@services.)
08:21.31*** mode/#elinux [+o ChanServ] by
12:58.35*** join/#elinux MrWGW (MrWGW@
13:05.32*** join/#elinux ccole (
13:21.16*** join/#elinux bizhanMona (~bizhan@nat/cisco/x-xussvagqoiiwqorv)
15:14.24*** join/#elinux GPSFan (~kenm@
16:10.18*** join/#elinux phantoneD (
16:11.15*** join/#elinux phantone (
17:22.39*** join/#elinux TimRiker (TimRiker@bzflag/projectlead/TimRiker)
17:22.39*** mode/#elinux [+o TimRiker] by ChanServ
17:34.26*** join/#elinux cr-ver (
18:32.57*** join/#elinux ChanServ (ChanServ@services.)
18:32.57*** mode/#elinux [+o ChanServ] by
18:45.03*** join/#elinux phantoxeD (
19:02.41*** join/#elinux ChanServ (ChanServ@services.)
19:02.41*** mode/#elinux [+o ChanServ] by
19:21.16*** join/#elinux bizhanMona (~bizhan@nat/cisco/x-xspqlleclqtzehwf)
20:38.47*** join/#elinux meph1s (
20:59.13*** join/#elinux djerome (
21:15.13*** join/#elinux zamba (
21:15.33zambahow do i build a package for openembedded? for instance the aiccu package?
22:56.23TimRikerwmat, is running mediawiki 1.16, right? plans to upgrade? reasons for being there?
22:59.04wmatTimRiker: yes it is, and yes i do. I've been meaning to do it for a few weeks now.
22:59.40wmatTimRiker: I'm going to move to track releases using git, including extensions
22:59.44TimRikerwhat does the expandable list on the recentchanges? is that just a 1.16 feature? or is one of the extensions doing it?
23:00.00wmatjust a feature, I believe
23:00.35wmatlet me make sure
23:00.59TimRikerk. is on 1.15 still and does not have that. I spent some time despamming that wiki. adding some anti-spam stuff now.
23:01.11TimRikershould probably just have them merge into =)
23:22.20*** join/#elinux _Lucretia_ (~munkee@pdpc/supporter/active/lucretia)
23:42.59TimRikerwmat, after a large amount of cleaning...
23:45.33wmatwow, nice
23:46.29wmatTimRiker: active User just passed 500 this month, which was nice to see
23:46.50wmatI really need to do a User cull soon

Generated by Modified by Tim Riker to work with infobot.