IRC log for #elinux on 20110217

00:09.13*** join/#elinux TimRiker (~TimRiker@
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00:21.38*** join/#elinux GPSFan (~kenm@
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05:36.59*** join/#elinux svolpe (~Gerrath@unaffiliated/gerrath)
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09:10.15*** join/#elinux roxfan (dunno@
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10:54.35*** join/#elinux rsv (7aa60de8@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
10:54.50rsvwhich testing i can use for testing file systems
12:46.09*** join/#elinux likewise_ (
13:28.43wmatrsv: see here
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14:20.04*** join/#elinux GPSFan (~kenm@
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20:21.37joshc_hey all, sorry to those of you who are also in ##kernel...I'm having a problem doing simple programmed IO from the kernel.  I'm using ioremap() to map my IO region, and any attempt to access it results in an 'imprecise external abort'
20:22.17joshc_I've tried using the readl(), __raw_readl(), and ioread32() accessors, to know avail.  I'm also able to map via usermode (that is, mmap'ing /dev/mem)
20:22.36joshc_and I'm able to use u-boot's 'md' command to dump the IO region
20:23.29joshc_here is my test case:
20:23.49joshc_am I doing something stupid?  what are some recommended ways to debug this?
20:28.29roxfanhave you looked in other code on this system that's (supposedly) working?
20:30.57joshc_roxfan: yeah, there are a few platform_drivers that follow very similar codepaths, that is, they use ioremap() and __raw_readl()
20:33.01joshc_hmm, I suppose, in that way, they are registered to the kernel's memory resource hierarchy
20:33.19joshc_although, it doesn't seem like the ioremap() codepath cares
20:33.23roxfani wonder if that memory is already mapped or something like that
20:34.05joshc_it shouldn't be, but I'm unsure how to validate that
20:35.06joshc_roxfan: although, then, why would mmap'ing /dev/mem work?
20:38.37roxfanhm, can you check /proc/ioports or /proc/iomem?
20:39.01joshc_the region isn't listed in /proc/iomem, /proc/ioports is empty
20:39.20roxfanand after ioremap?
20:40.02joshc_I don't think it shows up, but let me confirm
20:40.18joshc_this is what I meant by 'not added to the kernels resource hierarchy'
20:40.31joshc_I'm wondering if my next step should be to make it a legitimate platform_driver
20:42.35joshc_nope, doesn't show up after ioremap()
20:55.36roxfanhmm i wonder if you need to call request_region()
20:59.33joshc_very interesting
21:01.09joshc_I'll give that a try
21:06.24joshc_I'm transforming it into a legitimate platform_driver, lets see what happens
21:38.36joshc_gah, that didn't help either.
21:39.13joshc_I was hoping someone in here would just tell me I'm doing something stupid :)
22:10.15*** join/#elinux e_lectronaute (
23:36.13*** join/#elinux myopic1 (
23:36.53myopic1Out of curiosity, is anyone in here going to SCALE?

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