irclog2html for #elinux on 20070303

00:07.10*** join/#elinux ico2 (
00:10.23*** join/#elinux thraxisp (n=thraxisp@
00:19.35kergothCosmicPenguin: ping
00:25.28kergothCosmicPenguin: have you seen vim's :diffpatch command?
00:26.42CosmicPenguinsounds sexy
00:26.51kergothit applies a patch to the current buffer and highlights the changes the patch made.
00:26.54kergothfor code reviews
00:27.17kergoththeres a plugin called patchreview.vim that adds on this functionality, since the :diffpatch command only works on one file, a diff that patches mjultiple files wont be handled
00:27.26kergothpatchreview.vim claims to work for those
00:27.28kergothgood stuff
00:36.27CosmicPenguinI'm working on a perl script to parse Ical files and send them to Google Calendar
00:42.45kergothi love IndentConsistencyCop.vim -
00:47.28*** join/#elinux ashes (
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01:50.21*** mode/#elinux [+v file] by
01:56.27*** join/#elinux Gerrath_svolpe (n=Gerrath_@ [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
01:56.27*** join/#elinux TimRiker (
01:56.28*** mode/#elinux [+o TimRiker] by ChanServ
01:57.05*** join/#elinux thraxisp (n=thraxisp@
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16:28.25*** join/#elinux jcath (n=chatzill@
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Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc.