IRC log for #elinux on 20091127

00:23.34*** join/#elinux thraxisp (n=thraxisp@
02:07.41*** join/#elinux type_t (
02:18.01*** part/#elinux type_t (
02:28.46*** join/#elinux linac (n=lin@
02:37.15*** join/#elinux HcE^ (
03:37.54*** join/#elinux menomc (
03:38.00*** join/#elinux ccjoe_ (n=ccjoe@
03:46.52*** join/#elinux CIA-8 (n=CIA@ [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
03:46.52*** join/#elinux mnemoc (
03:46.53*** join/#elinux ccjoe (n=ccjoe@
05:41.28*** join/#elinux virals (n=Viral_Sa@
07:51.31*** join/#elinux virals (n=Viral_Sa@
08:13.28*** join/#elinux rhett (n=rhett@
08:14.10rhettI pulled the pci ribbon off a board, now I can't get it to work after I connect it again
08:15.27ZeZuribbons are a PITA sometimes
08:15.35ZeZuits probably not inserted all the way
08:21.10*** join/#elinux lyakh (
08:21.10*** join/#elinux thraxisp (n=thraxisp@
08:21.10*** join/#elinux kbingham (
08:21.11*** join/#elinux philipp64 (n=chatzill@
08:21.11*** join/#elinux InSearchOf (
08:21.11*** join/#elinux tgall_foo (n=tgall@gentoo/developer/dr-who)
08:51.50*** join/#elinux virals (n=Viral_Sa@
09:04.54rhettZeZu, I tried to insert it 20 times
09:05.08rhettshould there be any metal showing out the top?
10:13.40*** join/#elinux lyakh ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
10:13.40*** join/#elinux thraxisp (n=thraxisp@ [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
10:13.40*** join/#elinux kbingham ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
10:13.40*** join/#elinux philipp64 (n=chatzill@
10:13.40*** join/#elinux InSearchOf ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
10:13.40*** join/#elinux tgall_foo (n=tgall@gentoo/developer/dr-who) [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
11:43.22*** join/#elinux pirho (i=pirho@gateway/gpg-tor/key-0x2CEEC9CB)
12:04.42*** join/#elinux gustavoz (
12:57.04*** join/#elinux virals1 (n=Viral_Sa@
14:20.53*** join/#elinux InSearchOf ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
14:20.59*** join/#elinux lyakh ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
14:21.03*** join/#elinux gustavoz (n=gustavoz@
14:21.12*** join/#elinux kbingham (n=kbingham@ [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
14:21.41*** join/#elinux philipp64 (n=chatzill@
14:58.11*** join/#elinux tsjsieb (
15:18.51*** join/#elinux flavioribeiro (n=flavio@
15:20.53*** join/#elinux tgall_foo (n=tgall@gentoo/developer/dr-who)
15:38.56*** join/#elinux ibot (
15:38.56*** topic/#elinux is Embedded Linux || || cross compile, uClibc, busybox, handhelds, post-sale linux installs ;-), etc.
15:38.56*** mode/#elinux [+o ibot] by ChanServ
15:48.31*** join/#elinux thraxisp (
16:47.19*** join/#elinux linac (n=lin@
17:55.14*** join/#elinux toi (
19:11.24*** join/#elinux roxfan2 (
21:01.52*** join/#elinux chiques (
21:38.04*** join/#elinux geep (
22:18.34*** join/#elinux MonMotha (
23:56.15*** join/#elinux ibot (
23:56.15*** topic/#elinux is Embedded Linux || || cross compile, uClibc, busybox, handhelds, post-sale linux installs ;-), etc.
23:56.15*** mode/#elinux [+o ibot] by ChanServ

Generated by Modified by Tim Riker to work with infobot.