IRC log for #elinux on 20090527

01:11.16*** join/#elinux TimRiker (
01:11.16*** mode/#elinux [+o TimRiker] by ChanServ
02:24.12*** join/#elinux pleemans (
03:17.37*** join/#elinux linac (n=lin@ [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
03:17.37*** join/#elinux Kmarc ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
03:49.57*** join/#elinux albech (n=albech@
04:52.33*** join/#elinux likewhoa (
06:02.17*** join/#elinux harpal (n=Harpal@
06:08.36*** join/#elinux lyakh (
06:11.25*** join/#elinux tsjsieb (
06:23.29*** join/#elinux hw (
06:40.35*** join/#elinux pleemans (
07:00.59*** join/#elinux virals (n=virals@
07:07.44*** part/#elinux virals (n=virals@
07:20.11*** join/#elinux boris_OmegA (n=boris@
08:49.56*** join/#elinux tsjsieb (
09:15.21*** join/#elinux harpal (n=harpal@
09:22.24*** join/#elinux booxter (
09:36.18*** join/#elinux Eismann (
09:56.20*** join/#elinux likewise (
10:25.34*** join/#elinux tsjsieb (
11:09.22*** join/#elinux pirho (i=pirho@gateway/gpg-tor/key-0x2CEEC9CB)
11:17.44*** join/#elinux damunix (
11:23.32*** join/#elinux GPSFan (n=kenm@
12:11.32*** join/#elinux gustavoz (
13:03.06*** join/#elinux boris_OmegA (n=boris@
13:51.40*** join/#elinux haeger (
13:52.01haegerhello :) i've updated my busybox from 1.01 to 1.14... now the support for usb seems to be broken :D is there an option in menuconfig i have to switch on/off?
13:53.07gustavozusb support in busybox? that's new
14:01.35haegerhmm... i mean befor i update busybox to 1.14 i could use usb-keyboards after the update i can't
14:03.54haegerthe only change i've made is the replacement of the busybox binary the links remain untouched
14:05.47haegerafter reboot the keyboard doesn't work... thus debugging is a little bit difficult :D
14:09.52booxterhaeger: what device scheme do you use - udev, mdev, fully static?
14:11.08haegerhmm moment please :D
14:23.34*** join/#elinux thraxisp (
15:03.09*** join/#elinux TimRiker (i=timr@2002:441b:b00f:0:0:0:0:1)
15:03.10*** mode/#elinux [+o TimRiker] by ChanServ
15:07.14*** join/#elinux likewise (
15:54.48*** join/#elinux damunix (
16:31.34*** join/#elinux pleemans (
17:47.09*** join/#elinux ccole (
18:13.39*** join/#elinux damunix (
18:50.55*** join/#elinux flavioribeiro (n=avaty@
19:01.35*** join/#elinux jlg (n=jlg@
19:28.29*** join/#elinux gustavoz (
19:29.01*** join/#elinux jjg (n=jjg@
19:44.38*** join/#elinux archae0pteryx (
20:51.58*** join/#elinux MonMotha (n=monmotha@
20:54.26*** join/#elinux TimRiker (i=timr@bzflag/projectlead/TimRiker)
20:54.26*** mode/#elinux [+o TimRiker] by ChanServ
20:59.52*** join/#elinux TimRiker (i=timr@bzflag/projectlead/TimRiker)
20:59.52*** mode/#elinux [+o TimRiker] by ChanServ
21:03.49*** join/#elinux darkschneider2 (
22:20.14*** join/#elinux flavio_ (n=avaty@
23:19.53*** join/#elinux jlg (
23:59.12*** join/#elinux thraxisp (n=thraxisp@

Generated by Modified by Tim Riker to work with infobot.