IRC log for #elinux on 20090216

02:52.41*** part/#elinux flyback (
06:41.00*** join/#elinux ashes (
06:50.14*** join/#elinux harpal (n=Harpal@
07:01.22*** join/#elinux pleemans (
07:23.10*** join/#elinux lyakh (
07:43.44*** join/#elinux linac (n=lin@
08:10.53*** join/#elinux rraasch (n=ryan@
08:16.53*** join/#elinux hw (
08:17.05*** join/#elinux rraasch (n=ryan@
09:27.46*** join/#elinux methril (n=Methril@
10:11.43*** join/#elinux booxter (
10:31.30*** join/#elinux kbingham_ (
11:01.38*** join/#elinux gustavoz (
11:47.21*** join/#elinux pirho (i=pirho@gateway/gpg-tor/key-0x2CEEC9CB)
13:39.43*** join/#elinux hw__ (
13:45.39*** join/#elinux Xires (
14:31.26*** join/#elinux GPSFan (n=kenm@
14:35.23*** join/#elinux linac (n=lin@
14:36.48*** join/#elinux testmonkey (
14:37.48testmonkeyhi guys, whats the best way of deploying a kernel and an initrd ?
14:38.32testmonkeywe are using u-boot, is there a way of combining the two and having uboot unpack into ram then execute ?
14:38.54testmonkeythe idea is to give us an antibrick area for our device
14:39.16testmonkeywith its own kernel and minimal tools to dd the rest of the flash
14:40.04testmonkeyat the moment I can dd the kernel to the start of an mtd partition then the initrd after
14:40.31testmonkeythen setenv to call kernel and pass initrd as an argument, but its a bit clunky
14:46.22mnemoctestmonkey: when compiling the kernel you can pass it the initrd so they get bundled
14:47.43testmonkeyok that sounds good, does it have to be a set format or will the compressed ext2 method work ?
14:47.58testmonkeyI think I need to do some googling
14:48.11testmonkeysounds ideal tho
14:49.56mnemoctestmonkey: CONFIG_INITRAMFS_SOURCE ... no idea if it also supports rd
15:36.23testmonkeycpio i think, should be fairly easy to convert, will keep you posted thanks
15:37.18mnemoctestmonkey: yw
15:46.41*** join/#elinux tgall__ (n=tgall@nat/ibm/x-009d0078d6d05de1)
16:01.19*** join/#elinux markl_ (n=mark@
16:34.06*** join/#elinux flavioribeiro (n=avaty@
16:40.03*** join/#elinux file (n=file@asterisk/developer-and-muffin-lover/file)
16:40.03*** mode/#elinux [+v file] by ChanServ
16:40.07*** join/#elinux booxter (n=booxter@
16:45.08*** part/#elinux chouimat (n=quassel@kde/developer/chouinard)
16:50.03*** part/#elinux tgall__ (n=tgall@nat/ibm/x-009d0078d6d05de1)
16:52.03*** join/#elinux markl__ (n=mark@
18:00.49*** join/#elinux flavio_ (n=avaty@
18:04.10*** join/#elinux flavio__ (n=avaty@
18:30.28*** join/#elinux pcgeil (
19:33.29*** join/#elinux methril|laptop (
19:40.55*** join/#elinux sjhill (
20:05.57*** join/#elinux pleemans (
20:28.16*** join/#elinux markl__ (n=mark@
20:29.17*** join/#elinux rock_linux (n=mjampala@
20:44.01*** join/#elinux pytey (n=pytey@
21:12.55*** join/#elinux ft_ (n=pytey@
21:16.56*** join/#elinux pytey (n=pytey@
22:13.02*** join/#elinux pirho_ (i=pirho@gateway/gpg-tor/key-0x2CEEC9CB)
22:13.04*** join/#elinux pytey (n=pytey@
22:14.17*** join/#elinux booxter (
22:24.10*** join/#elinux pcgeil (
23:00.52*** join/#elinux lyakh (
23:44.20*** join/#elinux brolin (n=brolin@

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