irclog2html for #elinux on 20060524

00:41.48kergothchouimat: you're messing with D?  i saw a post from you about gcc 4.1 on the gnu.D newsgroup
01:07.08kergothfrom the crazy dotfiles department, tab completion of makefile targets for bash ->
02:08.11*** join/#elinux George (
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02:51.03baajeeany memcheck tool for ARM processor?
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03:31.31chouimatkergoth: yes I'm trying to get it working ... tty tomorrow I'm kind of drunk (4 pitchers)
03:33.39kergothchouimat, if you didnt know, theres an irc channel -> #d
04:57.25*** join/#elinux noclouds (n=mhfan@
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13:56.03HJBIII--- /me is testing ---
13:56.15HJBIIIdoesn't work
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16:14.44ctaylorI'm having this annoying problem with buildroot where it is building the jffs2 filesystem before it compiles the kernel (which should endup in the jffs2 filesystem)
16:16.56ctaylorI can't seem to find an explicit dependancy that forces the jffs2root target to be done last...
16:22.55CosmicPenguinThats probably your problem right there
16:23.58sjhillhey CosmicPenguin
16:28.32CosmicPenguinsjhill: hey
16:30.05sjhillCosmicPenguin: we're doing dinner again at OLS, right?
16:31.54CosmicPenguinsure thing
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18:39.36kergoththe definition of the offsetof macro is damn cool
18:39.38kergothnever read it before
18:39.50kergothchouimat: so what are you using D for? contract, or personal?
18:39.58kergothi stasrted reading about it, and everything i read, i like
18:43.28chouimatkergoth: personal ...
18:43.45kergothi've been learning it for like 2-3 days and already ran into my first bug
18:43.49kergothlearning beta languages is exciting
18:44.18chouimatkergoth: yup :) btw I found a cil (.net vm language) compiler for gcc 4.1
19:06.16CosmicPenguinwow - scary
19:06.52kergothwhat is?
19:07.01chouimatkergoth: it give mono a nice speed boost here :)
19:10.53kergothD is very cool. :)
19:12.05CosmicPenguinHoly crap - a geode bug on the LKML - I almost deleted it
19:12.47CosmicPenguinWe now have 2 users!
19:12.47file2? WOW
19:12.57CosmicPenguinyou better believe it, buddy
19:13.50chouimatCosmicPenguin: now your job is safe :D
19:13.58CosmicPenguinnot so much, no
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19:43.02CosmicPenguinhmm - looks like ljp might be getting some stock options soon.. :)
19:43.17kergothtt going public?
19:45.36ricmmhey guys
19:45.43ricmmany idea on mediaq mq200?
19:47.12CosmicPenguinIts a cute name?
19:48.15ricmmdoesn't look cute to me
19:50.10CosmicPenguinWell, that was my only idea
20:15.20CosmicPenguinso, I dig libusb
20:15.44kergothi've heard it has some portability issues. havent played with it much myself
20:15.47CosmicPenguinits a good idea - and makes developing USB drivers much easier
20:16.19CosmicPenguinI think I'm going to port my dotpal driver to libusb
20:16.26CosmicPenguinavoid the whole recompile for every kernel thing
20:19.11kergothi want umsdos implemented in userspace with fuse.
20:19.14kergothsince umsdos isnt maintained anymore
20:19.38CosmicPenguinone of these days, I'm going to go insane and make a Perforce fuse module
20:19.52CosmicPenguinbut I have enough stupid stuff to do now
20:20.42kergothi have like 3 or 4 fuse filesystems i want to write
20:20.46kergothjust need to actually have some motivation
20:20.54CosmicPenguinFUSE really seems like something I could get adicted to
20:20.55kergothwish i didnt code at work, really ruins it
20:22.02CosmicPenguinkergoth: is there a way to insert a file into VIM, but perform an awkish style manipulation on the lines first?
20:22.24CosmicPenguini.e. - I want to insert a source file into an email, but prefix everything with a '>'
20:23.13kergothwell, you could always :read !cat foo | sed -e 's,^,>,'
20:23.17kergothbut theres probably a better way
20:23.27kergoth! makes it execute a command and insert the output
20:24.09CosmicPenguinyou can s/^/>/?
20:24.14CosmicPenguinI didn't know that - how cool
20:27.46kergoths/^/foo /
20:27.52kergothaw, purl didnt do it
20:27.55kergother ibot
20:27.56CosmicPenguinI mean, it makes sense
20:28.05CosmicPenguinjust never thought about it that way
20:29.01kergothi need to play with vim's support for "sessions"
20:29.20kergothyou acn save a session out and restore it, it contains the info about what buffers are open, window layout, etc
20:29.28kergothwould be nice for working on different projects
20:33.08CosmicPenguinI now have a global init for an initramfs that can either boot a LiveCD, boot a standard image from a USB key, or start an installer
20:33.30CosmicPenguinI've been missing something like this for a long time - we don't need to make USB specific images any more with a root of /dev/sda
20:33.38CosmicPenguins/ of /=/
20:34.02kergothCosmicPenguin: nice
20:34.38CosmicPenguinI mean, its basic stuff, but just something that we've been needing for a while
20:34.44CosmicPenguinand OE generally groks it all too
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22:43.51FredowskiHi, i tried to get an account for the bugtracking system of buildroot. Now the account is there but blocked. Do you know if I have to wait for some kind of confirmation which might take some days?
23:26.56*** join/#elinux chouimat (n=dieu@kde/developer/chouinard)
23:38.22*** part/#elinux Fredowski (
23:43.39*** join/#elinux GPSFan (n=Ken@

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