IRC log for #elinux on 20081120

01:31.40*** join/#elinux thraxisp (n=thraxisp@
02:18.34*** join/#elinux JAF_ (n=chatzill@
02:25.15*** join/#elinux zheng (n=zheng@
03:18.48*** join/#elinux TimRiker (
03:18.48*** mode/#elinux [+o TimRiker] by ChanServ
03:29.00*** join/#elinux Dr_Who (n=tgall@gentoo/developer/dr-who)
04:29.56*** join/#elinux dp2 (
06:19.50*** join/#elinux harpal (n=Harpal@
07:08.04*** join/#elinux pleemans (
07:28.23*** join/#elinux lyakh (
08:21.34*** join/#elinux zheng (n=zheng@
08:24.04*** join/#elinux harpal (n=Harpal@
08:45.09*** join/#elinux zheng (n=zheng@
09:05.16*** join/#elinux zheng (n=zheng@
09:21.42*** join/#elinux samlt (
09:25.30samlthello, I'm facing this problem  (limits.h: No such file or directory) with the buildroot snapshot of yesterday. The bug report is closed as this problem is "Fixed since a long time."
09:26.55samltI had a similar problem with gcc with the 17th of November snapshot, this problem could be solved by making a symlink
09:28.08samltIs the right way to fix the problem?
09:29.09samltand if it is, how do I find on my own which symlink to do
09:29.37*** join/#elinux BlindMan (
09:30.35*** join/#elinux Omegamoon (
09:34.19samltThis is the full error and here is where I can find the file limits.h
09:54.30*** join/#elinux Omegamoon (
10:02.56*** join/#elinux Redhatter (n=vk4msl@2001:388:f000:0:0:0:0:3)
10:05.04methrilhi folks!
12:05.49*** join/#elinux harpal (n=Harpal@
12:16.24*** join/#elinux linac (n=lin@
13:18.48*** join/#elinux boris_OmegA (n=boris@
13:30.20boris_OmegAhi there
13:32.05boris_OmegAi have issue with cross configuring and compiling some libraries for arm and powerpc arch
13:32.25boris_OmegAi'm a newbie with ./configure  options, and all these stuff
13:32.41boris_OmegAdoes anyone know some good url to learn it ?
13:32.56boris_OmegAor maybe have some advice and help ?
13:55.50*** join/#elinux boris_OmegA (n=boris@
14:09.44*** join/#elinux GPSFan (n=kenm@
14:17.25*** join/#elinux hw (
14:22.54*** join/#elinux Dr_Who (n=tgall@gentoo/developer/dr-who)
14:32.47boris_OmegAdoes anyone know a good url link to learn how to correctly use configure scripts to manage cross building of packages ?
14:33.13boris_OmegAi have issues with configuring and building libsdl for powerpc architecture
14:34.24HcEjust use a build system like buildroot, openembedded, etc
14:34.29*** join/#elinux SkyWalk3r (n=root@
14:44.19boris_OmegAi just have to build one package for this arch
14:44.45boris_OmegAand furthermore, i have experienced issues in building packages for arm that are not supported by openEmbedded
14:45.06boris_OmegAit's because i want to learn these stuff
14:45.13boris_OmegAi think it's a good way for working
14:45.29boris_OmegAcan't you help me, HcE ?
14:45.45boris_OmegAi'm on #elinux  , not #openembedded right here ....
15:57.17*** join/#elinux thraxisp (
16:57.04*** join/#elinux gandhijee (
16:57.15gandhijeehey guys, is the snapshot working?
16:57.27gandhijeefor buildroot
17:04.07*** join/#elinux pcgeil (
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17:24.58*** join/#elinux Dr_Who (n=tgall@gentoo/developer/dr-who)
17:26.13gandhijeeanyone arounD?
17:26.39SkyWalk3rhello all, anybody familiar with tehe buildroot environ. ?
17:28.02SkyWalk3rwhich is the best place in tree to add some patches for kernel ?
17:40.08gandhijeeSkyWalk3r: is your build root working for you?
17:53.46gandhijeeanyone around?!!
17:53.58gandhijeewhen i try to run buildroot i get an error: file not found
17:54.05SkyWalk3rwhat u try to build ?
17:54.23gandhijeeits looking for a a Makefile in the linux/arch/ directory when its building headers i guess
17:54.31gandhijeea toolchain and rootfs
17:54.53SkyWalk3rwhat platform ?
17:54.58SkyWalk3ri386 ?
17:55.49SkyWalk3rhmm, i must see
17:56.17SkyWalk3ris very* generic what u say
17:56.24gandhijeeone sec
17:56.40gandhijeegonna post the error
17:56.49SkyWalk3rprivate pls
17:57.20gandhijeewaiting for pastebin to come up
18:08.22Kmarcbecause $ARCH is unset
18:08.45KmarcI think it looking linux/arch/$ARCH/Makefile
18:09.01*** join/#elinux lyakh (
18:11.27gandhijeeKmarc: i have br2-i386=y
18:11.29gandhijeein the .config
18:22.19KmarcI have no idea and can't check now why ARCH is unset
18:25.59gandhijeeKmarc: what snapshot of buildroot are you using?
18:26.16Kmarcnothing at the moment
18:29.12*** join/#elinux Xires (
18:30.16SkyWalk3rw8 , i build succesfully for x86
18:30.41gandhijeewhat did you do?
18:31.40SkyWalk3rrevision 24069
18:31.58SkyWalk3rget this
18:32.09SkyWalk3rplatform debian 4
18:34.03SkyWalk3rbuild system debian 4
18:34.56gandhijeei dont get it?
18:34.59gandhijeewhat are you saying?
18:36.04SkyWalk3rsvn co -r 24068      
18:36.22SkyWalk3ruse this to get this revision
18:39.01gandhijeeits not working for me using that?
18:39.18gandhijeewhatelse do i need with the number?
19:15.28*** join/#elinux pleemans (
19:21.30*** join/#elinux flavioribeiro (
19:53.38*** join/#elinux likewise_ (
21:30.32*** join/#elinux xnando (
21:32.00*** part/#elinux xnando (
22:27.58*** join/#elinux Filipson (
22:39.48*** join/#elinux darkschneider2 (
22:44.20*** join/#elinux darkschneider (
23:01.42*** join/#elinux silverpo1er (
23:18.16*** join/#elinux Dr_Who (n=tgall@gentoo/developer/dr-who)

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