IRC log for #elinux on 20080810

00:20.13*** join/#elinux mcgrof (
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04:20.47*** join/#elinux landley (
04:58.01*** join/#elinux landley (
07:35.41*** join/#elinux lyakh (
08:11.35*** join/#elinux VK4FSJL (n=vk4fsjl@
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09:57.40*** join/#elinux garfield (
10:23.32*** join/#elinux TestMonkey (
10:33.20TestMonkeymorning all, what is the best update/upgrade method for an embedded device ?
10:34.07TestMonkeycurrently I have ipkg and roll out new ipkgs to a primary server then get the embedded device to upgrade against that.
10:35.10TestMonkeyunfortunately work has decided that it wants to upgrade via releasing partition images
10:35.57TestMonkeyI have never been able to dd the rootfs partition correctly whilst the device is running
11:05.57zoobabbest upgrade method is JTAG
11:11.08mnemoclife is easier when you have room for storing the image and apply it on reboot, before mounting the roofs
11:23.30TestMonkeymnomoc the device will have to be updatable on the fly as it will be inaccessible when installed in the wild.
11:23.59TestMonkeyzoobab, dont think jtag is an option for us
11:26.24mnemocTestMonkey: without rebooting? ow .... never tried linux-vserver in embedded, but it may help i think
11:31.57TestMonkeymnemoc, rebooting is an option after installing updates, or to install an update if it can be scripted in...
11:33.21TestMonkeyour device is all jffs2
11:33.44TestMonkeycurrently we don't load the rootfs into ram
11:34.27pb_TestMonkey: we used to upgrade using ipkg but we could never get it to work completely reliably.
11:34.55pb_every so often one of the devices in the field would get into some weird state from which it was difficult to get it back on track.  we switched to doing full-partition upgrades and this works much better for us.
11:36.35pb_also, now that we reflash the whole filesystem on every upgrade, we no longer need it to be writeable on-line during operation, which means we might potentially be able to move away from jffs2 to something faster.
11:36.56pb_admittedly this hypothetical faster, read-only filesystem has yet to be identified, but we can hope. :-}
11:44.51pb_I guess the downside of a full-image upgrade is that you need to reboot, but in practice almost all of our upgrades used to involve a kernel change which would require a reboot anyway.
11:46.29TestMonkeypb_ how do you persist user configurations across ?
11:46.41pb_TestMonkey: we store those in a separate partition which doesn't get reflashed
11:48.08pb_even when we used to do upgrades via ipkg, the main rootfs image was mounted read-only during normal operation to avoid any accidental corruption.  we have a small (~1MB) partition which is mounted read/write with jffs2, and all user settings go there.
11:48.13*** join/#elinux zoobab (
11:49.28pb_this also means that we can just erase that one partition if we want to restore the device to factory settings, no need to keep track of what files are user-modified.
11:50.54TestMonkeythe problem I have experienced is; dd imaged a live devices rootfs partition, took image and dd it onto another device
11:51.37TestMonkeywhen I rebooted, got some Erm, errors about inodes not existing and some data got deleted
11:53.17pb_you probably need to remount the source partition read-only before you try to take the image, or otherwise make sure jffs2 isn't doing any writing.
11:53.31TestMonkeypb_ do you unionfs in the jffs2 partition ?
11:53.37pb_if it decides to flush its buffers while you are in the middle of copying, you will get an inconsistent state.
11:53.44pb_TestMonkey: no
11:55.10TestMonkeypb_ understood, need to have a rethink about our layout, at the moment everything except kernel is rw and jffs2 (some 9 is partitions)
11:55.53TestMonkeysorry was meant to say some 9 partitions
11:57.51TestMonkeypb_ do you reflash remotely ?  as in push an update through a webpage and get the device to dd that onto the flash ?
12:12.38*** join/#elinux CIA-28 (
12:15.23*** join/#elinux linac (n=lin@
12:28.24pb_TestMonkey: yes, exactly
13:10.44*** join/#elinux GPSFan (n=kenm@
13:45.52*** join/#elinux garfield (
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14:14.57*** join/#elinux bzzbzz (
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15:22.38*** join/#elinux garfield (
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17:34.02*** join/#elinux Dr_Who (n=tgall@gentoo/developer/dr-who)
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21:46.12*** join/#elinux thraxisp (n=thraxisp@
22:28.08*** join/#elinux Dr_Who (n=tgall@gentoo/developer/dr-who)

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