IRC log for #elinux on 20090430

00:04.31*** join/#elinux flavioribeiro (
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00:46.21*** join/#elinux jamie (n=jamie@pdpc/supporter/active/jamie)
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01:15.33*** join/#elinux thraxisp (n=thraxisp@
01:24.45*** join/#elinux TimRiker (
01:24.45*** mode/#elinux [+o TimRiker] by ChanServ backup about done, server upgrade coming soon.
01:51.53wmatTimRiker: awesome
01:57.40TimRikerk. starting the upgrade...
02:06.01TimRikercrap crap crap....
02:08.19TimRikerthe vz kernel they are using appears to be incompatible with glib 2.7 which is in lenny.
02:08.57TimRikernow I'm logged in on a broken system. ls -l /   and similar fail. but ls -l works.
02:11.27wmatcan you downgrade glib?
02:11.51TimRikernot very easily.
02:11.59TimRikerlooking at it now.
02:12.24TimRikerhome/wmat/backups ... great... we have backups of our backups
02:13.15wmatheh, those were temporary
02:13.20wmatI just didn't delete them yet
02:14.15TimRikeryeah.. now they are all in the backups and taking a while to restore.
02:14.40TimRikernote: /mnt is NOT backed up. so if you have some temp dirs, please put them there.
02:14.59wmatah, will do
02:32.07TimRikerargh.... not having much luck....
02:38.41wmatwith the libc downgrade or are you fully restoring?
02:50.19TimRikerlibc* etc downgrade.
02:50.39TimRikerssh is back now... doing some tests before starting up apache etc.
02:52.37wmatis upgrading mediawiki only a possibility? from the unstable deb perhaps
02:56.44TimRikermailman is installed?
02:57.00TimRikerIs qrunner even running?
02:57.00TimRikerSite list is missing: mailman
02:57.13TimRikerthat's the error from trying to restart it.
02:58.27wmatwe had mailing lists working
02:58.59wmatbut they can stay down for now if you want to just get the wiki back up for now
03:00.23TimRikerI think everything is back up... I should probably reboot to make sure it all comes back. k?
03:01.36TimRikerI moved your backups to /mnt and symlinked to there.
03:02.28TimRikerrebooting now...
03:03.03TimRikerlooks like it all came back ok.
03:04.18TimRikerwell that was fun.. not.
03:04.32wmatsorry about that, Tim :(
03:04.51TimRikerI think we should ask the hosting folks if they have a schedule to move to a newer kernel sometime.
03:05.17TimRiker2.6.9 is old, and the vz patches back then included some ugly hacks.
03:06.26wmatsure, i can do that
03:08.28wmatwhat do you think about just upgrading MW from the later debs?
03:13.13wmatok, i submitted the question
03:18.14wmatTimRiker: I've informed the CELF office to expect a reply from GoDaddy and to forward it along.  I'm going to crash now. Thx again.
03:18.33TimRikerjust sent an email on it.
03:18.39TimRikerto you and tbird.
03:19.15TimRikerI'd try a MW upgrade on another etch install first. perhaps a vm session etc. just in case.
03:19.46TimRikerprobably will work, but I'd recommend trying it someplace else first.
03:22.21wmati've got a machine beside me with 1.7 on it, so I'll try it there. But tomorrow, I'm fading quickly.
03:33.50TimRikeragreed. nite.
03:56.21*** join/#elinux albech (
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13:46.54mnemoc <--- finally a kernel-mantained /dev again :p
13:48.16MonMothaas awful as devfs was, it was quite useful on embedded stuff
13:48.31MonMothaI wonder what the "non-embedded" people will have to say about this
13:51.57russdunno, I thought mdev works quite well on embedded devices
13:52.58mnemocit does, but coldplugging hurts booting times anyway
13:52.58russmaybe someone should make a /bin/sh with integrated mdev
13:53.20MonMothawill this let me boot my PCs with SATA without an initrd finally?
13:53.57mnemocprobably you will need to `modprobe` anyway :p
13:54.52MonMothathe requirement for an initrd/initramfs in order to have a SATA device on / always bugged me
13:56.00mnemocthat only depends in how modular your kernel was built
13:56.23MonMothaI had a laptop that I could NOT get to find /dev/sda (my SATA hard drive) until after the initramfs ran no matter what I tried
13:56.43MonMothaI built a custom kernel with all that stuff turned on, and it wouldn't be able to mount it
13:56.54mnemocbut my roots (except on embedded) are always on LVM so I don't have many alternatives
13:57.02MonMothadropped the same exact setup onto a system with PATA and it worked fine
13:57.10mnemocthat's odd
13:57.20MonMothaseveral others have reported the same thing happening
13:57.48russMonMotha: its not a spinup issue, is it?
13:57.54MonMothaI didn't have the time to investigate any further
13:58.01gustavozthat's odd, i've got all of my sata machines fine without an initrd
13:58.03MonMotharuss: the bootloader was on the same drive :)
13:58.16MonMothaso the drive was obviously fully up and ready
13:58.17mnemocrootdelay= helps a lot
13:58.29MonMothayes, it's possible that it just needed a delay
13:58.36MonMothaI don't think that option existed when I was attempting this
13:58.38gustavozor maybe async scsi scanning is kicking in
13:59.29*** join/#elinux dijenerate (n=dijenera@
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17:32.03*** topic/#elinux is Embedded Linux || || cross compile, uClibc, busybox, handhelds, post-sale linux installs ;-), etc.
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