irclog2html for #elinux on 20060711

00:07.31*** join/#elinux Tmob_ (
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02:21.01file2I just found a tuxscreen in the corner of this office
02:37.10*** join/#elinux Evanr00d (
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03:08.14[g2]kergoth Hey! I'm good thx
03:08.49[g2]I came here to bug riker about the zipit a little
03:08.59[g2]but he's not been doing much with it
03:09.38FireEgl[g2]: There's more ZipIt related discussion in #eDev BTW..
03:10.05[g2]FireEgl thx
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06:47.24T0mWandersee: ping
06:48.41T0mWandersee: does busybox signal its intention for halt or reboot by moving runlevels or an environ param?
06:58.43anderseeT0mW: nope
06:59.04T0mWno "l6:6:shutdown:<cmd>" ?
06:59.16T0mWandersee: in inittab?
06:59.43anderseeT0mW: it sends a kill signal, waits a second or two, then runs the specified shutdown commands
07:00.06T0mWandersee: ok, so, busybox doesn't have runlevels, correct?
07:00.29T0mWandersee: thanks
07:01.44anderseestatic void shutdown_system(void)
07:01.47T0mWandersee: that source work, heh
07:01.54anderseeis the function you are looking for
07:01.55T0mWandersee: that source would work, heh
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07:03.48anderseeso I lied --
07:04.33anderseeT0mW: it runs the specified shutdown commands, then sends a kill signal, waits a second, then shutsdown
07:04.45T0mWjust putting the touches on the ZipIt build, there is a util to turn power off, but I need to run it on "halt" not rcK
07:06.28T0mWandersee: what you been working at lately?
07:07.16anderseeT0mW: of late, mostly on some disk backup stuff
07:07.35anderseeT0mW: fairly boring stuff really, but keeps food on the table
07:08.00T0mWandersee: I've been doing mostly cleanup of recent projects.  Going to meet with a customer on Thursday to talk about a 1 year commitment: 1099
07:08.55anderseethat should keep you out of trouble
07:09.09T0mWandersee: the big issue for me has been trying to figure out what to charge per hour: ARM MMU work on proprietary system, xlate 8070 assembly source over to ARM asm, design a platform to run the code on...
07:09.34T0mWandersee: the existing asm source is like 500K lines
07:09.57T0mWhe has been writing this for 26 years!
07:10.00andersee$1 per LOK
07:10.11T0mWLOK ?
07:10.20anderseeline of code
07:10.41T0mWthere is a one year drop-dead on the project
07:11.17T0mWandersee:  maybe I can get my teeth fixed now?
07:11.20anderseeprobably best to write an automatic translator
07:11.52anderseedoing it all manually would be a beast
07:12.26T0mWandersee: naw, been thinking about it.  The old 8070 code is so bastardized that it doesn't translate well.  Last time I did this for him (14years ago) I wrote a custom YACC
07:13.10T0mWthis time, I am thinking of making the program C-like and make all the ASM instructions C macros
07:14.08T0mWthis way, I can mix C into the code system, and be able to use a debugger on the code without having to look at the underlying asm
07:14.23T0mWdo source level debug on:
07:14.44T0mWLDA (P2)
07:14.49T0mWinstead of:
07:15.08T0mW; LDA [P2]
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07:15.23T0mWmov di, P2
07:15.33T0mWmov ax, [di]
07:15.38T0mWthat sort of thing
07:16.07T0mWandersee: I treated the old code as if it were macro assembly
07:16.41T0mWnow, I want to do basically the same, but hide it more
07:17.42T0mWandersee: I wish I could, I've tried to rewrite some of his 8070 code into C, he hand optimizes his code.  A lot of incestuous code in there
07:18.08T0mWspaghetti city
07:18.36T0mWI gave him an estimate of 3..6 years to rewrite it all in C
07:22.38anderseeeven so, I personally would try to code up automatic translation to i.e. gimple
07:23.18anderseeor RTL
07:23.40T0mWandersee: yeah, I've started on some perl to do the translate / mangling of the file source
07:24.47T0mWandersee: I see in your init source there, that I can patch it to insert my machine shutoff code
07:25.09T0mWloop_forever() == kill_power, heh
07:27.28T0mWnm, RB_POWER_OFF
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07:28.54anderseeObject Code Translation Home Page
07:31.24T0mWIt would be interesting to look at.  However, this guy only writes in 8070 assembly, he knows no other assembler or high level language
07:31.39T0mWso, I have to keep him in the "same source"
07:32.13T0mWandersee: but that is OK!  5 years or 10 years from now, he'll need to do this process all over again!
07:33.31anderseeyou could probably do an auto translation from 8070 asm into java bytecode
07:33.40anderseethen use something like:
07:33.45anderseeto convert into C
07:34.09anderseejust to make things funky
07:34.13T0mWyeah, right,
07:34.38T0mWhey! I want to walk away from this turkey after I finish the project, I don't want to work for him, again.
07:35.16T0mWso, RB_POWER_OFF is actually passed as a SYSCALL into the kernel, eh?
07:36.29T0mWmaybe no
07:38.59T0mWhmm, arch/alpha works with that
07:39.07*** join/#elinux pmjdebruijn (
07:41.35T0mWah arch/arm/kernel/process.c:machine_halt();
07:41.49T0mWlooks like a good place to stick some code in there, heh
09:19.04pmjdebruijnis there any way to pass custom CFLAGS to buildroot, which get applied to all packages
09:19.16pmjdebruijnoh wait
09:20.37pmjdebruijnsilly me
09:20.39T0mWprobably when you get to the rule for $(TARGETS)
09:21.22pmjdebruijnhm I'm still semi stuck with building a kernel
09:21.30T0mWmake CFLAGS="$(CFLAGS) -I<blah>"
09:21.33pmjdebruijnhow do I instruct the kernel to use i486-linux-gcc instead of gcc
09:21.40T0mWmake CFLAGS="$(CFLAGS) -I<blah>" $(TARGETS)
09:22.05T0mWset the CROSS_COMPILE in the main Makefile
09:22.30pmjdebruijn$(TARGETS) should be 'i486-linux' then?
09:22.42T0mWset it for the <path>/i486-linux-
09:22.48T0mWtrailing dash
09:23.12pmjdebruijnaha, I'll try that
09:23.17T0mWsee the HOSTCC variable above CROSS_COMPILE ?
09:23.46T0mWalso note, the AS, LD, etc. below that
09:24.16T0mWjust set CROSS_COMPILE is all
09:25.59T0mWpmjdebruijn: heh, I've been working exclusively with buildroot the past week or so
09:27.24ibotextra, extra, read all about it, gpsfan is
09:29.39pmjdebruijnT0mW, ah, I'm just starting out... thanks
09:30.08pmjdebruijnT0mW, ah I see, that should be easy enough, thanks
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22:39.03DCGrendelanyone able to get "restricted wep" working with the zipit?
23:11.39*** join/#elinux Crofton_|laptop (

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