IRC log for #elinux on 20101012

02:29.37*** join/#elinux cendres (
03:07.09*** join/#elinux russ (
03:07.09*** mode/#elinux [+o russ] by ChanServ
05:24.03*** join/#elinux Xires (
05:34.34*** join/#elinux PeterM (~Peter@
05:58.57*** join/#elinux lyakh (
08:17.41*** join/#elinux sassan (
08:30.29*** join/#elinux sassan (
08:44.50*** join/#elinux sassan (
10:14.40*** join/#elinux roxfan (dunno@
10:19.35*** join/#elinux pirho (debian-tor@gateway/tor-sasl/pirho)
10:33.34Sulimoplease I need help on build root
10:34.44*** join/#elinux pirho (debian-tor@gateway/tor-sasl/pirho)
10:50.02*** join/#elinux pirho (debian-tor@gateway/tor-sasl/pirho)
10:57.53*** join/#elinux Posterdati (
11:29.23*** join/#elinux Killer (~luis@
11:49.27*** join/#elinux PierreLuc (
11:59.34*** join/#elinux gustavoz (
12:58.08*** join/#elinux ibot (
12:58.08*** topic/#elinux is Embedded Linux || || Please ask anything, however this is a low volume channel therefore it may take 24 hours (or longer) to get a response. Please be patient.
12:58.08*** mode/#elinux [+o ibot] by ChanServ
13:02.28*** join/#elinux darkschneider (
14:32.03*** join/#elinux tgall_foo (~tgall@
14:32.03*** join/#elinux tgall_foo (~tgall@gentoo/developer/dr-who)
14:42.09*** join/#elinux tgall_foo (~tgall@
14:42.09*** join/#elinux tgall_foo (~tgall@gentoo/developer/dr-who)
16:05.16*** join/#elinux Killer (
16:11.42*** join/#elinux pirho (debian-tor@gateway/tor-sasl/pirho)
16:15.17*** join/#elinux johanneswilm (~johannes@
16:17.41johanneswilmhi. I want to exchange one of two kernel images on an embedded arm device. hwoever the firmware updater does crc recalculation for both kernels upon update. I would therffore need to recover the second kernel from the mtd. dd if=/dev/mtdX > current-kernel gives me that image padded with 0xFF. is there a way I can remove those trailing 0xFF?
16:27.09johanneswilmsorry, wrong channel
16:40.48*** join/#elinux toi (
17:24.10*** join/#elinux brokentoaster (
19:47.14*** join/#elinux roxfan (dunno@
20:25.20*** join/#elinux johanneswilm (~johannes@
21:16.58*** join/#elinux johanneswilm (~johannes@
22:56.53*** join/#elinux johanneswilm (~johannes@

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