irclog2html for #elinux on 20070223

00:13.59*** join/#elinux TimRiker (n=timr@pdpc/supporter/bronze/TimRiker)
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12:39.37*** join/#elinux sjhill (
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15:58.08*** join/#elinux CosmicPenguin (i=nobody@nat/amd/x-425d538072e17d90)
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16:19.41*** join/#elinux TimRiker (n=timr@pdpc/supporter/bronze/TimRiker)
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16:27.18cbrakeI'm seeing very slow writes to a USB flash disk from an ARM Linux system.  Reads seem to be about what I would expect 1MB/sec.
16:27.41cbrakeAny ideas for why copying a 60MB file takes 15 minutes?
16:27.53cbrakeTakes 1 min on a Linux PC.
16:31.41*** join/#elinux Gerrath (n=Shane_@unaffiliated/gerrath)
16:48.35sjhillcbrake: sounds like your device detects as USB1.1 on your ARM board and USB2.0 on your PC
16:59.20davidc__cbrake: or your arm board only has a usb1.1 host controller
17:03.29cbrakesjhill: davidc__: yes, ARM is only 1.1, but I'm using an old USB 1.1 flash stick so that I'm running 12MB on both the PC and ARM system.
17:03.45davidc__cbrake: you mean 12Mbit
17:03.54cbrakesjhill: davidc__: also, my PC test was run on an old PC that does not support USB 1.2
17:03.58cbrakedavidc__: correct 12Mbit
17:04.21davidc__ah, right. misread your post
17:04.42cbrakedavidc__: I'm firing up another PXA270 system just as a sanity check ...
17:04.55davidc__I read 1Mb/sec as the speed you wanted to improve, not the write speeds. Shows what I get for talking about USB just after getting up
17:05.11cbrakedavidc__: :-) no problem
17:05.48cbrakedavidc__: 44KB/s write speed is just not acceptible to my customer for some reason
17:05.57davidc__cbrake: heh, I can understand that
17:06.12davidc__cbrake: hrm, is it all usb devices that have slow downstream, or just usb flash?
17:06.35cbrakedavidc__: I'm not sure.
17:06.42TimRikermounted without "sync" in both cases?
17:06.51davidc__cbrake: and have you made sure its not being detected as a low speed [1.5mbit] device?
17:07.12cbrakedavidc__: reads are as expected ~1MB/sec.
17:07.19cbrakeTimRiker: not sure -- I'll check.
17:07.25davidc__cbrake: right, right... I'm still only half awake :P
17:07.27davidc__sorry :P
17:07.30TimRikerI'd try a usb harddrive just for kicks.
17:07.43davidc__hrm... odd. Ive never seen that before.
17:08.23TimRikergrep Spd /proc/bus/usb/devices
17:08.48davidc__cbrake: you could stick a logic analyzer on the bus and see whats happening with the bus transactions
17:08.58davidc__or setup some sort of usb snoop system to see where the delay is
17:09.13davidc__I've run into plenty of weird USB problems before, but never that...
17:09.46sjhilla Tim Riker
17:09.54sjhillwasn't sure those existed
17:09.56TimRiker~lart sjhill
17:10.16TimRikerhow ya been?
17:10.25sjhillspending your tax dollars like water
17:10.36sjhillpretty good
17:10.44sjhill2nd child is due at the end of May
17:10.48cbrakeTimRiker: yup, its mounted w/ sync: /dev/usbdisk on /media/usbdisk type vfat (rw,sync,fmask
17:10.51TimRikerI'm trying to get more involved in openmoko and similar phone projects, but as always I have a ton of other stuff keeping me busy.
17:10.53sjhilldoing a lot of preparations for that
17:12.09TimRikersjhill: and you think you don't have free time now... :)
17:12.28TimRikercbrake: sync is safer, but much slower.
17:12.52TimRikerif you go without sync, then be sure to umount before removing.
17:13.09cbrakeTimRiker: yes, it looks like udev mounts things w/ sync by default.
17:14.02TimRikersjhill: I did finally get around to hacking my old xbox. that was fun. then I messed up the flash on the mod board, and had to unhack it. not gotten around to fixing the flash yet.
17:14.17cbrakeTimRiker: yes, that was it -- thanks!
17:14.35TimRikerremember to umount before removing!
17:15.59cbrakeTimRiker: yes.
17:17.38TimRikerthere is a place in /etc/udev somewhere to change that default. I don't recall where. try grep -Irs sync /etc/udev  and see if you can find it.
17:18.52*** join/#elinux Gerrath (n=Shane_@unaffiliated/gerrath)
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17:25.09sjhillcbrake: the usbmount package is also invaluable
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17:25.52sjhillTimRiker: well you've been having more fun hacking than i have
17:26.03sjhilli'm still trying to find time to work with my FPGA development board
17:27.10kergothhey guys
17:27.56kergothhow goes it?
17:47.19kergothhavent had a chance, been busy switching jobs (sorta) once again
17:48.37kergothguess what i'm doing in the new job... the same shit that drove me nuts in the position in omap at ti.  being a driver monkey, churning them out day after day
17:50.59*** join/#elinux lyakh (
17:55.17wmatTimRiker: hey there
17:55.26wmatTimRiker: just to let you know, the site merge is moving forward
17:55.39wmatTimRiker: I've been swamped for a month and a half :(
17:56.54sjhillkergoth: there's always truck driving school
17:57.23TimRikerwmat: :) I figured. there have been some updates on in the mean time, so we'll have some edits to copy over.
17:58.19kergothsjhill: hehe.  some days i'm tempted to pull an office space and go into construction
17:59.25TimRikerkergoth: There was a hacker at Lineo name pierre that gave it up and decided to play billiards instead of coding. didn't get back online for like 2 years.
18:01.07wmatTimRiker: a friend of mine is writing a new MoinMoin -> Mediawiki converter, which will speed up the basic moving of the content
18:12.57sjhillkergoth: You and I could invent a SAPOTI device?
18:13.41sjhillkergoth: Stab A Person Over The Internet device
18:13.56cbrakesjhill: is there any advantage of usbmount over udev?
18:14.17sjhillusbmount is called by udev
18:14.44sjhillwhen udev gets the add/remove events, it can then have usbmount properly mount the filesystem with the options you desire
18:15.00sjhilleasier than going through all of the hal/dbus madness
18:15.17sjhilli mean, i'm all for chaos sometimes....just not with usb devices
18:17.15cbrakesjhill: :-)
18:18.57cbrakesjhill: looks like on my system, udev is calling a script called /etc/udev/scripts/, so I'll probably just tweak that script.
18:29.41*** join/#elinux angom (
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18:51.09tonyb2006when I try to compile a toolchain
19:23.01tonyb2006well I got that
19:23.20tonyb2006# ./zipitgfx_sample
19:23.20tonyb2006Error: failed to map framebuffer device to memory.
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22:07.07*** join/#elinux chouimat (n=dieu@kde/developer/chouinard)
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Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc.