irclog2html for #elinux on 20061218

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18:12.55mbuffor an embedded x86 platform, would you prefer a perl-CGI/DB program with Apache or php/mysql with Apache?
18:13.45CosmicPenguinI wouldn't use apache in either situation
18:15.13mbufso something like boa or thttpd, maybe? in that case perl is the one to be used ?
18:16.32kergoththere are small webservers that support php, some without cgi.  nanoweb (iirc) is actually written in php ;)
18:16.42kergothappweb looks extremely featureful, though i havent tried it myself
18:16.58mbufi see
18:19.23CosmicPenguinYou'r really not thinking embedded if you believe you need both scripted language CGI + web server on your boxen
18:19.44CosmicPenguinget the faster processor and just make a little embedded web server box in that case
18:20.05kergothwell, there are valid reasons for such a thing
18:20.17CosmicPenguinbut if you have an embedded box that does want to provide web services (like a wireless router), then thttpd or something similar + C based CGI should be fine
18:20.59kergothi'm drawing a blank.. whats the protocol that lets you upload to web pages and stuff?
18:20.59CosmicPenguinat least in my experience
18:21.20kergothno, more extensive than post..
18:21.23kergothdamnit, i hate my memory
18:21.28kergoththere it is
18:21.35kergothi could see a pda like device using webdav for comm
18:21.44kergothin fact, i've worked on one for a company, though it never released
18:21.50CosmicPenguinyou could do DAV in C though
18:22.52CosmicPenguinTo me, its the notion of arbitrary scripts that causes pain
18:23.24kergothif i really wanted scriptability on an embedded device, web or otherwise, i'd go with lua or something
18:24.30mbufthink of it as a small box useful in shops
18:24.53mbuffor owners to do their daily accounts calculation
18:24.53CosmicPenguinmbuf: how powerful is the processor?
18:25.11mbufCosmicPenguin, maybe a DSP or even an x86 processor
18:25.19CosmicPenguinyou didn't answer the question
18:25.57mbuf500 MHz, maybe
18:26.10mbufor 200 Mhz ARM core
18:26.44CosmicPenguinwhy would you need scriptable CGI?
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18:28.23mbufif it is an accounting page, thought will do a perl-CGI with a browser; backend can be db or mysql
18:30.15CosmicPenguinSo, use C + sqlite + thttpd and you're there
18:30.28CosmicPenguinyou don't *need* perl
18:31.05kergothto be fair, they may have web people that dont know C, and C coders who dont know html :)
18:31.36kergothwonder if you can compile perl to an elf binary, or if you'd have to compile to bytecode and prepackage an interpreter(lame and of no benefit)
18:31.43CosmicPenguinheh - well, then I would suggest to swap up to a Turion level processor and just run a standard distro on it
18:33.43mbufthanks; later
18:44.52*** join/#elinux MonMotha (
19:26.28cbrakeits a little slow, but for a control interface where only one user is using it, it works out well
19:29.11kergothhuh, clearsilver looks neat, hadnt heard of it :)
19:30.16cbrakekergoth: yeah, clearsilver is very cool.  Its small and fast.  You can also use it with a C or python backend.
19:31.26cbrakekergoth: it also does a lot of the http header parsing, extracts POST/GET parms, etc.
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Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc.