IRC log for #elinux on 20080425

00:16.32*** join/#elinux JoeBorn (
00:51.28*** join/#elinux Dr_Who (n=tgall@gentoo/developer/dr-who)
01:04.02*** join/#elinux dijenerate (n=dijenera@
01:05.07*** join/#elinux Cupacabra (n=ashes@2001:5c0:8fff:ffff:0:0:0:53)
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01:25.14*** join/#elinux JoeBorn (
01:27.14*** join/#elinux dijenerate (n=dijenera@
01:59.47*** join/#elinux Dr_Who (n=tgall@gentoo/developer/dr-who)
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03:29.20*** join/#elinux cendres (n=ashes@2001:5c0:8fff:ffff:0:0:0:53)
03:30.50*** join/#elinux JoeBorn (
03:51.40*** join/#elinux ashes (
04:44.02*** join/#elinux RobotGuy (
05:40.24*** join/#elinux harpal (n=harpal@
06:01.03*** join/#elinux flyingfred0 (
06:36.48*** join/#elinux linac (n=lin@
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07:20.28*** join/#elinux harpal (n=harpal@
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07:48.28*** join/#elinux RobotGuy (
08:05.09*** join/#elinux lyakh (
08:13.14*** join/#elinux Genesis (
09:33.28*** join/#elinux AD-N770 (
10:11.11*** join/#elinux harpal (n=harpal@
10:38.08*** join/#elinux z1o (
10:39.15z1ohello, I'm building a embeded rootfs. I want some localization but with out gettext. a link to
10:39.24z1odocumentation would be great
10:48.39*** join/#elinux howtoo (n=howtoo@
11:21.04*** join/#elinux cendres (
11:40.15*** join/#elinux sjhill (
12:00.27*** join/#elinux ashes (
12:03.30*** join/#elinux landley (n=landley@
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12:32.07*** join/#elinux howtoo (n=howtoo@
12:40.07*** join/#elinux GPSFan (n=kenm@
12:57.47*** join/#elinux emil|k (
13:22.18*** join/#elinux ashes (
13:23.45*** join/#elinux hw_ (
13:34.06*** join/#elinux prpplague (
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14:13.02*** join/#elinux cendres (
14:14.33*** join/#elinux thraxisp (
14:23.53*** join/#elinux JoeBorn (
14:34.52*** join/#elinux ashes (
14:37.53*** join/#elinux landley (
14:40.57*** join/#elinux Dr_Who (n=tgall@gentoo/developer/dr-who)
15:21.13*** join/#elinux dijenerate (n=dijenera@
15:25.34*** join/#elinux linac (n=lin@
15:38.57*** join/#elinux ashes (
16:57.08*** join/#elinux TimRiker (
16:57.08*** mode/#elinux [+o TimRiker] by ChanServ
17:09.18*** join/#elinux Redhatte1 (n=vk4fsjl@
17:31.37*** join/#elinux likewise (
17:48.51*** join/#elinux emil|k (
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18:15.20*** join/#elinux flavioribeiro (n=flavio@
18:22.52*** join/#elinux flyingfred0 (n=flyingfr@
18:31.24*** join/#elinux JoeBorn (
18:39.28*** join/#elinux pcgeil (
19:03.23*** join/#elinux likewise (
19:39.19*** join/#elinux ashes (
19:47.54*** join/#elinux angom (n=angom@
19:48.46*** part/#elinux angom (n=angom@
19:56.35*** join/#elinux markl_ (
20:20.00*** join/#elinux pcgeil_ (
20:31.35*** join/#elinux robbat2 (n=robbat2@gentoo/developer/robbat2)
20:38.42*** join/#elinux ashes (
20:44.12prpplagueTimRiker: ping
20:44.41TimRikerwonders why people ping and don't just ask. :)
20:45.21prpplagueTimRiker: just don't know if you are alive
20:45.49prpplagueTimRiker: hehe, can you can change the max file size limit, i've got a few datasheets that are less than 3mb
20:46.06TimRikerand let's say I'm not, but I will be in a hour. then you don't want to tell me what you're going to tell me now? :)
20:46.07prpplagueTimRiker: not sure what the current setting is
20:46.19prpplagueTimRiker: hehe
20:46.20TimRiker"that are less than" you mean greater than?
20:46.22prpplagueTimRiker: point taken
20:46.34prpplagueTimRiker: less than
20:46.43prpplagueTimRiker: i think the limit is set for 1mb
20:46.55prpplagueTimRiker: 3mb seems reasonable
20:47.02prpplagueTimRiker: for a datasheet
20:47.05TimRikerah! I gotcha. let me look and see..
20:48.40TimRikerthere is an 8MB file up there now. perhaps the limit used to be smaller?
20:49.01prpplaguetries again
20:50.28prpplagueUpload error
20:50.28prpplagueThis file is bigger than the server is configured to allow.
20:50.39TimRiker$wgUploadSizeWarning is not set, so you get the defaults.
20:51.30TimRiker; Maximum size of POST data that PHP will accept.
20:51.30TimRikerpost_max_size = 8M
20:52.07prpplagueTimRiker: hmm
20:52.37TimRikerstill looking at media specific settings.
20:52.45TimRikerjust saying that php seems to be ok with it.
20:53.15TimRikerapache has a limit too. checking...
20:54.39prpplaguelimit appears to be 2mb
20:55.18TimRikerhmm. apache seems to be unlimited... still looking...
20:56.45*** join/#elinux dsaxena (n=dsaxena@
20:56.45TimRikerahh... SpecialImport.php
20:57.01TimRikertry now.
20:58.32prpplaguehmm, not working let me close out and clear cache\
21:00.07prpplaguestill the same
21:00.19TimRikercheck the html source of the upload form and look for 'MAX_FILE_SIZE'
21:00.30TimRikershould read 4M now (expanded)
21:01.48*** join/#elinux cendres (
21:01.57prpplaguehmm i don't see an attribute marked max_file_size
21:02.40TimRikerk. must not have been it. looking around some more.
21:03.37TimRikerah ha!
21:04.05TimRikerok. try now.
21:04.25TimRikerphp.ini : ; Maximum allowed size for uploaded files.
21:04.25TimRikerupload_max_filesize = 4M
21:04.34TimRikerwas 2M
21:05.06TimRikerbet you just luv reuploading that large file, huh?
21:05.27prpplaguehehe yea lets try again
21:06.11prpplagueyep that did the trick
21:06.21TimRikerreading this:
21:06.26prpplaguegives TimRiker a cookie and a glass of milk
21:06.36TimRikermmm cookie.
21:07.05TimRikerruns another backup for giggles
21:07.29prpplagueTimRiker: thanks
21:24.38*** join/#elinux Redhatter (n=vk4fsjl@2001:388:f000:0:0:0:0:279)
21:42.08*** join/#elinux RobotGuy (
22:10.37*** join/#elinux ashes (
22:39.43*** join/#elinux prpplague (
22:41.50*** join/#elinux linac (n=lin@
22:54.07*** join/#elinux dsaxena_ (n=dsaxena@
22:56.54*** join/#elinux cendres (
22:58.20*** join/#elinux bzzbzz (
23:08.55*** join/#elinux cendres_ (
23:12.27*** join/#elinux ashes (
23:20.52*** join/#elinux likewise (
23:28.55*** join/#elinux thraxisp (n=thraxisp@
23:52.47*** join/#elinux likewise (
23:56.56*** join/#elinux ashes (

Generated by Modified by Tim Riker to work with infobot.