IRC log for #elinux on 20110124

04:30.01*** join/#elinux jamie (
04:31.57*** join/#elinux jamie___ (
06:47.43*** join/#elinux lyakh (
10:49.22*** join/#elinux isbric (
10:51.24isbrica friend just bouth a guruplug server plus, due to extensive amout of prblems in the preinstalled ubuntu based dist i was wondering if anyone know of a good alternat dist for this hardware.
11:30.35*** join/#elinux gustavoz (
13:06.08wmatisbric: I thought those came with Debian preinstalled?
13:08.39wmatisbric: your best bet would just be to google though
13:32.03isbricwmat: cant say i spent hours googeling it but a few tryes gave me nothing in particular.
13:32.52isbrici was actualy intrested in the ubuntu arb build running on the beagle board, but i dont know if it is even posible.
13:33.31isbricabout the preinstalled ubuntu, its broken imo
13:35.49wmatdepending on what distribution you want, you should be able to find other efforts out there.  When I google guruplug server plus fedora, I get lots of hits
13:36.11wmatsame with guruplug server plus debian
13:36.45wmatthere does seem to be lots of issues with the preinstalled distribution though
13:37.14wmatthat seems like a great place to start
13:40.11isbricah, thx.
13:41.13isbricbtw, i culdnt find much about the guruplug on the elinux wiki, also the shiva plug page is outdated i think "havvent givven it much time though so i might be wrong" ofc being the central place top look first ;)
14:03.49*** join/#elinux radav (
14:36.58wmatisbric: feel free to add whatever you learn to the wiki ;)
15:06.08KmarcDebian lenny is preinstalled on guruplug
15:06.36Kmarchowever, how it is broken?
15:11.17jzarr_02 01hi all, anyone familiar with the ISP1760 USB host controler
15:30.10wmatKmarc: i actually don't have a sheevaplug but mentioned that the preinstalled distro may have problems given the limited amount of googling I just did
15:30.23wmatKmarc: for all I really know, it's not broken at all in current form
15:36.53isbricthe one my friend hold curently have ubuntu 9.x installed
16:40.00*** join/#elinux radav (
17:49.10*** join/#elinux toi (
20:26.44*** part/#elinux jzarr_ (~jzarr@
21:10.06*** join/#elinux svolpe (~Gerrath@unaffiliated/gerrath)

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