IRC log for #elinux on 20080623

00:00.06gththe root file system is a JFFS2 file system
00:01.44gthOdd, I rebooted the old image and the "Warning: unable to open an initial console." went away.
00:02.34ali_asStill the same sh error?
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00:06.04gthThe old image is built years ago with an old compiler and an ancient busybox
00:07.34ali_asWhat is your init line?
00:08.12ali_asTry changing that to ash maybe?
00:10.48ali_asIs there a symbolic link for ash?
00:11.53gthyes there is a symlink from /bin/ash to /bin/busybox
00:13.33gthI am going to try to change the init line to point to /bin/ash, but that takes a while since I need to rebuild the boot loader
00:13.57ali_asIs sh a defined function in busybox?
00:14.22ali_asI'm just checking on an arm based system here and ash and sh are both defined functions in busybox.
00:14.58ali_assh comes up as ash, but both commands work and are listed in the functions.
00:17.21gthI just did discovered something: I copied the new bb into the old image and it runs fine!
00:17.47ali_asSomething else entirely then.
00:17.49gthI think my problem have to do with the "Warning: unable to open an initial console."  message
00:22.04ali_asIt's past 1am and I don't think I can be of any help.
00:22.44gthThank you ali_as, you have been a lot of help!
00:22.48ali_asGood luck!
00:22.56gthThank you!
00:26.50ali_asbtw, you could also try asking the question in #edev
00:28.50gthok, will do that if I can't figure it out
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