IRC log for #elinux on 20070516

00:14.20wmatdemigod2k: hello
00:14.37demigod2kfinally somebody in here :) I must come at the wrong hours normally
00:15.18wmatnah, many are here, you just have to post a question ;)
00:15.39demigod2koh no questions. everything is actually coming along nicely -- just looking to BS a little bit
00:15.57demigod2kI got reassigned at work so now I do linux
00:16.39demigod2kya sort of. it takes some getting used to
00:16.43wmatdo linux what?
00:17.02demigod2kfor now uboot and kernel drivers
00:17.14demigod2kits a steep learning curve but it'll be ok
00:17.16wmatwhere ya working?
00:17.25demigod2kauto industry
00:19.13wmatthe learning curve may be steep, but it's fun
00:19.52demigod2kits working ok so far. its no worse than other stuff
00:20.27wmattrue enough
00:20.27wmatcontributing changes back?
00:21.21demigod2kya we'll see. I had to add 24 bit color to uboot, mmc support, etc
00:21.27demigod2kI was surprised that stuff wasn't there to begin with!
00:22.23demigod2ktrying to get started on a sound driver tonight. thats where the first steep learning curve is
00:23.15wmatdemigod2k: lobby to contribute code back; i'm assuming your employer would determine this
00:23.32demigod2kI can do it all fine. Its just a pain
00:24.04demigod2kI already got one complaint fired back about uboot since I had a diff to 1.1.5 instead of to the subversion trunk
00:24.32wmata common complaint
00:24.46demigod2kya. its basically impossible to keep up with the unstable trunk and do real work
00:25.06wmatmost devs want patches against current
00:25.08demigod2kif I get some time then maybe I'll port it forward when they do another stable release
00:25.32wmatit's in your employers best interest to maintian a current tree though as well
00:25.43demigod2kwell I dont know that I'd agree there :)
00:27.01demigod2kthe latest and greatest is just additional risk. solid and stable is right for embedded targets
00:27.31wmatyou don't use the latest and greatest in production targets though
00:27.32demigod2kbut we'll see. we got screwed on the last processor so maybe this at91 will do a little better
00:27.48wmatyou just port forward as you go and send back patches
00:28.15demigod2kwe never ported the last one forward
00:29.02wmatperhaps someone else would have
00:29.04demigod2kbut that was the lineo which was sort of an abortion
00:29.17wmatand then you wouldn't have to
00:29.23demigod2kmaybe the 2.6 I'll try to stick with the mainline a little more.
00:30.39demigod2kbut it was nice having a stable frozen point in time instead of trying to debug somebody else's scheduler, etc
00:31.25demigod2kso are you a hobbyist or is it a career for you
00:32.32wmathobbyist at present but i'm working on changing that ;)
00:34.12wmatalthough i guess i do some as work, but not coding
00:34.28wmati'm editor for the wiki
00:34.46demigod2knever really seen it
00:35.20wmatwe're working to make it the defacto resource for embedded linux
00:36.16demigod2kthats cool I'll flip through it at some point
00:36.37wmathope you find something useful
00:36.52demigod2kI just msged you the product I design
00:36.53Croftonheh, I should add #oe to irc channels ..
00:39.07Croftonthe problem being, what is OE?
00:41.17wmatdevelopment tool? environment?
00:41.43demigod2klooks like buildroot but smaller
00:41.56Croftonnot smaller
00:42.48wmatwait, i have OE there
00:43.16demigod2kI meant in terms of footprint
00:43.44wmatdemigod2k: you msg'd me your product?
00:43.55demigod2koh maybe i wasnt registered. one sec
00:44.34demigod2kok now that may work better
00:44.41CroftonI posted it, others may correct me
00:44.52Croftonwe need to work on the OE one line description :)
00:45.25demigod2k"buildroot, but different. and smaller."
00:45.40Croftonprobably not smaller :)
00:46.05demigod2kcould be. buildroot uses that busybox which sort of works like crap
00:46.52demigod2kif oe doesn't use uclibc and busybox it might be bigger. but the description makes it look like they have a hacked-together micro version of everything
00:47.40Croftonoe can build images with bb and uclibc :)
00:48.24Croftonbut does not have to
00:48.24Croftonit is kind of like a swiss army knife
00:48.40demigod2khah. never tried it but that reminds of the phrase. jack of all trades (and master of none)
00:54.40Croftonwell, I think it is good at mastering the problem
00:54.58Croftonthis is why I do not like the swiss knife analogy
00:55.22demigod2kya I've never looked at it or heard of it -- I just am skeptical when I hear things described as a swiss army knife
00:55.28demigod2kusually means it does no one thing very well
00:55.32demigod2kexcept maybe injure you
00:56.01Croftonthis is why we need to work on a good lone line description
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15:34.04TimRikerwmat: does Lars mean he's changed the current server? or setup the new one that is not yet live?
15:42.40wmatTimRiker: I think he means he's configured the current server
15:43.06wmatTimRiker: did Lars reply to you?
15:45.50TimRikeryes. just forwarded to you. I expected he'd reply to us both. perhaps he meant to.
15:47.01TimRikershould we try dns changes again?
15:48.05wmatand he tends to not hit reply all, not sure why
15:51.50TimRikernope. still broken.
15:52.00TimRikertry now.
15:56.16TimRikerhmm. perhaps he means that the new server is setup on ?
15:56.36TimRikerare all the wiki changes from over on now?
15:57.26wmati'm not certain, but i assume so
15:58.41wmati have not been given any ssh access anywhere yet though
15:59.10*** join/#elinux cidus (
15:59.34TimRikerthat's the old one. I'm trying the new IP in dns now...
16:00.40TimRikerthat one does not work either.
16:00.52TimRikerwell, for me, but I'm using a proxy. can you check it?
16:02.39TimRiker404 error on the Main_Page
16:03.53wmat404 here too works though
16:04.27*** join/#elinux ThiefOfBaghdad (n=aanjhan@unaffiliated/tuxmaniac)
16:04.37TimRikerok. reverted. I left pointing to the did not work here. did you get the redirect page? that's from my box.
16:05.34wmatah, so Lars hasn't changed over to the new box then
16:06.01TimRikerlooks like the new box is up, but mediawiki is not configured correctly on it.
16:06.09wmatfigures :/
16:06.18cidushi to all
16:06.20cidusI'm installed debian on arm platform, but when i lunch for exmple
16:06.28TimRikersending an email to lars and you with a summary.
16:06.39cidustuch /tmp/1
16:06.39wmatTimRiker: thanks again
16:06.56cidusreturn error
16:06.59cidustouch: setting times of `/tmp/2': Bad file descriptor
16:07.14ciduswhat can be ?
16:08.40CosmicPenguinHaven't heard from you in ages
16:09.35fileI'm around...
16:09.37fileI'm always around
16:09.47filejust say my name, and boom I'm there
16:10.11CosmicPenguinI say your name in meatspace all the time... $%*#& file is corrupted!
16:11.14wmatcidus: is there a file called /tmp/2?
16:11.26cidusan empty file
16:12.42wmatand touch is installed?
16:13.01cidusalso tar if I try to decompress a file, for example
16:13.24cidustar zxvf /root/p.tar.gz
16:13.51cidustar: .profile: Cannot utime: Bad file descriptor
16:13.55TimRikerwmat: sent.
16:14.30cidus.profile is a file i put into tar.gz
16:14.54TimRikercidus: what is mounted on /tmp ? (or on /)
16:15.33TimRikercan you touch files somewhere else on the machine?
16:15.37wmatTimRiker: got it, thanks again
16:15.45TimRikerwmat: np
16:15.56cidusi mount rootfs on nfs
16:16.38TimRikercidus: ahh. do you have no_root_squash set on the export?
16:16.55cidusno is set correctly
16:17.14wmatcidus: same error as root?
16:17.16TimRikercan you touch files elsewhere in the filesystem, just not in tmp?
16:17.23cidusin exports
16:17.59TimRikergot portmap and lockd running on the arm box? or mounted root with -o nolock ?
16:18.56cidusif i'm root is the same
16:19.21TimRikerstill wants to check name maps iirc.
16:19.36cidusif tuch /1 is the same
16:19.46TimRikercan you touch files anywhere?
16:20.08TimRikercan you update a file in that dir on the server and see the change on the client?
16:20.14TimRikeryou may have a stale mount.
16:20.44TimRikerwhere can you touch files? is that place also over nfs?
16:20.55cidusover nfs
16:21.53TimRikerI mean can the device change files anywhere in etch-arm and/or does it see changes in that mount if you change them from another box.
16:26.08cidusno if i update the file from another box not change on device
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16:35.05TimRikercidus: so your nfs mount is stale. perhaps your ip changed on the device or some other loss of connectivity. All you are seeing is data from the nfs cache.
16:36.06TimRikercheck your IP settings. and perhaps try something like: "mount -o remount,nolock,soft /" on the device.
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16:49.58cidusi check the IP and is correctly
16:50.14cidusi test "mount -o remount,nolock,soft /"
16:50.19cidusbut is the same
16:50.47cidusi think the problem is in utime but i'm not sure
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17:31.08cidusthanks to all see you tomorrow bye
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19:42.35cbrakeEben Moglen on the recent MS threats:
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21:48.00shawn_workAnyone have problems building today's buildroot?
21:48.04shawn_workI keep getting an error
21:48.16shawn_workcp -f   /root/work/sandbox/spstarr/buildroot/toolchain_build_x86_64/uClibc/.config
21:48.16shawn_workcp: missing destination file operand after `/root/work/sandbox/spstarr/buildroot/toolchain_build_x86_64/uClibc/.config'
21:48.22shawn_workand i dont know why its not finding the file to copy
21:48.29shawn_workI'm building this on Fedora 7
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