IRC log for #elinux on 20080303

05:08.31*** join/#elinux RobotGuy (
05:38.37*** join/#elinux harpal (n=harpal@
06:47.35*** join/#elinux jdav_gone (
09:13.40*** join/#elinux lyakh (
09:22.35*** join/#elinux lyakh (
09:29.56*** join/#elinux howtoo (n=howtoo@
10:02.06*** join/#elinux hw_ (
10:20.57*** join/#elinux RobotGuy (
10:38.00*** join/#elinux cendres (
10:59.19*** join/#elinux ibot (i=ibot@pdpc/supporter/active/TimRiker/bot/apt)
10:59.19*** topic/#elinux is Embedded Linux || || old wiki here: please move your updates over to the new wiki || cross compile, uClibc, busybox, handhelds, post-sale linux installs ;-), etc.
10:59.19*** mode/#elinux [+o ibot] by ChanServ
12:15.45*** join/#elinux AD-N770 (n=jep@nat/fluendo/x-0a70b5e6e45d5e34)
13:10.48*** join/#elinux sjhill (
14:04.08*** join/#elinux dijenerate (n=dijenera@
14:05.16*** join/#elinux GPSFan (n=kenm@
14:11.06*** join/#elinux linac (n=lin@
15:11.13*** join/#elinux Dr_Who (n=tgall@gentoo/developer/dr-who)
15:28.29*** join/#elinux markl__ (
15:29.57*** join/#elinux RobotGuy (
15:32.35*** join/#elinux thraxisp (
16:03.15*** join/#elinux TimRiker (n=timr@
16:03.15*** mode/#elinux [+o TimRiker] by ChanServ
17:11.48*** join/#elinux pleemans (
17:51.27*** join/#elinux adyer_ (
17:51.27*** join/#elinux markl_ ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
17:51.27*** join/#elinux tgall_foo (n=tgall@gentoo/developer/dr-who) [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
17:51.27*** join/#elinux cbrake (
18:07.20*** join/#elinux dsaxena (
18:23.21*** join/#elinux andersee (
18:28.21*** join/#elinux lyakh (
18:31.49*** join/#elinux ico2 (
19:13.33*** join/#elinux ico2_ (
20:11.27*** join/#elinux pb__ (
20:25.26*** join/#elinux Dr_Who (n=tgall@gentoo/developer/dr-who)
21:02.53TimRikerwmat: having issues? by the way is the old server
21:08.47*** join/#elinux pb__ (
21:09.45*** join/#elinux dijenerate (n=dijenera@
21:26.59wmatTimRiker: it should be fine now
21:27.06wmatTimRiker: pretty urls don't work yet
21:27.24wmatTimRiker: thanks for switching the DNS
21:28.10*** join/#elinux Dr{Who} (
21:33.32*** join/#elinux ico2_ (
21:48.19*** join/#elinux angom (
21:49.13*** part/#elinux angom (
21:57.05*** join/#elinux pb__ (
22:17.10TimRikerwmat: want me to fix the urls?
22:32.31TimRikerhappy now?
23:14.45*** join/#elinux ico2_ (
23:19.23*** join/#elinux Dr_Who (n=tgall@gentoo/developer/dr-who)
23:44.42wmatTimRiker: thx!
23:46.46TimRikeradded a favicon.ico that should really get replace with something eLinux-y
23:47.35wmatTimRiker: ah, nice, is that the mediawiki one?
23:48.22wmatTimRiker: did you use one of the methods suggested on mediawiki site for the url rewrite?

Generated by Modified by Tim Riker to work with infobot.