IRC log for #elinux on 20120329

00:36.45*** join/#elinux djerome (
01:30.29*** join/#elinux Russ (
01:30.29*** mode/#elinux [+o Russ] by ChanServ
01:40.00*** join/#elinux Russ (
01:40.00*** mode/#elinux [+o Russ] by ChanServ
01:45.59*** join/#elinux War2 (~war2@unaffiliated/war2)
03:30.02*** join/#elinux War2 (~war2@unaffiliated/war2)
03:45.54*** join/#elinux War2 (~war2@unaffiliated/war2)
04:31.00*** join/#elinux War2 (~war2@unaffiliated/war2)
04:36.12*** join/#elinux gandhijee_ (~akp@
06:40.20*** join/#elinux lyakh (
06:55.25*** join/#elinux amarsman (
07:45.10*** join/#elinux pakesson (
09:17.53*** join/#elinux Mephisto__ (~Mephisto_@
09:59.14Mephisto__Hello guys! I've compiled a 3.0.26 kernel for ARCH=arm and when I emualte it through qemu, I get a black screen, any help?
10:28.15mnemoctry over the serial console first
10:34.56Mephisto__hey mnemoc thanks! I've tried with the "-nographic -append "console=ttyAMA0" it hangs at “Uncompressing Linux… done, booting the kernel.”
10:36.27mnemocthat usually means it halted
10:37.34mnemoci.e. your kernel is bad for that machine (qemu)
10:52.38Mephisto__thanks a lot! it works with 2.6.33 but I need a more recent kernel, that's why
10:53.15mnemocreview the .config diff
10:59.18Mephisto__I'll give it a try
10:59.29*** join/#elinux phantoxe (
13:25.10*** join/#elinux phantone (
13:35.43*** join/#elinux War2 (~war2@unaffiliated/war2)
13:51.18*** join/#elinux GPSFan (~kenm@
14:25.49*** join/#elinux pakesson (
14:44.13*** join/#elinux War2 (~war2@unaffiliated/war2)
14:51.04*** join/#elinux rejser (
15:28.44*** join/#elinux War2 (~war2@unaffiliated/war2)
15:34.02*** join/#elinux VtS (
16:54.40*** join/#elinux phantoxe (
17:23.31*** join/#elinux risca (
18:58.43*** join/#elinux phantoxe (
19:44.17*** join/#elinux VtS (
19:59.40*** join/#elinux Zygo (
20:02.47*** join/#elinux Zygo (
20:45.10*** part/#elinux VtS (
20:46.21*** join/#elinux VtS (
21:10.41*** join/#elinux Russ (~russ@
21:10.41*** mode/#elinux [+o Russ] by ChanServ
22:50.13*** join/#elinux Russ (
22:50.13*** mode/#elinux [+o Russ] by ChanServ

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