irclog2html for #elinux on 20060510

00:16.58*** join/#elinux pierrelux (
00:20.56pierreluxI was wondering, what if I choose to pick up, say kernel 2.4.31, headers in "toolchain option" when the running kernel on target device is different (2.6.5) ?
00:28.21CosmicPenguinI have absolutely no idea what you just said
00:32.13pierreluxI'm using buildroot. "make menuconfig" than in "Toolchain Options" and "Kernel Headers", there's only choice for a limited number of kernel. My question is: is it a problem to run a kernel (in my case 2.6.5) different than the one used to build the toolchain (I mean, the headers).
00:32.28pierreluxis that clear ?
00:35.10CosmicPenguinthat is clear
00:35.18CosmicPenguinthe kernel on your system has absolutely no effect on the kernel you are compiling for
00:37.54pierreluxwell, I'm talking about the kernel on the target system based on 2.6.5
00:38.48CosmicPenguinI believe you'll want to stay with the same minor version for the kernel headers
00:39.03CosmicPenguinrunning a 2.4 on your target, use 2.4 headers.  Running a 2.6 kernel, use 2.6 headers
00:39.13CosmicPenguinit probably doesn't matter that much, but you never know
00:48.31*** join/#elinux eggers (
00:48.54tsowellit's mattered for me before.. but then again, I was running LTP
00:51.51*** join/#elinux noclouds (n=mhfan@
00:57.26prpplaguepierrelux: from my personal testing, it seems to work "ok" for most applications, but common sense says use the same minor versions
00:57.40prpplaguepierrelux: i.e. common sense says not to smoke around gasoline
02:03.04pierreluxI try to follow common sense even if I'm loosing a hunder k passing from 2.6.5 to 2.6.11 (fails to compile alsa with 2.6.9)
02:03.13pierrelux"System is 608 kB
02:03.29pierrelux*hundred sorry
02:06.33pierreluxnot that bad after all... support for TCP, NIC, nfs, smb and alsa
02:24.40*** join/#elinux sjhill (
03:28.29*** join/#elinux chouimat (n=dieu@kde/developer/chouinard)
05:22.53*** join/#elinux Spetznaz (
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08:58.32*** join/#elinux HJBIII (
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12:19.37ignatoffanyone familiar with buildroot ... toolchain_build_arm/uClibc_dev/usr/lib/ appears as a broken symlink ...what should the source be ?
12:32.27Croftonignatoff, there should be some people familiar with buildroot around in about an hor or so
12:32.51ignatoffCrofton, thanks
12:43.35*** join/#elinux prpplague (n=billybob@
12:47.09ignatoffhey prpplague realy glad to see you :)
12:48.20prpplaguegee thanks
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12:51.36*** join/#elinux sjhill (
12:59.02ignatoffprpplague: buildroot doesnt like me so mutch hey :(
13:01.38ignatoffi cannot get this thing built
13:01.47ignatoffall sort of probs
13:02.05ignatoffbut i am still trying :)
13:06.07ignatoffi think uClinbc-0.9.28 has a problem
13:07.54ignatoffit was unhappy about " install -m 644 lib/lib* "
13:08.34ignatoffand i looked through the build and didnt see uClibc being compiled at all
13:08.50ignatoffor if it did it didnt complain about anything
13:20.40*** join/#elinux GPSFan (n=Ken@
13:30.18ignatoffprpplague, sjhill i have a broken symlink .... toolchain_build_arm/uClibc_dev/usr/lib/ what should be the source ?
14:13.16HJBIIIHi, I have a problem with the 2.6 serial_core/8250 driver on an xscale processor running embedded linux.
14:13.22HJBIIIWhen I read the interrupt registers, the interupt seems to be cleared from the UART, but somehow the interupt stays active in the processor.
14:19.17*** join/#elinux prpplague (n=billybob@
14:22.13hvrHJBIII: then maybe you need to tell the processor as well to clear it ;)
14:22.43HJBIIII've actually tried to do a gpio_line_isr_clear in my interupt routine, but still nothing
14:27.26*** join/#elinux tuxmaniac (n=aanjhan@
14:27.44tux1800CosmicPenguin: morning
14:29.33tux1800CosmicPenguin: I am a bit confused about reading/writing to /dev/mem,kmem,kcore ...
14:29.45CosmicPenguindon't write to kcore... :)
14:29.46CosmicPenguinthats bad
14:30.03CosmicPenguinbut reading and writing from /dev/mem and /dev/kmem is pretty easy
14:30.07CosmicPenguinjust lseek to the address you want and go
14:30.25prpplagueCosmicPenguin: anything come of the PIC article ?
14:30.42CosmicPenguinYou haven't seen any rebuttals on LD?
14:36.53*** join/#elinux sjhill_ (
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14:41.28prpplagueCosmicPenguin: no, nothing outstanding
14:58.44*** join/#elinux bbart (
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15:08.03*** join/#elinux prpplague^2 (n=billybob@
15:11.08CosmicPenguintwo plagues are better then one
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15:22.01ignatoffanyone pls help .... /buildroot/build_arm/staging_dir/lib/gcc/arm-linux-uclibc/3.4.2/libgcc.a(_udivsi3.o): compiled for a little endian system and target is big endian
15:22.02ignatoffignatoff uClinc's configred for big endian xscale arm
15:22.02ignatoffignatoff s/uClinc/uClibc
15:42.10ignatoffhas anyone succesfuly built buidlroot for xscale arm big endian ?
15:43.09prpplagueCosmicPenguin: hmm, my usb fifo is only 64 bytes but the usb gadget driver seems to be trying to send 70-80 bytes at a time
16:24.36*** join/#elinux sjhill (
17:22.14*** join/#elinux CosmicPenguin (
17:26.15*** join/#elinux CosmicPenguin (
17:29.04prpplague~lart CosmicPenguin for having a cranky network
17:29.25CosmicPenguinyou are in an angry mood lately
17:30.39prpplagueCosmicPenguin: just kidding,
17:30.43prpplagueCosmicPenguin: very stressed
17:30.49CosmicPenguinThats ok, angry is fine
17:31.06prpplagueCosmicPenguin: i think i misplaced my mind
17:43.20*** join/#elinux thraxisp (
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18:20.23chouimathi CosmicPenguin prpplague
18:23.02gclbuildroot+uclibc question: how can I get buildroot to build uClibc w/ debug symbols?
18:23.13gclI can't find anything in the documentation, or on the ML
18:24.56sjhillkids these days
18:25.04sjhillbring up the config menu
18:25.10sjhillgo to 'Toolchain Options'
18:25.19sjhillgo clear down to the bottom
18:25.26sjhillselect 'Target Optimizations'
18:25.35sjhilladd in '-g'
18:25.40sjhillsave your config and build
18:25.46gcli did that.  :p
18:26.23gcllibraries still don't seem to have debug symbols in them
18:28.49CosmicPenguinyou have to rebulid any libraries you previously built
18:29.41gclyup; did that
18:30.36gcl(doing it again now; just to make sure)
18:36.10gclconfirmed; 'file' reports the library as stripped, and readelf --debug-dump returns nothing
18:36.39CosmicPenguinah - you asked the wrong question
18:36.52gcl:) what question should I ask?
18:37.25CosmicPenguinyou asked how to build uclibc with debug symbols
18:37.39CosmicPenguinyou should have asked how to keep the debug symbols in the library
18:38.30gclor I'd be happy to know where to get the symbols so I can stuff them into GDB
18:58.27gclcd toolchain_build_powerpc_nofpu/uClibc-0.9.28/
18:58.31gclmake menuconfig
18:58.37gclset debug option and recompile.
19:19.44CosmicPenguinSome days, this operating system really annoys me
19:28.09prpplagueCosmicPenguin: ping
19:37.56CosmicPenguinwhats the story, morning glory?
19:38.54prpplagueCosmicPenguin: weird problem with some userland app
19:38.59prpplagueCosmicPenguin: fb app
19:39.08prpplagueCosmicPenguin: the fb cursor isn't turning off
19:39.16prpplagueCosmicPenguin: run into that problem before?
19:39.17CosmicPenguinis it in graphics mode?
19:39.24CosmicPenguinyou have to put the terminal in graphics mode
19:39.46prpplaguei'm pretty sure it is , but i will double check
19:48.05prpplagueCosmicPenguin: pretty happy with myself over getting the 2.6 running in such a short time
19:48.11*** join/#elinux TimRiker (n=timr@pdpc/supporter/bronze/TimRiker)
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19:48.20prpplagueTimRiker: hey hey
19:48.38CosmicPenguinprpplague: yeah, its a good hack
19:52.15MonMothaprpplague: still having problems with Linux feeding your device more data than the FIFO can handle?
19:52.29*** join/#elinux darkschneider (
19:53.17prpplagueMonMotha: under 2.4 yea, moved to 2.6, seems to have solved the problem
19:53.37MonMothaprpplague: hum, ok
19:53.56MonMothaare you using one of the existing frameworks (like HID) or did you write your own driver?
19:53.57prpplagueMonMotha: i think i could probably solve it now, since i have a working model under 2.6
19:54.16prpplagueMonMotha: using the standard serial gadget driver
19:54.25MonMothahum, ok.  I'm not familiar with that subsystem
19:54.48prpplagueMonMotha: gadget drivers for usb slave devices
19:54.53MonMothathe driver I wrote was pretty independant.  The device didn't really fit well under any existing category (it could possibly be considered HID, but not anything that Linxu already has support for)
19:55.02MonMothaprpplague: yeah, I know what it does, just don't know any of the internals
19:55.09prpplagueMonMotha: ahh ok
19:55.31MonMothaI know if you set your own stuff up, you can specify how much data to move at once, and I think you may be able to override what the USB descriptor says
19:55.55prpplagueMonMotha: yea, well we had lots of legacy and compatibility issues
19:56.08prpplagueMonMotha: we are using the usbser.sys driver in windows
19:56.11MonMothayeah, it's always nice to be able to define everything yourself from the ground up
19:56.16prpplagueMonMotha: so we needed something comaptible
19:56.26MonMothaoh, you know much about the Windows userspace USB driver model?
19:56.34prpplagueMonMotha: sorry no
19:56.50MonMothahum, ok.  I may (will) end up having to write some Windows drivers here in a bit
19:57.07MonMothaheh, USB seems to have slowly become something I get tagged for
19:57.12prpplagueMonMotha: there are some good kits for it
19:57.33MonMothaprpplague: SDKs?
19:57.53prpplagueMonMotha: yea during my initial research  i found afew that looked pretty good
19:58.31MonMothagood to know
19:58.50MonMothaI don't even know C++, and I know most of the windows driver model stuff is C++ (not plain C), so that could be fun
19:58.54prpplaguecome with a bunch of skel code
19:58.58MonMothamy plain C skills are fairly good, but not C++
20:01.36MonMothathis could end up being rather fun.  I need to get my USB device to be available to a VB program.  Looks liek they have something that may work, though it looks PIC only?
20:02.35prpplagueCosmicPenguin: wheres one based on a geode?
20:03.03CosmicPenguinyou couldn't fit a geode on something that small
20:03.49CosmicPenguinstupid unionfs
20:03.51CosmicPenguinlet me see your CVS
20:04.12CosmicPenguinotherwise I'm just going to end up making the same changes you probably already have
20:06.18CosmicPenguinI feel so dirty
20:06.34CosmicPenguin#if LINUX_VERSION_CODE > KERNEL_VERSION(2,6,15)
20:06.35CosmicPenguin#define up(sem)  mutex_unlock(sem)
20:06.35CosmicPenguin#define down(sem) mutex_lock(sem)
20:06.35CosmicPenguin#define i_sem  i_mutex
20:19.02CosmicPenguinyeah, that webserver looks good
20:19.13CosmicPenguinthats a good budget for a SSL based server
20:33.59tux1800Is there any equivalent of aumix in buildroot?
20:34.36CosmicPenguinprobably not
20:34.41CosmicPenguinif there is, its probably not curses based
20:35.04CosmicPenguinI wonder where that went
20:40.05tux1800CosmicPenguin: I dit a small utllity to dump some mem value out of /dev/kmem, it always return the same value no matter of the address requested
20:40.15tux1800CosmicPenguin: but behave correctly onmy laptop
20:44.01CosmicPenguinI wonder if kmem doesn't work very well on MIPS
20:44.09CosmicPenguinBut I know I've used it before
20:45.05tux1800is possible to access /dev/kmem thru gdb?
20:45.39CosmicPenguinyou need kgdb
20:46.24tux1800is kgdb mips aware
20:46.59CosmicPenguinlast I heard it was
20:58.28*** join/#elinux CosmicPenguin (
21:18.23gclbah!  qt embedded 3.3.5 is barfing on me when I dynamically link it
21:18.42gcl(using uClibc); but a statically linked binary is just fine
21:19.56gclI'm getting an illegal instruction exception during initialization (before main())
21:20.11gclanyone have thoughts on what this could be?
21:22.10*** join/#elinux pierrelux (
21:24.39pierreluxdo have an idea about what could be causing this ?
21:54.18*** join/#elinux GPSFan (n=Ken@
22:23.24pierreluxok, the problem is solve
22:23.42pierreluxit was coming from a wrong config for uclibc
22:24.42pierreluxeven if I specified i386 for the arch with buildroot, uclibc was compiling with alpha arch
22:51.53*** join/#elinux Crofton (
23:11.41*** part/#elinux T0mW (
23:47.19*** join/#elinux prpplague (n=dave@

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