irclog2html for #elinux on 20060803

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12:08.54Tom_Sendergood afternoon everyone\
12:09.45Tom_Senderanyone available to give some advice?
12:11.18youamwear sunscreen!
12:11.35Tom_Senderand on a serious note?
12:11.47youamno, really!
12:12.38youamhint: if you don't ask, we can't answer
12:13.20Tom_Senderi have an xscale arm big-endian board...and i need to install an embedded linux operating system on it..
12:13.39Tom_Senderhow would you approach such a task?
12:14.51youamreplacing an existing firmware? single board or for production?
12:15.05Tom_Senderi have lots of experience with linux and programming...but the embedded linux hurdle i havent crossed yet..
12:15.33Tom_Senderfor arguements sake...the board is blank....solely hardware...
12:16.04Tom_Senderits for a prototype....if that goes well we'll go into production
12:16.54youamhave you looked at buildroot yet?
12:17.13Tom_Sendernope...can you elaborate?
12:17.41youamshould give you most of what you need
12:17.57Tom_Senderfound at as you typoed it... :)
12:18.10Tom_Senderits a cross platform tool chain as i understand..
12:19.14youamplus additional packages
12:19.33Tom_Sendera dumb question if you dont mind...
12:19.53Crofton_| :)
12:20.01Tom_Senderafter compiling and making the do i load it onto the board when there is no operating system on it..
12:20.13Tom_SenderJTAG is the only option?>
12:20.29Crofton_|laptopwhat board?
12:21.55Tom_Senderits a custom board we are developing here....its blank at the moment...meaning solely hardwre..
12:22.13Crofton_|laptopjtag :)
12:25.41Tom_Senderany recommendation on a linux distribution best suited for such a board?
12:28.09Crofton_|laptopmore a question of what build system to use
12:28.19Crofton_|laptopbuild root is good for some people
12:28.26Crofton_|laptopopenemebedded better for others
12:28.33Tom_Senderwell...ill give you more details..
12:28.40Crofton_|laptopbuild root is easier to get started with
12:28.54Crofton_|laptopOE is more flexible if you change hw
12:29.16Tom_Senderwe are developing a wifi access point which holds 4 miniPCI 802.11 modules..
12:29.55Crofton_|laptoplike I said, it is not a questions of debian/fedora/ubuntu
12:30.13Crofton_|laptoprather a you need a system that can build a file system image to flash
12:30.35Tom_Senderso ...if i understadn you doesnt really matter which dist. i use...what matters is how iu build the image (what build system...)
12:31.21Crofton_|laptopI use OE
12:31.30Crofton_|laptopmany of the guys in this channel use build root
12:31.47Tom_Senderok...and what are the main differences...or main options to choose from....excuse the dumb kinda new to embedded..
12:32.33Crofton_|laptopbuild root is easier to get started with
12:33.02Crofton_|laptopOE has more package definitions, but is "hard" to understand at first
12:33.07Tom_Senderbut obviously less easier things tend to be
12:33.26Crofton_|laptopsome people would say that :)
12:33.39Crofton_|laptopIt is kind of like a distro war :)
12:33.51Tom_Senderill be swiss then...
12:34.22Tom_Senderi already am in the middle of a war here in israel....opening another front now would be too much for me
12:34.57Crofton_|laptopthe two sides coexist here
12:35.15Crofton_|laptopI'd look over the links
12:35.25Tom_Senderi am....reading while talking to you
12:35.37Crofton_|laptopOE you just have to dive in
12:35.58Crofton_|laptopIt would be easier for you if there was already a machine file
12:36.10Tom_Senderwell...i think ill read both....give both a try and a dry run....and then decide
12:36.20Tom_Sendermachine file?
12:36.27Tom_Senderbootloader you mean?
12:36.48Crofton_|laptopno, a machine file in OE defines the kernel and other bits specific to the hardware
12:37.01Crofton_|laptopso you can retarget just be changin machine file
12:37.08Crofton_|laptoptheoretically :)
12:37.33Tom_Sendera bunch of 1s and 0s defining my hardware setup at a certain order?
12:37.56Tom_Senderahh...bits as in pieces...
12:38.18Crofton_|laptopwhen you get it on your machine I can walk you through some bits
12:38.24Tom_Senderwell...i got a lotta reading to do...
12:38.27Crofton_|laptopthe irc channel is pretty good
12:38.48Tom_Senderill be around....though leaving for a quick smoke now..
12:39.01Tom_Sendersee ya in 10...
12:39.02Crofton_|laptoptoo much smoking over there now :(
12:52.11Tom_Sendertrue...but i have to breath it in for it to take effect
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13:47.38ade|deskcan anyone recommend a simple arm board with composite video output ?
13:57.23cougarvtade|desk: do you care what kind of arm?
13:57.36cougarvtade|desk: budget?
13:57.57cougarvtthe gp2x does ($180 + $50 for the break out board)
14:01.39ade|deskooh looks groovy
14:02.10cougarvtthere are better ones for corp embedded development but can't find them in my links
14:02.17ade|deskseems a shame to through the ts and lcd away
14:02.31cougarvtyeah - i agree
14:21.18cougarvtnot arm but pretty neat -
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