IRC log for #elinux on 20080819

00:09.38*** join/#elinux fabo (
02:10.43*** join/#elinux linac (n=lin@
02:28.19*** join/#elinux markl_ (
06:19.21*** join/#elinux lyakh (
06:21.46*** join/#elinux pleemans (
06:55.04*** join/#elinux darkschneider2 (
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07:11.53*** join/#elinux darkschneider2 (
07:14.51*** join/#elinux thraxisp (n=thraxisp@ [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
07:30.27*** join/#elinux harpal (n=Harpal@
08:38.41*** join/#elinux fabo_ (
08:46.54*** join/#elinux fabo (
09:13.02*** join/#elinux Jx_ (i=Jx_@
09:35.34*** join/#elinux HcE ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
09:35.39*** part/#elinux HcE (
09:35.39*** join/#elinux HcE (
09:50.58*** join/#elinux methril (n=Methril@
13:46.24*** join/#elinux prpplague (
13:57.40*** join/#elinux sifi (
14:49.57*** join/#elinux linac (n=lin@
15:30.47wmatnew mailing lists:
15:43.53mnemocwmat: what sort of things will be "announced" on the announce list?
15:46.23*** join/#elinux TimRiker (
15:46.23*** mode/#elinux [+o TimRiker] by ChanServ
16:08.50wmatmnemoc: not sure yet, I'm open to suggestions though
16:12.15*** join/#elinux linac (n=lin@
16:36.22*** join/#elinux CIA-28 (i=cia@
16:50.24*** join/#elinux pleemans (
17:25.49wmatmnemoc: probably just announcements relative to the wiki itself though, such as planned outages, major enhancements, etc.
17:26.04wmatmnemoc: everythign else should goto the discuss list
17:30.23mnemocyes... I was thinking in other kind of announcements but they will duplicate posts already at linux-embedded@ or discuss@
17:49.38wmatmnemoc: I definitely won't duplicate posts from anywhere else on announce
17:52.17mnemocgood :) after that, I'll subscribe it too :)
17:57.26*** join/#elinux svolpe (n=Gerrath@unaffiliated/gerrath)
18:34.42mnemocodd question about Linux's CodingStyle.. may one split a function prototype just before the function name if it becomes too long and the arguments are structs also with long names?
18:37.13mnemocstatic inline struct foo_bar_narf in one one, and foo_bar_whatever( ... on the next
18:37.43mnemocso I have room for two arguments on the same line and not one :|
18:40.21wmatmnemoc: did you check codingstyle.txt?
18:41.32mnemoci read it once, but as you point it out I assume I just missed it so I have to read it again :(
18:43.57wmatChapter 6: Functions
18:46.01mnemocwmat: i didn't found my answer there :\
18:47.14mnemoci'm clear about complexity and that stuff.. my problem is that the helper returns an enum and receives 4 structs
18:47.39wmatyou can always do what you feel is right and then post it
18:47.40mnemocand that consumes too many chars :|
18:47.59mnemocand get stoned :p
18:48.20wmatheh, consider it a beneficial stoning ;)
18:48.34wmathang on, i'll ask someone who will know
18:50.16mnemocit's actually a user space thing, but I think that using the same coding style for every peace of C is good
18:52.09wmatit certainly makes life easier
18:54.05wmatmnemoc: here's the answer
18:54.08wmat"some people do, some people don't. it's basically up to you. i generally do it at least, since i prefer to see arguments on a grep rather than the return value. if the line gets too long that is"
18:54.46mnemocgreat, thanks a lot wmat :)
18:54.55wmatno problem!
18:55.23wmatnow go contribute to and tell all your friends too as well ;)
18:57.43mnemoclet me surpass by deadline first please :p but an article about CodingStyle would be nice
18:58.03mnemocfunny that the name of that file breaks the naming style :p
18:59.35wmatheh, funny you should say that, as following answering your question, the kernel hacker i asked it to also pointed out "as usual, common sense should prevail over what's parroted in CodingStyle, which lately tends to just be empty rhetoric written by people who don't write any code"
18:59.36mnemoc.oO( surpass sounds like the wrong word... my english stinks :( )o
19:01.40wmatyour english is fine, btw, I understood what you meant.
19:02.13mnemocI modified my .vimrc so background in red bad whitespacing and even in kernel/* almost every file has tons of red on it :p
19:05.12mnemocIt's sort of nice to *see* the invisible mistakes, I'll have to share that on the wiki too
19:51.57*** join/#elinux pcgeil (
20:27.53*** join/#elinux Aliosa27_ (n=Aliosa27@
22:07.50*** join/#elinux GPSFan (n=kenm@
23:05.39TimRikerwmat: updated mailmain and apache configs, emailed you.
23:06.33wmatTimRiker: thx!
23:06.45wmathad I bungled them severely?
23:08.12TimRikernope, just changing from the defaults.
23:08.38TimRikerpipermail was not excluded from wiki page names. it's the broken non-"/wiki/" issue.
23:09.05TimRikerfor mailman the default was to use different lists for different vhosts. I turned that off.
23:09.19*** join/#elinux angom (n=angom@
23:10.13*** part/#elinux angom (n=angom@
23:13.55wmatTimRiker: you've subbed to the lists, right?  at the very least wiki-dev, so we can discuss improvements to the wiki in the open.
23:14.31TimRikerI don't recall.. I try re-subscribing and see what happens.
23:17.01TimRikerhmm. signed up for all 3 and got no email back from any of them yet.
23:17.52TimRikerah. probably just the screwy relay server backlogged.
23:18.03wmatI'm looking at the membership list for wiki-dev right now and don't see you there yet either
23:19.51wmatI just manually subscribed another one of my email addresses and got the email right away
23:30.54TimRikerwmat: msgs from root etc get to me, but list emails do not seem to.
23:34.24TimRikerwmat: looks like each one got a bounce message. I don't know where those go.
23:34.31TimRikerI'm headed home

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