IRC log for #elinux on 20091204

00:48.32*** join/#elinux thraxisp (n=thraxisp@
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02:05.46*** join/#elinux roxfan (
03:36.38*** join/#elinux surjya (
03:37.39surjyaHi geeks
03:38.02surjyaI need help regarding platform selection
03:38.36surjyaI planning to develop a test gear which is capable of analysing IPTV,VOIP and simple data traffic
03:39.00surjyafor that i will be designing a handheld device
03:39.18MonMothaoff the shelf device or custom?
03:39.20surjyaI need to know which processor will be suitable for my requirements
03:40.14MonMothaany reason an off-the-shelf device won't work?
03:44.54surjyai need to put some extra features in that
03:45.02surjyasorry for late reply
03:45.40MonMothawell, then the question is what kind of performance, interfaces, and power requirements do you have/
03:46.01surjyathe power is 10W
03:46.18surjyait should process 1GigE IP packets
03:46.21MonMotha10W?  that's a LOT for a handheld
03:46.46MonMothaI take it this device will be plugged in during operation?
03:46.47surjyai m planning to make the device as 7x7"
03:47.01surjyaan Touch screen display will be there
03:47.09surjyaso i think 10W is needed
03:47.09MonMothaor will it have a really big battery?
03:47.25MonMothaI see, so most of your power budget is being blown on the display?
03:47.53surjyabut it should hav its own power source
03:48.04surjyayea. that a fact also
03:48.26MonMothaThere are some Marvell ARM SoCs with built-in gigE and reasonable (though not great) performance.  I don't know what kind of CPU horsepower you require.
03:48.29surjyaactuall it will be a GPON testing device
03:48.37MonMothaalso, you'll have to sacrifice your first born to get the datasheet
03:48.40surjyawe need to test 1GigE gpon links
03:49.07MonMothayou might just consider using an Atom
03:49.26surjyaIn applications I want to put a VLC or equivalent media mplayer for iptv testing
03:49.41surjyayea... I am just planning for atom also
03:49.45MonMothawell, most embedded SoCs have video decode acceleration of some sort
03:49.57surjyabut I dont know the cost difference between ARM and Atom
03:50.08surjyathe overall platform cost
03:50.10MonMothaTI has their OMAP ARM+DSP series, Freescale has i.MX with some sort of hardware decode, Marvell has hardware decode
03:50.15surjyaand technical challenges
03:50.35MonMothawell, the ARM SoCs are generally easier to design with, though you can get some Atom based system-on-modules that make things easier
03:51.30MonMothacheck out the Radisys Z500
03:51.37surjyaI would just need the IPTV player, a voip call analyser and simple IP data debugging application like ping, traceroute
03:51.41surjyaonly these 3
03:51.57MonMothahave you considered just using a tablet PC?
03:52.08MonMothaor a netbook
03:52.46surjyaand on linux platform
03:54.06MonMothaI'd re-look at off-the-shelf stuff, but if you still want to go custom, TI OMAP or Intel Atom System-on-Module is probably your best bet
03:54.09MonMothamaybe Freescale i.MX
03:56.23surjyaok... thanks a lot
03:56.32surjyaI am planning to go for atom
03:56.46surjyabecause lots of experts are suggesting for atom only
03:57.15surjyaand now u also added
03:57.25MonMothaAtom is probably the most "familiar" from a software POV
03:57.53MonMothathough you'll probably want the GMA500 (Poulsbo) SCH chipset for HD video capability, and that will require some hackery
03:58.20surjyahav you any idea how much cost it will come for whole complete device?
03:58.26surjyawith my features
03:58.31MonMothathe 945 chipset is high power (like 5W!) and doesn't have accelerated video decode
03:58.42MonMothaI think Z500 modules are about $175
03:58.55surjyaand atom?
03:58.58MonMothathat includes CPU, chipset, RAM, gigE
03:59.05MonMothathat's an Atom based system-on-module
03:59.19MonMothaI doubt you have the volume to justify dealing with the bare chips
03:59.49surjyai would need around 50
03:59.52MonMothathe ARM SoCs are much easier to deal with, and you may be able to justify bare chips
04:00.03MonMothayeah, 50 isn't enough to justify dealing with the bare CPU/chipset stuff for Atom
04:00.19MonMothathe layout alone will probably drive you nuts beyond justification
04:00.33surjyameans after sales increase we may increase the volume
04:01.41MonMothaat 50, you might even consider a pre-made CPU module+memory for the ARM based stuff.  There are plenty out there.
04:02.21surjyabut can arm support the GigE + a video player + call processing?
04:02.37surjyai mean processing power
04:03.02MonMothayes, with hardware acceleration
04:03.49MonMothathe only CPU intensive thing there is the video playback and maybe audio processing for the VOIP, and you can use DSP functions for that.  ARM926EJ-S and the common ARM11 (ARM1176JZF, I think) both have some built in DSP, and lots of ARM SoCs are mated with video decoding hardware
04:03.56surjyaI am very new to dealing this type of projects
04:04.08MonMothaI'm not sure if anybody other than Marvell has onboard gigE, though.  100Mb is common.
04:04.11surjyacan plz guide me how to proceed with this type of project
04:05.17MonMothawell, I'd call up your sales reps at the aforementioned companies and ask them to come up with suitable products.  That's their job.
04:17.05*** join/#elinux m4t (
04:17.21m4tanyone here done work on a vr5500 based system?
04:21.15MonMotham4t: I've looked at a DCT5000 before; IIRC that's VR5500
04:21.55m4tdct5000 is that a board or a soc?
04:22.14m4tstb okay
04:22.35m4tyea. nec has been reviving the vr5500 in new multimedia soc's
04:23.06m4ti found an old nec rockhopper board w/ a vr5500 cpu card for $0.99
04:23.09m4tunused apparently
04:23.13MonMothaat one point, there was interest in running Linux on the DCT5000, but I think that's gone away
04:23.18m4tstill has the plastic cover on the lcd
04:23.24MonMothaI'd still like to do it some time, but it's low priority
04:24.20m4tim trying to re-add rockhopper board support (deprecated ~2.6.18) to 2.6.31+ (w/enhanced vr5500 support, for the new SoC)
04:24.49m4tso far it shows up in menuconfig and selects the proper cpu
04:24.56MonMothamaybe the DCT5000 is an even older VPU
04:24.57m4tbut, my toolchain is still compiling
04:25.02MonMothaIIRC, it never had 2.6 support
04:25.08m4tvr5500 is from 2001
04:25.13MonMothawell, it's old enough
04:25.43m4tvery similar
04:25.52MonMothaVR5476 northbridge
04:26.26m4tah i see the elinux page now, heh
04:26.49MonMothaif you can get the CPU support working again, I'd look at trying to get the kernel to boot on it
04:27.04MonMothaI kinda gave up when the CPU became unsupported
04:27.40m4ti got a mips stb i'm ~working on
04:27.52m4trebranded tatung stb-2300
04:28.05m4tdrm has it mostly locked into wince
04:28.15m4tand my jtag wasn't detected at all
04:28.19m4tso i set it aside
04:28.39MonMothafrom the looks of this device, all the set-top specific stuff just sits on the PCI bus
04:28.57MonMothaso it should be possible to at least boot linux on it and get video (graphics are ATI Rage type)
04:29.06m4tthat'd be cool
04:30.23MonMothaget me CPU support, and I'll have at :)
04:30.44MonMothaat one point, I was also stumbling over the bootloader to use, but it looks like everybody is using u-boot now
04:30.51m4tthe thing is, about 5432 support
04:31.08m4tthe last rockhopper targets selected CPU_VR5432
04:31.36m4tlet me check here
04:32.33MonMothaI seem to recall CPU support I needed being removed from like 2.6.8 and apparently never working at all, but I could have been mistaken
04:34.09m4tCPU_R5432 is in 2.6.18
04:35.42m4t2.6.18 is 'current' w/debian patches too
04:36.32m4tits in too
04:38.26m4tthe new commits for the VR5500 are from '09
04:43.05MonMothahum, I wonder if it got revived
04:44.40MonMothais there VR5476 support?
04:47.51*** join/#elinux adb (n=adb@
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21:53.12gandhijeehi, could someone please help me?  i am trying to access GPIO pins on an intel based motherboard, but i cant seem to get to them, they are on a PCI device
21:53.45gandhijeeand it shows up on the bus under d31:f0 according to the documentation, but i can't figure out how to get to the pins and toggle tem
21:54.11MonMothashould be a pretty straightforward PCI driver hack-up
21:54.23MonMothaor are you wanting to do this from userspace?
21:58.22gandhijeeMonMotha: user space, right now i'm just trying to toggle them from dos's debug
21:59.40MonMothawell, you'll have to figure out what I/O or memory regions it is mapped into
21:59.57gandhijeehow would i go about figuring that out?
21:59.59MonMothalspci will tell you those things, then you can use inb/outb or memmap /dev/mem
22:00.12gandhijeelspci will tell me?
22:00.20MonMothafrom DOS, I have no idea.  You'll have to set your BIOS up to do the PnP stuff for you.
22:00.25gandhijeeright now i've been trying to just search for certain default strings
22:00.25MonMothayeah, lspci -v
22:00.43gandhijeethat will tell me what iospace's it using under linux?
22:00.56gandhijeegot ya
22:01.58MonMothaIIRC, that I/O port should be accessable using inb/outb, inw/outw, etc., and the memory should be mappable via /dev/mem
22:02.12MonMothayou'll need to be root for the former, and the latter depends on the permissions of /dev/mem (usually limited to root for security reasons)
22:03.02gandhijeei've done it using inb/outb, but that was for a winbond chip, so it was pretty simple
22:03.54*** join/#elinux MonMotha (
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22:49.00*** join/#elinux MonMotha (

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