IRC log for #elinux on 20120604

02:43.16*** join/#elinux cr-ver (
03:05.49*** join/#elinux blupp (
04:11.52*** join/#elinux ksx4system (
06:12.36*** join/#elinux Russ_ (
06:34.28*** join/#elinux Russ (
06:34.28*** mode/#elinux [+o Russ] by ChanServ
07:39.53*** join/#elinux phantoxe (
07:46.09*** join/#elinux pakesson (
08:01.18*** join/#elinux Russ__ (
12:20.31*** join/#elinux iveqy (~fug@
12:20.40iveqyhi, I've got an oops. How do I investigate it more?
12:53.31*** join/#elinux GPSFan (~kenm@
14:19.03wmativeqy: start by googling
14:19.14wmativeqy: first link I found ->
14:23.47iveqythanks, of course I did that...
14:24.01iveqydidn't found that good result though
14:24.55wmativeqy: that little book I linked to is an awesome resource
14:25.42wmativeqy: you're question is way to generic to be answered, as there is more than one way to investigate an oops
14:27.34iveqythat book indeed looks awesome
14:27.44iveqywell, now I know where to start =)
14:56.37*** join/#elinux Russ__ (
14:57.23*** mode/#elinux [+o Russ] by ChanServ
16:01.33*** join/#elinux mertsas (~martin@nat/cisco/x-ojzicmbbxuklwqxi)
16:06.42*** join/#elinux mnemoc (
16:20.48*** join/#elinux phantoneD (
16:21.33*** join/#elinux phantone (
16:31.33*** join/#elinux isbric (
16:31.34*** join/#elinux gustavoz (
17:20.07*** join/#elinux rejser (
20:39.42*** join/#elinux m4t (
21:00.43*** join/#elinux phantoxeD (
22:16.38*** join/#elinux risca (

Generated by Modified by Tim Riker to work with infobot.