IRC log for #elinux on 20070623

00:06.12*** join/#elinux FireEgl (i=FireEgl@Sebastian.Atlantica.US.TO)
00:26.09*** join/#elinux dijenerate (n=dijenera@
00:42.56*** join/#elinux dijenerate_ (n=dijenera@
01:02.02*** join/#elinux demigod2k (
01:41.22*** join/#elinux Gerrath (n=Gerrath@unaffiliated/gerrath)
01:50.16*** join/#elinux dijenerate (n=dijenera@
03:13.12*** join/#elinux ico2 (
06:09.01*** join/#elinux derRichard (
07:37.33*** join/#elinux pleemans (
07:41.11*** join/#elinux Sgt-Donan (
10:43.53*** join/#elinux richardw_ (
12:23.52*** join/#elinux ico2 (
12:29.20*** join/#elinux GPSFan (n=kenm@
12:34.33*** join/#elinux Lta (
12:40.10LtaI've a problem using menuconfig of buildroot : with the default config sources it segfaults, if i copy menuconfig sources from the kernel tree it runs but i can't edit it. I'm on an up to date ubuntu 7.04
12:40.44Ltaany ideas to point out about the origin of the problem
12:40.59Lta(I've the same problem on a gentoo 2007.0)
12:46.04*** join/#elinux linac (n=lin@
13:26.35*** join/#elinux CIA-4 (n=CIA@
13:43.14*** join/#elinux CIA-4 (n=CIA@
14:07.23*** join/#elinux linac (n=lin@
14:14.44*** join/#elinux ico2_ (
14:43.48*** join/#elinux chouimat (n=dieu@kde/developer/chouinard)
15:44.47*** join/#elinux pierrelux (
15:47.24*** join/#elinux pleemans (
15:55.27*** join/#elinux Joely (
15:58.05Joelyhey! I'm trying to compile a buildroot image...for i386, however i've tried using any threading in the toolchain (whether it was linuxthreads or NPTL), and i always get `sysdep.h not found.' i saw in svn there's dl-sysdep.h ... but i really don't know if there is any connection.
15:58.40Joelyi'm using a snapshot of uclibc
16:04.32*** join/#elinux linac (n=lin@
16:15.15*** join/#elinux ico2_ (
17:02.14*** join/#elinux CIA-4 (n=CIA@
17:22.56*** join/#elinux CIA-4 (n=CIA@
17:39.28*** join/#elinux flyback (
17:52.45flybackI can't believe it works
17:55.20flybackI turned a old rs232 serial card into +5 ttl serial board
18:10.25Joelyany answer for the libpthreads problem i'm having??
18:11.38flybackno sorry I haven't done that yet
18:23.58*** join/#elinux iwkse (
18:32.47*** join/#elinux Crofton (n=balister@
18:39.16*** join/#elinux Crofton|laptop (n=balister@
19:30.38*** join/#elinux svolpe_gerrath (n=Gerrath@unaffiliated/gerrath)
19:51.31*** join/#elinux derRichard (
19:57.07*** join/#elinux _nix_ (n=nix@
19:57.40*** part/#elinux _nix_ (n=nix@
20:28.11*** join/#elinux CIA-4 (n=CIA@
20:30.47*** part/#elinux Joely (
20:33.20*** join/#elinux derRichard (
20:57.51*** join/#elinux zitu (
21:37.39*** join/#elinux flyback- (
23:00.39*** join/#elinux FireEgl (i=FireEgl@Sebastian.Atlantica.DollarDNS.Net)

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