irclog2html for #elinux on 20070222

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13:27.26bodskianyone know how to get past this error:
13:27.30bodskichecking "return type of sprintf"... configure: error: cannot run test program while cross compiling
13:28.02bodskii get it while cross compiling mysql 3.23 for i686 target
13:28.35sjhillremove the check from the 'configure' script
13:28.54sjhillwe've had to do that on a number of packages being cross-compiled
13:29.24bodskido i need to set a variable explicitly
13:29.48bodskisomething like ac_func_sprintf_return
13:31.09sjhillyes, you may need to do that for a number of other variables too
13:31.59bodskiok do you know where i can get info on these vars
13:32.17sjhillyou'll have to keep running the configure script to find them
13:32.51sjhilland some of them you may not discover you need defined until you start compiling
13:33.23bodskiis there a resource on these variables generally ie
13:33.27sjhillyou could ask some of the gentoo folk...they're pretty toolchain savvy
13:33.59bodskiok ill try grepping through the other packages in buildroot looking for clues... :)
13:34.12bodskicheers sjhill
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14:41.51wmatif anyone out there has a account (Redhat Web2.0 social networking thing) I have started an Embedded Linux Group there
15:43.12*** join/#elinux tuxmaniac (n=aanjhan@unaffiliated/tuxmaniac)
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Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc.