IRC log for #elinux on 20090616

00:06.02*** join/#elinux jjg (n=jjg@
01:49.35*** join/#elinux jjg (
02:15.03*** join/#elinux ashes (
04:32.59*** join/#elinux Xires (
05:00.29*** join/#elinux harpal (n=Harpal@
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06:07.32*** join/#elinux tsjsieb (
06:11.19*** join/#elinux lyakh (
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07:24.22*** join/#elinux hw (
07:24.59*** join/#elinux lyakh_ (
07:31.59*** join/#elinux harpal (n=Harpal@
07:38.42lo127hi methril
07:44.39methril|workhi lo127
08:15.27lo127methril|work, making slow but steady progress here :)
08:19.33*** join/#elinux harpal (n=Harpal@
08:48.00methril|worklo127: what are you doing rught now? Are you setting a FDT?
08:48.15*** join/#elinux pleemans (
08:48.33lo127methril|work, I'm trying to figure out where in head_32.S the kernel stalls
08:48.53lo127not the simplest without a JTAG and no console yet
08:48.58methril|worklo127, do you have a debugger?
08:49.15methril|workuf!! without JTAG it's hard to figure out
08:49.26lo127I can confirm that :)
08:49.33lo127I have one char on the serial ;)
08:49.35methril|workand no console?
08:49.46lo127I have console in the bootstrap loader
08:49.47methril|workdid you try to set EARLY_CONSOLE in kernel?
08:50.04lo127I did, its early_printk or something
08:50.05methril|worki don't remember where that option was....
08:50.19lo127Looked for a config_serial_text_debug
08:50.31lo127but didn't find it
08:50.41methril|workare you sure taht it's in head_32.S?
08:51.25lo127It reaches it, not sure yet how far it comes
08:51.31lo127probably faling on MMU setup
08:51.57methril|workare you trying to add a new CPU? or it's supported in the kernel?
08:53.05lo127its supported
08:53.24lo127but not the exact board and the custom bootloader
08:54.57methril|workand you're not able to have a JTAG?
08:55.07methril|workfor this stage is the best tool that you could have
08:56.56*** join/#elinux pocek_ (
09:12.19*** join/#elinux damunix (
09:34.51*** join/#elinux linac (n=lin@
10:23.00*** join/#elinux pirho (i=pirho@gateway/gpg-tor/key-0x2CEEC9CB)
10:30.25*** join/#elinux gandhijee (
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11:44.42*** join/#elinux damunix (
12:23.19*** join/#elinux lo127 (
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13:15.02*** join/#elinux gustavoz (
13:39.39*** join/#elinux harpal (n=Harpal@
14:03.13*** join/#elinux GPSFan (n=kenm@
15:47.20*** join/#elinux flavioribeiro (n=avaty@
16:11.58*** join/#elinux pleemans (
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17:36.21*** join/#elinux albech (n=albech@
17:48.27*** join/#elinux flavioribeiro (n=avaty@
18:35.59*** join/#elinux jjg (n=jjg@
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20:11.41*** join/#elinux toi (
20:20.54*** join/#elinux likewise (
23:30.57*** join/#elinux likewise_ (
23:39.40*** join/#elinux CIA-21 (n=CIA@
23:44.44*** join/#elinux ccjoe_ (

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