irclog2html for #elinux on 20060526

01:06.23*** join/#elinux noclouds (n=mhfan@
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15:42.33gandhijeeis there a guide out there on how to build a uClibc based toolchain from scratch?
15:43.20CosmicPenguinwhy not use buildroot?
15:43.24CosmicPenguinor OE
15:43.34gandhijeei'd rather do it by hand
15:44.15gandhijeeand the uClibc site is down
15:44.40gandhijeeor at least i can't get to it, and neither can some of the other people i asked that are in different places
15:45.12sjhillgandhijee: hey genious, go over to #uclibc for your answer
15:45.51gandhijeehey jackass
15:45.55gandhijeei was already there
15:46.34gandhijeeand learn to spell before you insult anyone GENIUS
15:46.50sjhillgandhijee: lighten up and take a joke
15:47.05sjhillyou dropped off #uclibc right before andersee gave you the answer
15:47.06CosmicPenguinI'm going to have to go with gandhijee on this one
15:47.19sjhillthe machines are down for maintenance right now
15:47.23gandhijeeman i can't tell if its a joke, its IRC
15:47.44CosmicPenguinsjhill: ahh, andersee's hamster needs his yearly checkup?
15:47.50gandhijeeIRC doesn't relay facial expressions
15:48.48CosmicPenguinanyway, you could spend a lot of time buliding a uclibc toolchain, and you'll just decide in the end to use buildroot anyway
15:48.52CosmicPenguinmight as well cut out the middle man
15:49.34gandhijeei tried it once already and i could get it to work right
15:49.50gandhijeeand it links to like 2.6.9 kernel headers
15:49.56gandhijeei want to link to the ones i plan on using
15:49.59CosmicPenguinLets put it this way - buildroot is about 10 times easier to configure and run then uclibc
15:50.26gandhijeecrosstool is easy too, but i still endedup building my own gcc toolchain by hand
15:50.37gandhijeefor arm/xscale
15:50.44gandhijeenow i want to shrink
15:51.11ade|deskuclibc svn or 0.9.28 ?
15:51.29ade|deskand which gcc ?
15:51.58ade|deskcos OE or buildroot make things way way way easier
15:52.14gandhijee4.1.0 w/ glib 2.3.2 and binutils 2.16.1
15:52.29gandhijeewhich one is OE?
15:52.31ade|deskthen buildroot is best
15:52.39ade|deskOE opemembedded
15:53.28gandhijeecan i build that w/ the new kernel?
15:53.40CosmicPenguinwhat new kernel?
15:53.50gandhijeei mean link it to the headers
15:53.58CosmicPenguinprobably not
15:54.01ade|deskit uses the headers as at
15:54.20CosmicPenguinI'm not sure how often they publish sanitized headers
15:54.24ade|deskand 4.1.0 is not working for OE uclibc yet
15:54.46ade|deskbuildroot with headers 2.6.12 works
15:54.56CosmicPenguinbut ade is hard at work on the problem as we speak
15:55.07ade|desksmaking my head atm
15:55.41gandhijeeman i wish i was smart enough to do devel like that
15:55.49ade|desklooks like uclibc_has_locale is needed for c++
15:56.10ade|deskand OE smacks it on the head
15:56.45ade|desktime to tail that build log
15:57.56ade|deskConnecting to||:80...
15:59.43ade|deskanyone got uClibc-locale-030818.tgz around ?
16:00.13CosmicPenguinhaven't build uclibc in quite a while
16:01.27gandhijeehow long you guys think the site will be down?
16:01.43ade|desk~4 hours or so
16:05.20gandhijeei guess i'll have to pick up my work tuesday
16:21.15*** join/#elinux blindvt_ (
16:23.57ade|deski guess i should know you from uclibc ml , but sorry i doon't
16:25.22blindvt_ade|desk, nah. i'm merely an innocent bystander with busybox and other stuff. I just sometimes point out odd behaviour on the uclibc-ml, nothing more..
16:26.21blindvt_that doesn't mean that sometimes i happen to manage to surface odd usage patterns myself
16:26.22ade|deskblindvt_: may i put a name to your nick ?
16:26.52blindvt_ade|desk, not sure what you mean by that, so better don't
16:27.09ade|deskmay way of asking who you are
16:29.28blindvt_ade|desk, i'm one of those "odd" KGI or GGI guys. I was joining samba to win2k domains with a buddy of mine, am actively bitching about the short-comings of the current 2.6 linux console- and vt system, so generally somebody you don't recognise nor have heared of (which is a good thing, i suppose ;
16:30.15blindvt_ade|desk, as said, ignore/me ;)
16:30.38ade|deskthe air of mystery ... very MI5/CIA
16:32.11blindvt_nah. not really. We're all here to make everybody's world a better place, i still try to humbly assume
16:36.16*** join/#elinux tuxmaniac (n=aanjhan@
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16:52.04sjhillanyone ever have bad luck with fujitsu lifebooks?
16:53.06CosmicPenguinI can't get my livebook to resume from S3
16:53.11CosmicPenguinbut other then that, its an animal
17:09.01sjhillCosmicPenguin: i'm looking to buy the S7110
17:09.06sjhillit's most delicious
17:10.49*** join/#elinux eggers (
17:32.03sjhillkergoth: ?
17:33.26kergothmornings are evil
17:36.32kergoth"The goal of Computer Science is to build something that will last at least until we've finished building it."
17:36.34*** join/#elinux lyakh (n=lyakh@
17:39.36*** part/#elinux ade|desk (n=ADAVEY@
17:48.12Croftonkergoth, sounds like I will be in Phoenix around June 13-14
17:48.25Croftonalthough my time may be crampes
17:50.01kergothah thats cool.  well depending on your schedule, should grab a beer or something while you're here
17:50.20Croftonwe'll be staying near the huge GD plant
17:51.16*** join/#elinux bzzbzz (
17:51.54kergoththe one on mcdonald & hayden in scottsdale?
17:52.04CroftonThat sounds about right
17:52.16Croftongoogle local calls it the Motorola plant
17:52.19kergothjust went over there yesterday to renew my gd badge
17:52.21kergothyep, thats it
17:53.15Croftonstill liking the job?
17:54.06kergothfor the most part.  starting to get frustrated with the usual political and red tape bs that government type work seems to involve though.  unsurprising, thats inevitable :)
17:55.12Croftongovernment work has it price
17:55.32kergothhows the radio stuff goign?
17:55.40Croftonpretty good
17:55.50CroftonI made a cheesy FM receiver
17:55.59Croftonbut people that see it seem impressed
17:56.16Croftonstill needs work
17:56.45CroftonI really need a lackey to make it work on an OMAP type thing
17:58.52CroftonI just have to many threads of execution going right now
17:59.09kergothnod, know how that is
18:06.15CroftonFortunately, this is consulting work, so we see the benefits, not our professors :)
18:22.50*** join/#elinux blindvt__ (n=bf@
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18:53.18kergothmy lord
18:53.26kergoththe proxy at work now blocks WIKIPEDIA
18:54.53Croftonmy wife was told she couldn't use google talk at work anymore
18:55.03Croftonthe only person she talked to was me
19:08.00*** join/#elinux Crofton (
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23:00.25*** join/#elinux FireEgl (i=Atlantic@Atlantica.Tcldrop.Com)
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23:44.02*** join/#elinux ibot (i=ibot@pdpc/supporter/active/TimRiker/bot/apt)
23:44.02*** topic/#elinux is Embedded Linux || || cross compile, uClibc, busybox, handhelds, post-sale linux installs ;-), etc. || free embedded linux training at
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23:48.52*** join/#elinux [1]gandhijee (

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