irclog2html for #elinux on 20060628

00:02.35kergothhow goes it?
00:02.36TimRikeron vac in philly atm.
00:03.44kergothah, cool
00:07.39TimRikersaw independance hall, the liberty bell. went over to nyc to statue of liberty, etc.
00:08.09TimRikerrecorded a cd with the family of show tunes and stuff at a studio. it's been fun. just got the gold discs in.
00:09.04kergothfun :) never been to that area
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00:21.24TimRikerwell, since I grew up in upstate NY, it makes me homesick. everything is green. :) unlike Utah where I live now :(
00:21.53TimRikerwell, gotta get kids to bed might be back later.
00:55.52*** join/#elinux Gerrath (n=shane_@unaffiliated/gerrath)
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09:53.24ignatoffhi all ... in need to do a mknod for a USB storage device ... what major and minor should i use ?
10:12.50Pavlov_They appear as SCSI devices, so major 8.
10:15.09*** join/#elinux markl_ (
10:52.44ignatoffPavlov_: i just did mknod using 8,0 however when i do 'mount -t vfat foo bar' it comes back with ...
10:52.59ignatoffmount: Mounting /dev/usb/stick on /mnt/usbstick failed: No such device
11:11.29*** join/#elinux gnufan (n=mhfan@
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12:39.43YazzYwhat is the most common programming lang for embedded devices to create web interface ? Using PHP is out of question since it's too big
12:40.00YazzYso are python, perl or ruby
12:40.16RedhatterYazzY, Perl most likely...
12:40.19Redhatteror C/C++
12:40.26YazzYright, C as cgi
12:40.41YazzYopenwrt uses nvram thingy
12:40.43RedhatterYeah... I've done CGIs in C++... they work quite well :-)
12:40.57YazzYwhat about haskel ?
12:41.57RedhatterPossible, I know you can write CGIs in Haskell... a few subjects at Griffith Univerity, use web forums which are written in Haskell.
12:42.40Redhatter <-- that's an example of a C++ app.  Runs just as fast on my Qube2 (LE MIPS RM5231 @ 250MHz) as it does on that PIII box.
12:43.06RedhatterThe thing with an interpreted app, is you've got the overhead of the interpreter.
12:43.30*** join/#elinux GPSFan (n=kenm@
12:43.52YazzYtrue but this is not that importand on small devices used as say wireless home  routers
12:44.26RedhatterIndeed :-)
12:44.28YazzYpluss python, ruby or perl are pretty quick even though they are interpreted
12:44.45RedhatterPython gets compiled to byte-code doesn't it?
12:45.39YazzYit can be
12:46.01YazzYRedhatter: could you share with some C++ examples ?
12:46.22RedhatterYazzY, I could... but you don't want be copying my ugly code :-P
12:46.34Redhattercgicc is the library I use
12:47.32YazzYi guess i will brush up my C++ knowledge and go for it
12:47.48YazzYis cgicc portable ?
12:48.04YazzYi will be needing to use it for XScale (ARM)
12:48.37RedhatterNot sure about ARM... but as I say, I'm using it on MIPS without any issues.
12:49.04YazzYah, then it should work on arm as well
12:49.13RedhatterIronically, I find it easier to debug on MIPS, than on i686... the latter doesn't generate proper backtraces.
12:49.41YazzYyah, gods know why we use x86
12:50.01YazzYwhen nearly everything else is much better
12:50.11YazzYalpha is one of examples
12:51.05YazzYRedhatter: btw, it has it's own url:
12:51.28RedhatterHeh, I googled :-)
12:51.57RedhatterIndeed... we're forced into Wintel because almost everyone's in bed with Microsoft. :-/
12:52.40RedhatterThe fact that Sun, DEC, HP, IBM and SGI had machines that shat all over any Intel PC ever made, is irrelevant.
12:53.58RedhatterOhh... and Apple
12:54.20YazzYapple used powerpcc
12:54.22YazzYfrom ibm
12:55.04YazzYand motorola before that afair
12:58.47RedhatterYeah, I know.
13:01.58*** join/#elinux Tmob (n=total@rescomp-05-82786.Stanford.EDU)
13:08.23YazzYRedhatter: i found
13:08.30YazzYit's also included in snapgear
13:09.48RedhatterYazzY, Ahh... a purely C lib
13:09.54YazzYyes sir
13:10.10RedhatterI'll admit... while I don't mind C... memory allocation and string processing is a pain.
13:10.25RedhatterC++ (IMHO) is just a *little* nicer :-)
13:11.43YazzYwell, i will give C a chance
13:12.39YazzYi'd most preferably store my configs in XML and parse them with my code
14:07.03RedhatterYazzY, Nice :-)
14:18.43flyback<flyback-> HDMI adopters pay an annual fee of $15 000 and $0.15 for every single end-user product featuring HDMI sold. If the adopter uses the HDMI logo on the product and promotional materials, then the rate drops to $0.05 per unit sold. If the Adopter implements HDCP content protection as set forth in the HDMI specification, then the royalty rate is further reduced to $0.04 per uni
14:18.43flyback[10:18] <flyback-> what a cheap trick
14:18.48flybackcock suckery at it's finest
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15:57.21*** part/#elinux Pavlov_ (
16:12.05youami'm trying to boot an arm box with console on serial, but after the "freeing init memory"-message, the console plays dead. any hints, why?
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Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc.