IRC log for #elinux on 20090113

00:32.27flybackcan't believe no idiot on freenode has even jtag'd a amd elan soc
01:04.46*** join/#elinux ccjoe (
01:07.58*** join/#elinux ccjoe (
01:23.03flybackwatches the blood pour from his finger and reminds everyone on irc that NIB MAGNETS ON FINGERS CANUCKING HURT!
01:51.42*** join/#elinux archae0pteryx (
01:59.10*** join/#elinux archae0ptery1 (
03:43.27*** join/#elinux moi1234 (
03:43.56*** join/#elinux albech (n=thomas@
05:08.41*** join/#elinux zheng (n=zheng@
05:12.21*** join/#elinux zheng (n=zheng@
05:15.18*** join/#elinux zheng (n=zheng@
05:40.48*** join/#elinux harpal (n=Harpal@
05:53.30*** join/#elinux cendres (
06:27.47*** join/#elinux pb__ (n=pb@
07:05.18*** join/#elinux lyakh (
07:06.51*** join/#elinux zheng (n=zheng@
07:26.21*** join/#elinux hw (
07:33.09*** join/#elinux pleemans (
08:14.09*** join/#elinux boris_OmegA (n=boris@
10:57.55*** join/#elinux gustavoz (
11:28.38*** join/#elinux lyakh (
12:35.44*** join/#elinux booxter (
12:35.59booxterwhat is the default password for root on buildroot?
12:38.45gustavozthat depends on the target device, usually there's no password IIRC
12:39.12booxterhm, I try to login to the board through ssh but empty password doesn't work
12:39.31gustavozof course, that's usually not permitted, you must set a password for ssh
12:39.34booxtermine device is STB225 NXP board
12:39.47booxterI use generic mipsel
12:40.18booxterhow can I set the password with no serial console connection at the first place?
12:40.35gustavozmodify the target skeleton /etc/shadow file
12:41.29mnemocbetter inject an authorized_keys file :)
12:42.04gustavozthat too, depends if he wants to redistribute this or not :P
12:42.30booxterok guys, tnx for help :)
12:45.44mnemocgustavoz: a backdoor is always handy :p
13:06.17*** join/#elinux flavioribeiro (n=avaty@
13:29.22*** join/#elinux flavio_ (n=avaty@
13:54.50*** join/#elinux flavio__ (n=avaty@
14:04.28*** join/#elinux GPSFan (n=kenm@
14:05.53*** join/#elinux prpplague^2 (
14:46.57booxterhow to repopulate rootfs with target files (I need to update my device file list)
14:49.45booxterof course I ask about buildroot
15:09.15*** join/#elinux flavio__ (n=avaty@
16:34.00*** join/#elinux booxter (
16:54.44*** join/#elinux TimRiker (
16:54.44*** mode/#elinux [+o TimRiker] by ChanServ
17:03.49*** join/#elinux thraxisp (
17:09.18*** join/#elinux pcgeil (
17:36.26*** join/#elinux thraxisp (
17:37.56*** join/#elinux phb (
17:48.47*** join/#elinux thorsten1 (
18:01.29*** join/#elinux TimRiker (n=timr@bzflag/projectlead/TimRiker)
18:01.29*** mode/#elinux [+o TimRiker] by ChanServ
18:06.28*** join/#elinux Omegamoon (
18:41.28*** join/#elinux archae0pteryx (
18:45.55*** join/#elinux pcgeil_ (
19:03.51*** join/#elinux thraxisp (
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19:37.07*** join/#elinux flavio__ (n=avaty@
19:55.58*** join/#elinux thorsten1 (
20:44.42*** join/#elinux lyakh (
21:15.13*** join/#elinux booxter (
21:20.22*** join/#elinux zx80user (
21:24.11*** part/#elinux Omegamoon (
22:22.29flybackanyone here jtag'd amd elan
22:39.37archae0pteryxflyback, do you think there's an appropriate email list where you can ask?
22:41.25archae0pteryxah, too bad
22:46.32*** join/#elinux CIA-21 (n=CIA@
22:57.09*** join/#elinux CIA-58 (n=CIA@
23:20.50*** join/#elinux Kmarc_ (
23:23.58archae0pteryxIs there a better place to look for hardware support than just browsing through the kernel
23:41.05booxterarchae0pteryx, google? name_of_hardware + linux -> find kernel module name -> find it in kernel tree -> edit-test-compile-run
23:42.07archae0pteryxbooxter : I don't know if there are more generic drivers for some of the HW I'm interested in than the specific part number
23:42.27archae0pteryxBut I guess someone must have asked about the specifics before
23:55.29*** join/#elinux ZeZu (

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