irclog2html for #elinux on 20060616

00:13.26*** join/#elinux bioeng (n=bferguso@
00:13.29bioengHi everyone
00:14.34*** join/#elinux dijenerate (n=dijenera@
00:16.33bioengI have some questions about embedded programming
00:16.57kergothif you have questions, ask them. preliminaries arent necessary
00:17.31bioengSo is embedded software engineering a good career to pursue for an EE/CompE?
00:18.14kergothmaybe someone else can answer.  its hard for me to say, given i have no degree :P
00:19.29bioengWhat do you do as a career kergoth?
00:22.07bioengAnyways, my friend got a cool job as an embedded software engineer at Boeing
00:22.20bioengSo I want to emulate her success
00:22.42kergothah, that's cool
00:23.04bioengI realized that I needed to do something with my life when...
00:23.13bioengthe engineering honor society rejected me
00:23.23bioengIt was because of lack of experience
00:23.45bioengI was very limited in options in my home region
00:23.56bioengso I decided to do the following:
00:24.21bioengMy family has owned a construction/trucking company for the past ten years
00:24.27bioengOne of the largest in the region
00:24.56bioengThey also started an aquaculture facility that is profitable.  I am 1/4 partner
00:25.20bioengI was able to obtain a biology degree to supplement that last December
00:25.38bioengI had also been concurrently working on two engineering degrees
00:25.53bioengI'll have one done next May and the other a year from December
00:26.12bioengWhat I am wanting to do is to create my own organization dedicated to science and engineering
00:26.38bioengEssentially I want to be an entrepreneur specializing in science and engineering ventures
00:26.57bioengThe two existing businesses would become part of the organization
00:27.18bioengThe problem is electrical/computer engineering experience
00:27.44bioengUntil I found this community, I thought I would not be able to get any experience
00:28.07flyback[16:13] <flyback> [16:12] <flyback> since the usb id is the same
00:28.07flyback[16:13] <flyback> [16:12] <flyback> how the hell do I tell which chip I have
00:28.07flyback[16:13] <flyback> [16:12] <flyback> the 611 the 702 or the 811
00:28.29bioengBut now, I think I just might be able to get the experience I need in all three fields (civil and electrical engineering, biology)
00:28.41bioengSo I'm reading books now
00:28.48bioengOne is over Linux
00:28.53bioengThe other is on game programming
00:29.10bioengI've already covered the basics of C++, C, and to an extent assembler
00:29.15bioengAnd so I'm here
00:29.22bioengI know that was a mouthful
00:29.43bioengBut I just wanted to introduce myself and thank you for being so nice
00:30.17bioengSo do any of you have any questions?
00:32.10flybackhi :)
00:33.00flybackj/k :P
00:38.30*** join/#elinux noclouds (n=mhfan@
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01:14.52*** part/#elinux bioeng (n=bferguso@
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06:45.11*** join/#elinux Tmob (n=total@rescomp-05-82786.Stanford.EDU)
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13:38.56*** join/#elinux Crofton (
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16:18.50*** join/#elinux ibot (i=ibot@pdpc/supporter/active/TimRiker/bot/apt)
16:18.50*** topic/#elinux is Embedded Linux || || cross compile, uClibc, busybox, handhelds, post-sale linux installs ;-), etc. || free embedded linux training at
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17:16.11flyback[16:13] <flyback> [16:12] <flyback> since the usb id is the same
17:16.16flyback[16:13] <flyback> [16:12] <flyback> how the hell do I tell which chip I have
17:16.19flyback[16:13] <flyback> [16:12] <flyback> the 611 the 702 or the 811
17:31.40*** join/#elinux Sgt-Donan (
17:37.31*** part/#elinux flyback (
18:34.58*** join/#elinux GPSFan (n=kenm@
18:57.21*** join/#elinux Crofton (
19:34.04*** join/#elinux Crofton (
19:36.56TimRikerI invited him in here, so watch for strangers. ;-)
19:36.57*** join/#elinux centyx (
19:39.22kergothTimRiker: where you working at nowadays? still doing the cluster thing?
19:40.35TimRikeryep. I took over provisioning now. it's fun to remotely reboot a few hundred machines and watch them all pxe boot and install linux in a couple hours.
19:41.26*** join/#elinux FireEgl (i=Atlantic@Atlantica.US)
19:49.01kergothTimRiker: sounds fun, certainly a change from what you were doing before
19:49.20TimRikertrue true. change is good once in a while.
19:50.03TimRikerit's the heat that would get to me. less humidity than dallas, but still an oven.
19:50.54kergothyeah, thats exactly what it feels like, like you're being slowly baked
19:51.02kergothat least i dont feel like i'm swimming to the car
19:53.55CroftonJust got back from a whirl wind Phoenix trip
19:54.03Croftondidn;t have time to look you up kergoth
19:54.09kergothno worries, i figured
19:54.18CroftonWhere are you anyway?
19:54.41kergothwork like a mile north of the gd facility on mcdowell
19:54.49kergothright on hayden still
19:54.54Croftonwe werei in mcdowell
19:54.59Croftonwhere are yuou staying?
19:55.10kergothi was just over at gd last week working on a bug in their lab
19:55.28Croftonwe stayed at the marriot courtyard just south of old town scottsdale
19:55.35Croftonwhat day?
19:55.38kergothgilbert.  southeast of scottsdale, at an extended stay hotel
19:55.59Croftonmaxr's wife went to gilbert on her way back from Tuscon
19:56.40Croftonwe taught our class on Tues/Wed this week
19:56.55CroftonI came back on the red eye last night, still pretty groggy
19:57.09kergothi dont remember what day actually, my memory sucks. i cant remember the guy's name that i was working with over there already :P
19:57.24CroftonI don;t remember anyones name
19:57.26kergothhow was the trip?
19:57.40Croftonthey seemed to learn stuff from the class we did
19:58.00kergothi gotta say, i'm not exactly impressed with gd
19:58.06Croftonwith some luck they will ask us to come back sometime
19:58.22Croftonthey suffer from large cntractor disease
19:58.24kergoththey have like 50 systems engineers and they end up coming to our one for help and shit
19:58.32kergothtons of managers and hardly anyone doing any real work
19:59.17Croftonthis sort of thing happens at large companies
19:59.23Croftoneveryone wants to be a boss
19:59.23kergothyeah, unfortunate
19:59.39Croftonmy non-defense large company stint has similar issues
19:59.51kergothi dont want to go into management myself, too much crap to deal with.  think the most i'll do is get into an architect role between the managers and the engineers
19:59.54kergothah :\
20:00.14Croftonso you'll become one of the people who doesn't want to work
20:00.26Croftonlearn about model driven architectures
20:00.36kergothhehe. well, i enjoy figuring out /how/ to do things more than i do the actual doing of them, so that might not suck
20:00.36Croftononce this is figured out, no one will ever code again
20:00.39kergothi get bored as a code monkey
20:01.21CroftonI know what you mean
20:01.51CroftonI need to go look at some un fun code and fix it .....
20:02.27CroftonThursday AM I walked up Camelback
20:02.39Croftonwith no water in chacos
20:02.51kergothheh, that doesnt sound good
20:03.00CroftonI'm sure the locals that saw me were clutching their cell phones, poised to dial 911
20:03.08CroftonI made it :)
20:03.24CroftonThere was a distinct sense of accomplishment
20:03.37kergothi'm trying to figure out how people do bicycling here
20:03.42kergothhow do you carry enough water on the bike?
20:03.47CroftonI saw some people on bikes
20:29.58TimRikercool. I emailed USDTV and they say they will ship me a firmware image. Had to email them back with the version I have first. We'll see what happens.
20:32.45*** join/#elinux lyakh (n=lyakh@
20:36.23Croftonwhat is usdtv?
20:40.53Wingnutkergoth: I know a bunch of people in Phoenix, so if you need something to do, I can get you in touch with them
20:41.17CosmicPenguinits sad that the only BT push server I can find is KDE based
20:49.56TimRikerfrom usdtv: "I forwarded your information to our warehouse.  You should receive your update in 10 business days."
20:57.00*** part/#elinux centyx (
21:38.12kergothCosmicPenguin: the state of bluetooth in linux is pretty sad imho
21:38.36CosmicPenguinits better then it has been
21:45.49kergoththis is true, but thats not saying much :)
21:52.56*** join/#elinux Crofton (
22:31.27kergothsigh.  i'm stuck on this bug i'm working on, and have nothing else on my plate
22:37.41*** join/#elinux blindvt (
23:44.56*** join/#elinux FireEgl (i=Atlantic@Atlantica.US)
23:51.00*** join/#elinux thraxisp (

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