irclog2html for #elinux on 20060603

00:14.09*** join/#elinux George (
00:35.27kergoth'One day a student came to Moon and said, "I understand how to make a better garbage collector.  We must keep a reference count of the pointers to each cons." Moon patiently told the student the following story -- "One day a student came to Moon and said, "I understand how to make a better garbage collector..."'
02:59.20*** join/#elinux sjhill (
02:59.40*** join/#elinux sjhill (
05:37.33*** join/#elinux tuxmaniac (n=aanjhan@
06:21.35*** join/#elinux abdelaziz (
06:24.47*** join/#elinux blindvt_ (
06:34.13*** part/#elinux abdelaziz (
06:53.33*** join/#elinux Cranberries (
07:54.56*** join/#elinux cantona (i=proxy@unaffiliated/cantona)
07:56.57*** join/#elinux lyakh (n=lyakh@
08:13.08*** join/#elinux bbart (
08:23.19*** join/#elinux lyakh (n=lyakh@
09:17.42*** join/#elinux lmanul (
09:58.31*** join/#elinux cantona (i=proxy@unaffiliated/cantona)
12:20.24*** join/#elinux GPSFan (n=Ken@
13:08.23*** join/#elinux darkschneider (n=gab@
13:30.40*** join/#elinux tuxmaniac (n=aanjhan@
14:24.46*** join/#elinux blindvt_ (
14:43.32*** join/#elinux markl_ (
15:38.54*** join/#elinux ccjoe (
15:45.49*** join/#elinux thraxisp (
16:08.21*** join/#elinux eggers (
16:08.36*** join/#elinux lyakh (n=lyakh@
16:46.25*** join/#elinux tuxmaniac (n=aanjhan@
18:37.33*** join/#elinux ibot (i=ibot@pdpc/supporter/active/TimRiker/bot/apt)
18:37.33*** topic/#elinux is Embedded Linux || || cross compile, uClibc, busybox, handhelds, post-sale linux installs ;-), etc. || free embedded linux training at
18:37.33*** mode/#elinux [+o ibot] by ChanServ
18:47.27*** join/#elinux tuxmaniac (n=aanjhan@
18:53.58*** join/#elinux angom_h (n=angom@
19:15.45*** join/#elinux tuxmaniac (n=aanjhan@
19:21.58*** join/#elinux aanjhan_ (n=aanjhan@
19:23.38*** join/#elinux tuxmaniac (n=aanjhan@
19:36.22*** join/#elinux darkschneider (
20:39.07*** join/#elinux Crofton (
21:01.42*** join/#elinux tom61 (
21:03.28tom61anybody here?
22:06.49*** part/#elinux tom61 (
22:25.10*** join/#elinux blindvt_ (
23:26.59*** join/#elinux darkschneider (
23:59.03T`anyone familiar with FAT filesystem?

Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc.