IRC log for #elinux on 20120301

00:10.14*** join/#elinux risca (
00:52.07*** join/#elinux djerome (
01:11.55*** join/#elinux risca (
02:04.19*** join/#elinux factor (
03:01.42*** join/#elinux risca (
03:33.49*** join/#elinux gandhijee_ (~akp@
03:48.13*** join/#elinux ashes (
04:07.52flybackugh speaking of ups's and power failures
04:09.16flybackoh SHIT MAJOR LIGHTNING, BBL
04:10.12flybackcan't believe thunderstorms and tornado warnings in pennsylvania in the middle of winter
04:12.43flybackgo to hell and he die
04:14.28flybackcurses as the automated ups warning system he setup at work to sms his phone, starts bitching
04:26.21Russhey, at least now you've tested the alert system and it works
04:28.27flybackyeah but I wish the automated shutdown system I started building 2 yrs ago did
04:28.49flybackthe channalge has been a lot of different os's and sw's and not having enough ups runtimme really to just ride it out
04:29.20flybackI got coreboot running on the little geode board at home I got off ebay for $30
04:29.30flybacki'd love to put it on the itx I a using at work as the ups monitor
04:29.48flybackepia v0.0 is supported but I have to hard code in the dimm values due to known hw bugs
04:56.53*** join/#elinux gandhijee_ (~akp@
05:53.12ashesi am looking for help, but not with linux. i need logical debaters
06:28.22*** join/#elinux War2 (~war2@unaffiliated/war2)
06:39.36flybackmmm sardines
06:48.14ashesa man in vancouver is contesting the bestiality laws
06:48.39ashesthese laws have been overturned in many european countries
06:48.55ashesi'm trying to gather debaters
06:49.22ashesatheists and whatever. i don't care, so long as they make logical arguements
06:49.22Russthat isn't a topic for this channel
06:49.30ashesi understand that
06:49.36Russso don't solicit
07:11.45flybackthat's all I have to say to that
07:12.28flybacksorry but he said it
07:12.36flybackso seriously
07:12.48flybackanyone here dicked with m-systems/sandisk disk on chips
07:13.06flybacki'd be happy with just read only support enough to put a bootloader in there, mabye a kernel
07:13.39Russway way back in the day
07:13.44Russwhich one?
07:13.54*** join/#elinux rsFF (~rsFF@
07:14.16flybackmdoc g3
07:14.34flybackreviving my palm t5 soon andn using the old motherboard one for just embedded linux tesring
07:14.35Russlast one I dealt with was diskonchip 2000
07:16.44RussI don't have any info on the g3
07:18.39flybackit's ok I was just curious :P
07:18.46flybackI still have to order a digitizer and battery
07:19.15RussI see that a docg3 driver was added to the kernel in 3.2-rc1
07:19.38Russthank robert jarzmik
07:19.47flybackmy origional t5 fell apart $450 but lasted like 5+ yrs
07:19.54flybackI got another one off ebay for $30
07:19.59flybackcombing parts
07:20.17flybackbut the old motherboard still works just a shot to hell power button I can solder external and headphone jack
07:20.22flybackthe case and lcd are canucked
07:20.36flybackso I can use it for testing before I flash ion the working on
07:20.36Russlooks like the driver got a lot more functionality added in 3.3-rc1
07:20.47flybackI have 3-4 jtag devices now
07:21.06flybacki'd be happy if I could slam u-boot in there
07:21.09flybackand only that
07:21.55flybackand nuke FAILos for good
07:22.39flybacki'm still in shock I got coreboot to work on something i had
07:22.45flybackunsupported board even
07:22.49flybacklittle geode board I got off ebay
07:23.18flybackall the chips matches another board advantech makes just different form factor and I compiled it and it works
07:23.24flybackfew minor things but does work :P
07:23.36flybackso I am feeling more confident about the rest,
07:23.52flybackunfortujitely my vm server for compiling stuff lost a disk but I have a raid card to go in to resolve this for good ;)
07:27.21flybacki'mm read up on that driver
07:27.23flybackthx for the info
07:33.58flybackcourse google has totally fucked their search engine
07:34.05flybackso I can't search for this properly
07:35.26Russuse verbatim
07:36.13*** join/#elinux lyakh (
07:37.19flybackthank you
07:40.27flybackyou know how many times I been ready to drive to google headquarters with a sledgehammer and break a few programmer's careers
07:40.29flybackbecause of that shit
07:40.31flybackI owe you big
07:44.04*** join/#elinux mertsas_ (~martin@nat/cisco/x-mohxhbhtfrmxwghi)
08:20.27*** join/#elinux factor (
08:26.55*** join/#elinux icarusfactor (
08:33.29*** join/#elinux gandhijee_ (~akp@
09:30.48*** join/#elinux dijenerate (~dijenerat@
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10:38.36*** join/#elinux gandhijee_ (~akp@
10:43.21*** join/#elinux icanicant (~klawson@
11:40.07*** join/#elinux phantoxe (
11:54.43*** join/#elinux War2 (
11:54.43*** join/#elinux War2 (~war2@unaffiliated/war2)
12:14.50*** join/#elinux Richmond (~Richmond@
13:38.07*** join/#elinux gandhijee_ (~akp@
14:08.49*** join/#elinux mdavey_ (
15:08.40*** join/#elinux GPSFan (~kenm@
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16:14.00*** join/#elinux ccole (
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17:48.23*** join/#elinux Russ (
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17:49.41*** join/#elinux risca (
18:38.36*** join/#elinux mdavey (
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20:47.16*** join/#elinux dijenerate (~dijenerat@
20:59.36*** join/#elinux Russ (
20:59.37*** mode/#elinux [+o Russ] by ChanServ
22:25.52*** join/#elinux rsFF (
22:43.27*** join/#elinux Russ (
22:43.27*** mode/#elinux [+o Russ] by ChanServ
22:44.48*** join/#elinux War2 (~war2@unaffiliated/war2)

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