IRC log for #elinux on 20080718

00:35.01*** join/#elinux flyback (
00:58.47flybackis in some serious miserable pain with his tooth he just got repaired
01:07.59ashestake 3-4
01:08.40ashesperscription advil is equal to two non-perscription. taking 4 advil is the same as 2 perscription advil. its safe for short term use
01:08.49ashesassuming you do not take any other medication
01:10.00ashesadvil will reduce swelling and pain without making you bleed more
01:10.13ashesits what my dentist reccomends
01:10.29flybackbbl, going out to walmart to get some tooth numbing agents to soooth this rattling new filling
01:10.43ashesin the last 3 years i have had 3 wisdom teeth removed, 11 fillings, and braces
01:11.04ashesalcohol also works
01:12.00ashesexcept that you get drunk
01:12.05flybackI take 1000mg idupropin on a regular basis
01:12.10flybackI don't think it helped last night
01:12.24ashesadvil can take 4 hours to work
01:12.48flybackthat explains why it doesn't always help my feet right off :/
01:12.51ashesyou should take advil before going to the dentist, not after
01:13.16flybackthat was yesterday I didn't expect it to hurt this much the next day
01:13.30ashesyogurt too. it helps reduce infection
01:13.34ashesplain yogurt
01:13.44ashesadd honey and fruit yourself
01:14.00flybackit wasn't infected
01:14.02ashesor jelly
01:14.10flybackit's just old and worn out I know the feeling :/
01:14.34ashesamalgam fillings are only good for about 5 years
01:14.41flybackthis wasn't that
01:14.48flybackbut the old one was and probably was 20+ yrs old
01:14.53ashesin the long run its cheaper and better to get porcelain
01:15.03flybackI think that's what this new one was
01:15.06flybackand it's $110
01:15.09flybackwhich isn't bad
01:15.18ashessilver color = amalgam
01:15.26flybackwhatever it was he built it in layers and used a uv lamp many times
01:15.27ashesalso known as mercury fillings
01:15.30flybackyeah I know
01:15.39flybackmabye that's why I have suffered so much for 34 yrs
01:15.44ashesresin fillings are white plastic
01:15.55flybackoh then it's resin most likely
01:15.57ashesresin is best for small fillings
01:16.02flybackoh then it's not
01:16.16flybackit's probably poresilin said it was the 2nd to most expensive type
01:16.16ashesresin can be used for big fillings, but they dont last forever
01:16.34ashesa porcelain cap is about $1000
01:16.44flybackoh heh, it's defintely resin
01:16.49flyback$500+ = just yank the fucker
01:17.00flybackI was sure that was going to be the case when I saw 1/4 of the tooth missing
01:17.44ashesi got porcelain for two cracked teeth. the porcelain lasts forever, and the glue bonds very well. they keep the tooth from cracking again
01:18.33asheswithout it i would eventually need root canals on those teeth
01:19.58flybackanyways bbl going to go get something to numb this thing up
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