irclog2html for #elinux on 20060730

00:24.10*** join/#elinux ljp (n=lpotter@
01:14.48*** join/#elinux chouimat (
01:17.13*** join/#elinux Crofton (
01:36.53*** join/#elinux flyback (
01:36.54flybackanyone ever had a sd/mmc reader or even a device in linux, where you did something like dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sda (usb mass storage) and it acted like it was writing to the card but didn't no errors etc just no data ever written?
03:04.13*** join/#elinux chouimat (
03:19.27*** join/#elinux T0mW (
04:23.52*** join/#elinux tuxmaniac (n=aanjhan@unaffiliated/tuxmaniac)
05:39.38*** join/#elinux chouimat|Zzz (
06:50.57*** join/#elinux blindvt__ (
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08:50.53*** join/#elinux bbart (
10:31.52*** join/#elinux cantona (n=cantona@unaffiliated/cantona)
10:58.43*** join/#elinux Crofton (
11:43.20*** join/#elinux darkschneider (
11:47.19*** join/#elinux Sgt-Donan (
13:40.00*** join/#elinux Sgt-Donan (
14:31.51*** join/#elinux eggers (
14:53.07*** join/#elinux blindvt_ (
15:16.23*** join/#elinux chouimat|Zzz_ (
15:42.03*** join/#elinux chouimat (
18:13.42*** join/#elinux [g2] (n=g2@nslu2-linux/g2)
20:35.58*** join/#elinux awp_ (
20:38.06awp_hi, I am runnig make on the buildroot directory and it is trying to compile modutils (and failing) while modutils is not actually chosen to be compile at the menuconfig, is this normal?
20:38.12awp_I am compiling it for mipsel arch
20:52.33*** join/#elinux sapochule (
21:12.23*** join/#elinux ljp (n=lpotter@
21:20.42awp_I am getting errors building the buildroot environment, it is trying to build modutils while it is not selected to be built
21:27.46awp_oh well, I guess that's better than nothing (:
21:28.48chouimatpartition: you finally managed to grow up ;)
21:29.54chouimatpartition: currently writing a nice article about how user/newbiefriendlyness is bad, really bad
21:30.48partitionreally really bad even?
21:31.23awp_good lord guys, weren't you newbies once? (:
21:32.17partitionawp_: I don't know about buildroot :(
21:32.21flybackdid you try #openwrt or #edev or #wireless
21:32.58awp_trying, thanks, it's ok, it's really strange, because I didn't ask modutils to be built
21:33.07awp_makefile is broken obviously |:
21:34.29chouimatpartition: even ... pissing off power users ... spent the last 2 weeks fighting with distributions just to be able to work ... it's even worse than winblows
21:34.43partitionchouimat: CentOS and SuSE are evil
21:36.34chouimatpartition: NetworkManager is a good idea but it sucks!!!! Kubuntu too ... and any one that use networkmancrap ... building my own now
22:14.28*** join/#elinux catastrop (
22:24.09*** join/#elinux AMDPenguin (
22:49.56*** join/#elinux Sgt-Donan (
22:53.53*** join/#elinux blindvt__ (
22:54.12*** part/#elinux awp_ (

Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc.