IRC log for #elinux on 20081216

00:03.07NgHcE: I think I found a small bug, target/jffs2/ looks for mkfs.jffs2 in ./ even though I have o+/tmp/buildtmp and it's there
00:25.30Ngattempts to upgrade u-boot
00:36.20Nghmmm, the crc isn't matching after copying it to the mmc then over to the jffs and loadm'ing it
00:39.13Ngmd5sums match though
00:48.09flybackanyone here play with a juicebox
01:07.01*** join/#elinux thraxisp (n=thraxisp@
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02:52.07NgHcE: lacking a jtag, what would you recommend as being the least silly way to upgrade uboot 1.1.4 to current? I hear that <1.2 is unsafe to flash in-place
03:46.21flybackng dude
03:46.27flybackwigglers are $8 on ebay
03:46.36flybackeven my brain damaged mind with shaking hands
03:46.39flybackmanged to build one also
04:28.38flyback <--- me falls over
05:14.30flyback <-- why boycott monster cable
05:35.11flyback <-- shame, might have to start recommending something else
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06:31.11HcENg: ah, you have to use GCC 4.2.x to compile GCC 4.2 :/
06:32.29HcENg: that jffs2 script is only used for multiple partitions, and it assumes a lot about the environment.
06:32.45HcENg: best way to upgrade U-Boot is to use
06:33.03HcENg: then you have a u-boot which you can self upgrade
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08:55.44lyakhanyone has experience with directfb? why am I getting "unknown encoder"?
08:56.05lyakh(when running dfbscreen)
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11:23.27NgHcE: yeah sorry about that, I found those pre-built u-boots about an hour after I asked. I just couldn't get the one buildroot made to work and I was a bit reluctant to just erase the flash and program what I had in ;)
11:26.03HcENg: great, any more questions I did not give an answer to?
11:27.10NgHcE: I don't think so - I now have an upgraded u-boot and a 2.6.27 based root. I went wiht a single partition and copied the /usr stuff over via an MMC card. I still get an mtd3 show up which if I force mount has some kind of usr on it, but I removed it from fstab things seem to work well enough :)
11:28.53NgHcE: I did notice that the usb-mass-storage script doesn't seem to be included in the new build, but it's not like the commands to enable that gadget driver are particularly complex :)
11:29.06HcENg: I recommend you to just erase /dev/mtd3, in case you accidently mount it after an upgrade
11:31.24HcENg: yes, the usb-mass-storage stuff just did modprobe g_file_storage removable=1 file=/dev/mmcblk0p1
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13:24.35Ngscsi 20:0:0:0: CD-ROM            Linux    File-CD Gadget   0318 PQ: 0 ANSI: 2
13:24.41Ngsweet! now to see if I can boot from it
13:26.44HcEwoha, that was fast
13:32.07*** join/#elinux tgall_foo (n=tgall@gentoo/developer/dr-who)
13:35.56Ngbah, BIOS on my spare thinkpad can't see it. I wonder if this is the VBUS issue
13:41.00NgI don't know enough about usb to know if that's likely or not though
13:42.26HcEyou do not power from USB now right?
13:42.37HcEall USB ports should provide 100 mA
13:44.58NgI've not done the USB power hack, no. Just using a 9V supply I found in a cupboard.
13:45.24NgI'm wondering if it's that's causing the problem
13:45.56HcEyou can hack it yourself, make a voltage divider and hook it on a GPIO
13:46.44Ngsure, I'm just wondering if I can find a USB/BIOS expert first to avoid going and buying resistors and soldering the stuff on, building another root and discovering that it's a limitation of the driver or something ;)
13:48.37NgHcE: thank you very much, by the way, you've been incredibly helpful :D
13:49.37HcEthe driver supports VBUS, but only if you tell it about the GPIO pin to use
13:50.06Ngyeah the kernel patch is really simple, you just tell it which GPIO is vbus
13:50.28Ngit's quite a lot of years since I soldered anything though, that's the part which I'm less happy about doing ;)
13:51.09HcENg: include/linux/usb/atmel_usba_udc.h, there you have vbus_pin
13:51.37HcEsoldering should be quite easy, hook into the leads on the back side of the connector
13:51.54HcEand a free GPIO can be located on the big header connectors
13:52.02HcEand you'll need ground somewhere
13:52.12HcE(also on the big headers connectors)
13:52.13Ngthe last time I did any soldering I was adding more RAM to my Amiga, so it's about 15 years ago ;)
13:52.54HcEI think VBUS is the pin closest to LED B
13:52.59NgI mailed the guy who wrote the cdrom patch to g_file_storage to ask if he expects it to be bootable, if he says yes then I'll do the vbus thing
13:53.21HcEah, smart move, perhaps you need to add something else to let a BIOS know it is bootable?
13:53.39HcEhave you tried a more standard BIOS? Something not IBM
13:53.52HcEperhaps you need to fake a IBM drive
13:54.22NgI don't think so, that thinkpad has no CD drive and I've booted it from a bunch of different USB CDROMs, but I suppose I should reboot my desktop PC (some random taiwanese motherboard) and try that
13:54.27Ngthe only other machine I have is another thinkpad ;)
13:54.51HcEI love my thinkpad, have to use Dell on work...
13:56.23Ngwhich one do you have?
13:58.58HcEwith a RAM upgrade ;)
14:00.51HcEunsure what kind of machine I want for the future
14:01.03HcEI like big screen, but compact laptop
14:12.17Ngsome thinkpads are available with fairly high DPI screens, I have a 1440x900 one
14:17.32HcEhmmm, I want 1050 lines or more
14:17.48Ngah :)
14:18.12HcEI like to fill my screen with terminals ;)
14:19.32Nglikewise, so I wrote :)
14:21.14HcEdo you have mouse over support between the terminals?
14:21.56mnemocNg: i use terminator :)
14:21.58Ngif you use gnome and have mouse focus enabled then we do that automatically, otherwise you can set "focus=mouse" in the config file (see man terminator_config)
14:22.01Ngmnemoc: :D
14:22.27HcENg: excellent, just installed it
14:22.27mnemocNg: awesome tool :)
14:23.07mnemocNg: btw, font up/fond down would make it even more awesome :p
14:23.28Ngmnemoc: ctrl-shift + and ctrl-shift - :)
14:23.37NgHcE: 0.11 I hope? :)
14:23.54mnemocdoesn't work :'(
14:24.28Ngerr, ctrl - I mean. If it still doesn't work and it's 0.11 then we have debugging to do! ;)
14:24.51mnemocthat works!
14:25.27Ngkeyboard shortcuts are very annoying in gtk, we actually listen for ctrl-minus and ctrl-plus, which may or may not need shift depending on your keyboard layout
14:29.18mnemocis uberly happy now with the font of the irssi terminal larger than the others :)
14:35.32HcENg: 0.11-2ubuntu1
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14:36.57HcENg: hmm, focus follows mouse is what I want
14:37.01HcElet's see what I can configure
14:39.16mnemocwhat's wrong with click-to-focus?
14:39.22Ngmnemoc: it's annoying ;)
14:39.29NgI use focus-follows-mouse for everything
14:39.35HcEme too
14:39.45HcEit is a pain every time I reboot to Windows
14:39.50HcEit feels like 1992
14:39.51mnemoci'm too old for that, i get dizzy
14:41.49HcEfocus = "mouse"
14:41.55HcEis happy camper
14:50.26HcEfloorball break
14:58.20*** join/#elinux prpplague (
14:58.49mnemocwb prpplague
14:58.59prpplaguemnemoc: greetings
14:59.21prpplaguemnemoc: you package has been shipped, but i was told due to the xmas holidays to expect longer than normal delivery times
14:59.36mnemocprpplague: thanks!
14:59.41prpplaguemnemoc: normal is 7-10 business days, so i'm guessing 10-14 days
14:59.56mnemocperfectly fine ;-)
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23:36.46flybackfor yrs people push me to finally sit down and do a project
23:36.52flybackand you folks wonder why I always give up
23:36.58flybackafter weeks of soldering work etc
23:36.58flybackcmd/cmd_detectflash.c: In function ‘cmd_detectflash_run’:
23:36.58flybackcmd/cmd_detectflash.c:43: error: too few arguments to function ‘detectflash’
23:37.10flybackcan't even compile the canucking tools
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