IRC log for #elinux on 20081003

00:33.50*** join/#elinux flavior (n=flavior@
00:53.33*** join/#elinux rawfish (n=rawfish@
00:57.45CapnKernelGot a buildroot problem with kernel versions.
01:00.31CapnKernelIf I do turn on BR2_LINUX_2_6_STABLE, BR2_DOWNLOAD_LINUX26_VERSION="$(BR2_KERNEL_CURRENT_VERSION)", and BR2_KERNEL_CURRENT_VERSION is, which is what I want.
01:02.09CapnKernelBut the problem with turning on BR2_LINUX_2_6_STABLE is that it turns BR2_LINUX_2_6_26 off, which turns BR2_ARCH_AT91_2_6_26 off, which means that BR2_KERNEL_ARCH_PATCH_VERSION ends up being for 2.6.24, not 2.6.26 :-(
01:02.31CapnKernelAny ideas?
01:02.55CapnKernelSorry, line two, BR2_KERNEL_THIS_VERSION is 2.6.26
03:10.58Kmarc__martin_: I just wake up
03:12.17Kmarc__martin_: SBC-X270 takes ~4w with ethnernet
03:13.08__martin_Kmarc: good morning! is that with a wifi card?
03:13.18__martin_or just with ethernet and nothing else?
03:15.50Kmarcjust with ethernet, but I don't know how I disable usb, vga ..
03:26.25KmarcI mean, it use ethernet when I measured it (because root was mounted from nfs), but I don't know much usb or vga takes power  
03:35.00__martin_Kmarc: ok
03:35.52__martin_Kmarc: I saw they there is an OE build for the CM-X270 ... I assume that will work for the SBC as well since it is just the module with all the extra IO?
03:35.58__martin_Or are you sicking with what they provide?
03:57.45KmarcI used OE a few times, but I like more uclinux, buildroot and scratchbot
04:01.06KmarcSBC is just the module with all extra and next few month we will design own mainboard for CM-X270 and it contains only a few FTDI's usb serialport and power supply
04:03.18KmarcI can ask it is possible to add place for pcmcia if you are interest about it
04:07.25CapnKernelGrr, make uclibc-config fails if $(SED) is missing.
04:11.11__martin_Kmarc: thats ok. We actually want everything the SBC has on it (the 2 pcmcia slots (one used for CF card), the pci controller so we can add minipci after the current 2 year project, 2 serial ports, hostusb, 1 ethernet)... what we do not need is the hard disk interface, video/graphics, touchscreen interface, audio... we do not mind if they are there unless there is no way to have them not eat any power.
04:11.44__martin_Kmarc: I'll probabaly just email the company and see what they say... but I wanted to get impressions from a user :D
04:24.31CapnKernelSED is set in package/sed/
04:24.40CapnKernelSED is used in toolchain/uClibc/
04:24.59CapnKernelBut toolchain/uClibc/ is read before package/sed/!
04:27.13CapnKernelAnyone know what I'm doing wrong, or how to fix it?
04:42.45__martin_Kmarc: but if you do figure out if it is possible to not provide power to certain devices (even if it is something like not loading a kernel module), then let me knwo :D
04:44.49Kmarcyes, I have more time at weekend to wonder it
04:49.49*** join/#elinux cbrake_a1ay (
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05:55.39*** join/#elinux dijenerate (n=dijenera@
06:00.55CapnKernelYay, fixed it:
06:03.37*** part/#elinux omegamoon (
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07:00.56*** join/#elinux boris_OmegA (n=boris@
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09:28.11*** join/#elinux Omegamoon (
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10:42.36*** join/#elinux boris_OmegA (n=boris@
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12:22.08*** join/#elinux bzzbzz (
13:01.17*** join/#elinux linac (n=lin@
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13:26.10*** join/#elinux GPSFan (n=kenm@
13:46.07*** join/#elinux CapnKernel (n=mjd@
13:59.57*** join/#elinux prpplague^2 (
14:32.11*** join/#elinux Dr_Who (n=tgall@gentoo/developer/dr-who)
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14:57.54*** join/#elinux prpplague^2 (
15:04.25*** join/#elinux CapnKernel (
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15:32.55CapnKernelTrying to find a problem where
15:33.06CapnKernel"make gcc_initial uclibc" works
15:33.13CapnKernelbut "make uclibc" doesn't :-(
15:33.50HcEusing latest buildroot?
15:37.15CapnKernelNot asking for help yet, still digging...
15:38.35HcEhmmm, using uClibc snapshot or 0.9.29?
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15:39.37CapnKernelnot the snapshot
15:40.11CapnKernelYes, just finished runs of both - one fails, other succeeds.  Now to do some analysis.
15:40.45HcECapnKernel: could it be my commit in which changed "headers install_dev" to "headers install_headers"?
15:42.51CapnKernelEr, possibly.
15:42.56CapnKernelAnything you'd like me to do?
15:43.19HcEseems like the coming uClibc 0.9.30 needs the latter
15:43.23HcEwhile the others need the former
15:47.14CapnKernelIt may be, but let's not jump to conclusions yet.
15:53.21CapnKernelStrange failure of "make gcc_initial":
16:02.20*** join/#elinux prpplague (
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16:58.53*** join/#elinux CapnKernel (n=mjd@
16:59.40*** join/#elinux CapnKernel (n=mjd@
17:05.41*** join/#elinux VK4MSL (n=vk4msl@2001:388:f000:0:0:0:0:279)
17:34.02*** join/#elinux TimRiker (n=timr@pdpc/supporter/bronze/TimRiker)
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18:18.52*** join/#elinux Omegamoon (
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21:58.49*** join/#elinux likewise (
23:11.20*** join/#elinux dleary (n=Dusty@
23:13.31dlearyhi guys...  I have downloaded buildroot and done a build, but its not building busybox (despite selecting it in the packages with make menuconfig?)...  buildroot appears to be automatically downloading other stuff to build, but not busybox.  am I doing it wrong?
23:45.28*** join/#elinux _ccjoe_ (n=joeg@
23:52.09CapnKerneldleary: hi, we need more information about what's happening.  Can you please copy the build output listing to some site like, so we can have a look?
23:53.08CapnKernelAlso maybe create another pastebin page containing your top-level .config file.
23:57.36dlearygive me a few

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