irclog2html for #elinux on 20060515

00:53.56*** join/#elinux sjhill (
01:12.39*** join/#elinux noclouds (n=mhfan@
02:49.20*** join/#elinux hufnus (
03:15.14*** join/#elinux sjhill (
03:20.43*** join/#elinux andersee (
03:20.43*** mode/#elinux [+o andersee] by ChanServ
04:30.27*** join/#elinux andersen (
04:45.09*** join/#elinux noclouds (n=mhfan@
05:09.54*** join/#elinux andersen (
05:09.56*** join/#elinux Spetznaz (
08:11.45*** join/#elinux ade|desk (n=ADAVEY@
08:23.48*** join/#elinux mhfan (n=mhfan@
09:31.43*** join/#elinux ignatoff (
09:38.46*** join/#elinux jayakumar2 (n=jayakuma@
11:27.42*** join/#elinux T0mW (
12:19.52*** join/#elinux sjhill (
13:12.42*** join/#elinux GPSFan (n=Ken@
13:17.39*** join/#elinux tuxmaniac (n=aanjhan@
13:40.22*** join/#elinux Crofton (
14:07.26*** join/#elinux T`2 (n=total@pdpc/supporter/student/T)
14:11.46*** join/#elinux CosmicPenguin (
14:23.50CosmicPenguin10 tons of rock moved this weekend
14:24.23*** join/#elinux Gerrath (i=Gerrath@unaffiliated/gerrath)
14:26.05*** join/#elinux Kernel-Kris (
14:35.29Kernel-Krisi have a wireless bridge that is dropping packets it goes like      eth0=>wlan0<=========>wlan0<=eth0  
14:37.45CosmicPenguinI really don't think you gave us nearly enough information
14:42.52Kernel-Krisos: sarge    platform: WRAP   setup;    pc===>  <eth0(ap1)Wlan0>=====<Wlan0(ap2)eth0> =====>Main Network         both ap1 and ap2's interfaces are bridged; packets go from  pc to ap1 just fine......   packets also go from ap1 to anywhere ..... but it seems that there is a problem getting to and from the eth0 on ap1
14:43.18Kernel-Krisoh ap2 mode is master   ap1 mode is managed
14:43.30Kernel-Krishostap dirver
14:45.41*** mode/#elinux [+v CosmicPenguin] by ChanServ
14:49.29*** join/#elinux ignatoff (
14:53.55CroftonCosmicPenguin, why are you moving rock?
14:55.23CosmicPenguinWe had bark in our back yard, and it just didn't work out
14:55.36CosmicPenguinso my wife sez, she sez lets put in rock instead
14:57.12CosmicPenguinThe bitch of it was that most of the rock went on top of a retaining wall we have, so it wasn't very accessable by wheelbarrow or other means
14:57.35CroftonI guess grass isn't an option?
14:57.51CosmicPenguinWe would have the same accessablity problems with the lawn mower.. :)
14:57.56CosmicPenguinalso, drainage issues
14:58.33*** part/#elinux Kernel-Kris (
15:10.10*** join/#elinux chicky123 (
15:11.05chicky123i am working on an sdio driver. when i send cmd 52 to an sdio card. i get an error saying crc error in previous cmd. any ideas what could be wrong?
15:11.20CosmicPenguinyeah - you have a crc error in the previous command
15:12.07chicky123but the previous cmd returned successfully
15:12.30chicky123there is no crc bit set in the previous cmd - cmd 7
15:13.58CosmicPenguinThats not the only CRC error that exists in the world - have you considered the possiblity that the card is expecting a properly formed packet, but you didn't send it one?
15:15.09chicky123hmmm. possible
15:16.53chicky123i am trying to read the block size - and my cmd arguments are as per cmd 52 (sdio spec).
15:17.01chicky123am not sure what could be wrong
15:28.42chicky123am i doing wrong some where else? any ideas
15:30.13*** join/#elinux TimRiker (n=timr@pdpc/supporter/bronze/TimRiker)
15:30.14*** mode/#elinux [+o TimRiker] by ChanServ
15:32.14filehail Tim
15:44.25ignatoffdoesn anyone know what has replaced 'static struct uart_port ixdp425_serial_ports[]' ?
15:53.33*** join/#elinux bbart (
16:07.26sjhillanyone seen something like this:
16:07.29sjhill/bin/sh ./install-sh -c -O 0 -G 0 -M 4111 -s sudo /home/sjhill1/buildroot-20060515/build_powerpc/root/usr/bin/sudo
16:07.32sjhill/usr/bin/strip: Unable to recognise the format of the input file /home/sjhill1/buildroot-20060515/build_powerpc/root/usr/bin/sud
16:07.40sjhilllooks like the wrong strip is being used
16:07.42fileit means it likes you
16:07.58sjhilloh i'm sure
16:08.02sjhillall software loves me
16:08.30Wingnutsjhill: it does look like the wrong strip is being used
16:08.53sjhillthis is latest buildroot
16:09.03sjhillkind of surprises me
16:09.50CosmicPenguinyep /usr/bin/strip is bad news
16:16.29Croftonanyone here have ny experience profiling code?
16:17.25WingnutI did it once to help someone with a homework project
16:17.51Croftonfile watched to much TV
16:18.11CroftonI am trying to profile a multi-threaded program that uses shared libraries
16:18.14fileso Fedex tried to deliver something to me today, and it's a box from the office... and I wasn't there to accept it
16:18.21filebut it's heavier then it should be, soooo I wonder what's in it!
16:18.41chicky123crofton:what are u trying to achieve?
16:19.09Croftonfigure out if I have any obvious bottlenecks
16:19.18Croftonand where I can spend time speeding up code
16:19.48Croftonalso look at how time time is spent in "overhead" tasks versus how much is spent doing "real work"
16:19.55fileCrofton: if you figure it out... do share, I want to profile some of my own stuff
16:20.21Croftongprof will get you started, but it appears to have thread issues ....
16:20.49CroftonI am wondering if there is a better way in these modern times
16:29.07*** join/#elinux lyakh (n=lyakh@
16:32.45*** join/#elinux CosmicPenguin (
16:39.01*** join/#elinux tuxmaniac (n=aanjhan@
16:39.55*** join/#elinux toi (
16:45.59*** join/#elinux richardr (
17:13.17*** join/#elinux monsieur (n=sieur@unaffiliated/monsieur)
17:16.19*** part/#elinux ade|desk (n=ADAVEY@
17:20.14Croftonfile, look into oprofile
17:31.38*** join/#elinux tuxmaniac (n=aanjhan@
17:35.32*** join/#elinux flyback (
17:35.40*** part/#elinux flyback (
17:36.06*** join/#elinux sjhill (
18:43.08*** join/#elinux andersee (
18:43.08*** mode/#elinux [+o andersee] by ChanServ
18:43.29kergothCrofton: it can be useful, imo, to use valgrind's capabilities for profiling. specifically, cachegrind/callgrind and kcachegrind (the kde frontend to the information).  can see graphical call graphs with times spent where and such
18:44.01kergothCrofton: though naturally valgrind only supports x86, it can be useful
18:55.00*** join/#elinux tuxmaniac (n=aanjhan@
19:25.23CosmicPenguinwow - no more bottled water
19:26.01Croftonthanks kergoth
19:26.03filekergoth: that is sweet
19:27.34CroftonHere is something from oprofile
19:29.38filehow did you get it working?
19:30.29CosmicPenguinI like oprofile alot
19:30.44CosmicPenguinthough the geode doesn't have performance counters that can fire a NMI, so its less useful then it should be
19:30.51filestabbify it
19:31.30filethe output from kcachegrind... with Asterisk... looks like a CPU
19:35.52Croftonjust built it
19:35.57Croftondidn't have any problems
19:36.19CroftonI need to look into using valgrind also
19:36.27CosmicPenguinI like git
19:36.29CosmicPenguinI love stgit
19:36.38CosmicPenguinbut git+stgit doesn't work at all for publishing trees
19:36.39Croftonalthough orpfile is nice because I don't need to screw with system
21:02.27*** join/#elinux gcl (
21:05.43*** join/#elinux Crofton (
21:10.35kergoth .. from the spiffy vim bits department
22:00.07*** join/#elinux Crofton (
23:44.15*** join/#elinux hufnus (

Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc.