irclog2html for #elinux on 20060418

00:17.38fishhead<fishhead> prpplague
00:17.38fishhead[18:16] <fishhead> is the videonow jr hackable worth anything ?
00:17.38fishhead[18:16] <fishhead>;jsessionid=YTNSLGZKLUWRIQSNDBESKHA?articleID=185303137 <--- cool mabye supercaps will get cheaper
00:17.38fishhead[18:17] <fishhead> btw the pixter multimedia was down to $19 but only one there
00:17.38fishhead[18:17] <fishhead> man was I tempted
00:17.39fishhead[18:17] <fishhead> but I got too many piles of s*** waiting to be hacked
00:45.34*** join/#elinux sjhill (
00:47.02prpplaguesjhill: greetings oh great code from the planet designated by the federations as NPTL-01
00:52.10sjhillhey prpplague
00:52.58prpplaguesjhill: whats cookin?
00:53.08sjhillworking on my resume
00:53.16sjhilland cleaning up my lab a bit
00:53.16prpplaguesjhill: ????
00:53.22sjhilli have like a 60 item TODO list
00:53.32sjhillwhich i haven't touched since working on NPTL
00:53.41prpplaguesjhill: uh, you expecting to be moving along soon?
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00:54.04sjhillnot especially
00:54.20sjhilli don't know
00:54.30sjhilla number of people have requested an updated one
00:54.36sjhilla get a steady stream of offers
00:54.37prpplaguedoesn't sound too fixed
00:54.54sjhilli had a bad day at work, so it's just coincidence
00:56.05prpplaguesjhill: yea, i'm wondering if i'm gonna get tired of board bringups
00:56.08prpplaguesjhill: right now i can;t see it
00:56.33prpplaguesjhill: i have too much fun with the hardware side of the codew
00:58.12sjhillsounds like fun
00:58.18sjhilli'm doing some similar stuff
00:58.30sjhillit's just 2 projects i'm on have hardware issues
00:58.38sjhillone of them is absolutely hideous.....really bad design
00:58.48sjhillwe've fixed like 25 hardware bugs thus far
00:59.01sjhillthe other platform, i was supposed to start on device drivers 3 weeks ago
00:59.19sjhillthe SDK for the proprietary hardware is still being battled over by the lawyers
00:59.32sjhillso, i'm essentially long pull on that project
00:59.38sjhilli just hate things right now
01:00.14prpplaguehehe you've been very succesful in making my day look good, hehe
01:00.28sjhillglad to help :)
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04:31.47TimRikeranyone else pick up a linux cell phone yet? /me pokes andersee
04:32.25file[laptop]TimRiker: I'm going for it
04:33.54TimRikerfile[laptop]: sweet. which one? a780? e680i? I have the e680i
04:34.51file[laptop]with an extra battery, desktop charger, leather case, car charger, and all the regular stuff
04:36.04TimRikerthe ebay one that's $50 shipping?
04:36.26file[laptop]they're all like that
04:37.26file[laptop]the e680i would be sucky around here... it's only triband
04:38.40TimRikerhmm. which band is missing?
04:38.58TimRikerplus the 780 has a gps in it iirc.
04:39.01file[laptop]it's used heavily here, 1900MHz signal is very weak
04:39.14file[laptop]1900 = 1/5 bars, 850 = 5/5
04:40.03file[laptop]how does yours work? as they both use the same GUI...
04:41.15TimRikerI have my complaints, but I'm working on fixing them. ;-)
04:41.39TimRikerI want email on it, but the included email app does not do ssl. just plain text passwords.
04:41.58file[laptop]I don't dare use data service till I move to the US, too expensive here in Canada
04:42.11TimRikereven on imap. imap _forbids_ plain text passwords, but that's all the phone can do.
04:42.42TimRikerah. well, mp3 playback is nice, though I've not used it for an extended period yet.
04:43.00file[laptop]I want to get it to sync to my workstation... for my calendar and address book
04:43.03TimRikerbattery life has been great so far, though it was not for the first charge or two.
04:43.21TimRikerit supports syncml but I've not worked to get that working yet.
04:43.22file[laptop]it *pains* me to keep my cellphone and computer up to date
04:43.36file[laptop] I came across that :D so I know it's possible
04:43.39TimRikerthe windows (gag) software will import a csv and convert it. I tried that once.
04:45.56TimRikerdon't know if the same tools work with the a780 or not, but I expect there are tools that do.
04:47.02TimRikerheh. there's a small group in #openozx now, but the community seems a bit scattered. I'd be pleased to see more folks here take part.
04:47.18TimRikerer #openexz sorry.
04:50.08file[laptop]very cool
05:00.33TimRikerjust gsm/gprs afaik
05:00.44TimRikerEDGE is CMDA, no?
05:00.50TimRikerer CDMA?
05:01.17file[laptop]EVDO is CDMA
05:01.21MonMothaTimRiker: I know that T-Mobile supports EDGE, and they use GSM
05:01.33file[laptop]they made different versions of the A780, some have different things then other
05:01.38MonMothaI think Cingular (the other US GSM user) does as well
05:01.47file[laptop]want to see if this eBay seller has the EDGE version or not
05:02.39TimRikerif you can figure a way to tell them apart the folks in #openezx might be interested. They have a 2.6 kernel that boots on some devices and not on others and they don't know why.
05:03.25file[laptop]bad mojo probably
05:05.17file[laptop]yay email sent
05:05.56file[laptop]and now I sleep, goodnight
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05:07.50ljpmore likely bad moto.. hehehehehe
05:08.13kergoth~herring ljp
05:08.14ibotACTION whacks ljp on the side of the head with a large red herring named alfred
05:08.24ljptim: I have a philips 968
05:08.45ljpthere is also a zte with linux
05:10.50ljpi probably shouldnt say that about moto, there's a moto guy in the office this week
05:13.19TimRikerfile[laptop]: I wonder how the display size compares between the e680i and the a780
05:13.59file[laptop]TLC has kept me up even longer... blast
05:14.19file[laptop]TimRiker: dunno... I like that fact that the touch screen isn't exposed directly
05:14.23file[laptop]unless you open it
05:16.02TimRikerljp: hmm. no bluetooth or edge, but quad channel and swivel screen.
05:16.08TimRikerljp: hackable?
05:17.13TimRikerfile[laptop]: the e680 has a slide switch on the top that locks the touchscreen and other buttons. answer, volume and hang up work if there is an oncoming call.
05:18.44ljp968 is, but I can't tell anyone the magic key presses to put it in r & d mode ;(
05:18.57file[laptop]TimRiker: but it's still physically exposed
05:19.16ljpi think the zte is also
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05:21.10ljpthe 968 also has sd card
05:22.40ljpthere's another linux phone too, but I canoot remember what it is
05:36.34TimRikerljp: so is there anyone hacking the 968 in the wild?
05:37.12TimRikerthe motorola phone seem to already have quite a bit of hacking info scattered around. I've not seen that for the philips.
05:38.28ljpnot that I have heard
05:38.53ljpmoto is probably your best bet. they seem to be ok at releasing sources
05:40.04ljpi have also been keeping track of the htc universal linux hackers
05:40.12ljpthat has a keyboard
05:40.16file[laptop]once I get these emails back from this seller, I'll set my plan in motion...
05:40.32ljpbut that doesnt come with linux
05:42.59file[laptop]quad band GSM cellphone, Italy SIM, US SIM, Canadian SIM
05:43.44ljpmust be the WNC GW1 I am thinking of
05:51.23TimRikersome of the listed phones on linuxdevices never really shipped afaik.
05:51.55TimRikerin theory I can add a bluetooth keyboard to the moto phones. don't know if anyone has though.
05:57.08ljplots of linux devices never shipped ;(
05:57.51TimRikermany of which I've worked on. :(
06:09.09ljpoh well. better to have love and lost than not loved at all
06:15.47fishheadmy friend just bought me a sockegt 754 motherboard and sempron 3100+ 64 bit cpu
06:16.22fishheadhe lives in another country and losing his job soon
06:17.39fishheadso the reason I mention this
06:17.42fishheadhe's a EE
06:17.55fishheadhe works on semiconductor packaging engineering
06:18.04fishheadfiguring out why stuff burned out, overheated etc
06:18.28fishheadhe's in hk, origionally from philipines but he worked for TI 20 yrs ago, his wife and kid live in us
06:18.46fishheadif *ANY* of you work for a company that needs someone like this and is willing to sponsor a visa
06:18.58fishheadforget you hate my guts and want to murder my kids
06:19.08fishheadfor now and let me know
06:19.31fishheadI have known him for yrs he's legit, but the hk company he works for is moving to china
06:19.43fishheaddipshits don't realize what they are losing
06:21.21fishheadplease :(
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11:10.27tripod777i am trying to mount an sd card: i get the following message during boot :mmcblk0: mmc0:c3ad SD032 29888KiB
11:10.28tripod777mmcblk0:<7>MMC: starting cmd 07 arg c3ad0000 flags 00000009
11:10.28tripod777unknown partition table
11:10.47tripod777what cud be wrong?
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11:19.59tripod777anyone has worked on sd cards here
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13:14.16prpplaguemallum: greetings
13:14.32prpplaguemallum: hope you weren't too bummed out over the latest 770 reviews
13:15.17mallummy wrists are dripping with blood as we speak
13:16.08ade|deskwhat 770 news did i miss ?
13:16.22prpplagueade|desk: crappy review from NYT
13:16.31ade|deskoh really
13:16.35mallumwashington post wasn't it ?
13:17.28prpplaguemallum: uh yea, i think you are right
13:19.41mallumooh I didn't realise it had made /.
13:19.49mallumI am glad no one is complaining about the wm
13:29.36mallumprpplague: alot of the posts on /. are quite +ive though ( for /. )
13:32.55prpplaguemallum: yea, i didn't like the review, i think the guy missed the whole idea of the device
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13:43.17Genesisprpplague, : what the name of the embedded stick store ?
13:47.40Genesisgumstick somthing like that
13:53.23prpplagueGenesis: gumstix
13:53.32prpplagueGenesis: but i don't recommend them myself
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13:58.19Genesisoki prpp
13:58.34Genesisit's not cheap but i would just see the comsumption to have an idea
13:58.37prpplagueGenesis: what kind of project are you looking at?
13:59.36Genesisjust look for fun , a supercap project with a small lamp
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15:24.14CosmicPenguinahhh - its good to be home
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15:37.33prpplagueCosmicPenguin: hey
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15:54.53CosmicPenguinprpplague: whats the news?
15:56.45prpplagueCosmicPenguin: old news: i'm going complete insane
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15:57.04prpplagueCosmicPenguin: new news: found a giant hardware bug over the weekend
15:57.14prpplagueCosmicPenguin: gonna set us back 2 weeks while a new rev is done
15:57.15CosmicPenguinOhh.. cool - I love those
15:57.21CosmicPenguinDid it have little hinges for legs?  
15:58.41prpplagueCosmicPenguin: hehe, no it was just two traces but very important traces
15:58.52prpplagueCosmicPenguin: put the board to sleep, it never wakes up
15:59.06CosmicPenguinprpplague: heh - I remember the first board I worked on personally, we got it back from fab, turned it on, and it caught on fire
15:59.17TimRikerthat's a power saving feature.
15:59.18CosmicPenguinprpplague: had a tiny trace bridging ground and power
15:59.40prpplagueCosmicPenguin: did someone say "WHAT DID YOOU DOOOOOOO?"
16:00.23CosmicPenguinanyway, the moral of my story is  - traces can kill you
16:00.43CosmicPenguinYou guys catch that less then flattering review of the 770 in the Washington Post?
16:01.11prpplagueCosmicPenguin: yea, mentioned it to mallum earlier
16:01.23CosmicPenguinI was going to buy one, and I'm sorry to say the review made me think twice
16:01.39CosmicPenguinI played with one at the PM summit, and it seemed fine to me
16:01.45prpplagueCosmicPenguin: btw, i'm still waiting on the lawyer to put the stamp on the enc28j60 driver
16:02.50TimRikerCosmicPenguin: now it it was a cell phone too, then ....
16:03.41ade|deskthen it would be like a xda2
16:03.49ade|deski.e crap
16:04.17ade|deskspeaking down a toilet is better
16:05.10ade|deskseperate devices mean you can talk on the phone while using the 770
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16:05.54ade|deski guess a bt phone set to voip is possible with n770
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16:09.16prpplagueanyone know a good channel for usb dev?
16:30.07CosmicPenguinprpplague: whats your problem?
16:31.36sjhill"You're everyone's problem. That's because when you fly you're unsafe. I don't like you because you're unsafe."
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16:38.44CosmicPenguinI talked about syslinux alot, and during the Q&A somebody asked me why I don't use extlinux
16:38.51CosmicPenguinturned out that somebody was HPA.. :)
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16:51.30fromvegaHello, How can I communicate with an external I2C bus? Can I use serial or what? Thanks
16:52.59sjhillfromvega: you need to improve your communications skills
16:53.10fromvegasjhill: ok
16:53.10sjhillfromvega: what hardware platform? what operatins system? what version of kernel?
16:53.14fromvegalet's try again
16:55.03fromvegasjhill: I'm using Linux, the newest kernel version. I want to know how can I communicate to an external I2C bus, ie., not the motherboard bus. I would like to connect it to the PC serial port, but use I2C instead of RS-232. Despite voltage levels, can I do that only with software? Is there any driver for that?
16:55.43CosmicPenguinexternal I2C bus meaning exactly what?
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16:56.28CosmicPenguingreets andersee
16:56.29sjhilli think the word 'serial' is being overloaded
16:56.32sjhillhey andersee
16:56.40CosmicPenguinandersee: I was in SLC yesterday - that was quite a snow storm
16:57.04anderseeCosmicPenguin: morning
16:57.08fromvegaCosmicPenguin: a bus that is not the motherboard I2C bus
16:57.09sjhillfromvega: you are wanting to communicate with a I2C device, the device being the serial port
16:57.11anderseeCosmicPenguin: yes indeed it was
16:57.22anderseeCosmicPenguin: made wearing shorts a bit unpleasent
16:57.33anderseeCosmicPenguin: but I managed somehow
16:57.44fromvegasjhill: yes, but if there is a better aproach I would prefer it.
16:57.48prpplagueCosmicPenguin: so i take it you are pretty guarrantied for OLS?
16:58.01CosmicPenguinprpplague: yeah, I'm there man
16:58.17prpplagueCosmicPenguin: i'm still wrangling
16:58.21CosmicPenguinSounds like I might be there longer - we were talking about a pre-OLS meetup for the PM stuff
16:58.21prpplagueCosmicPenguin: trying to go
16:58.28prpplagueoh yea?
16:59.42sjhillfromvega: why i2c for this and not a normal uart?
17:00.11prpplaguefromvega: and why from a serial port?
17:00.12sjhillCosmicPenguin: i'd like to be in on the PM stuff, if that's doable
17:00.23sjhilli have to be there on Monday anyway
17:00.26prpplaguefromvega: parport is would be easier to work with
17:00.35fromvegasjhill: because I need to communicate with many devices using I2C.
17:00.40CosmicPenguinsjhill: yeah, I'm sure that Patrick would be cool with that
17:00.54sjhillCosmicPenguin: much appreciated
17:01.10fromvegaprpplangue: yes, I can use parport, but how should I do that with I2C? And why parport and not serial port?
17:01.29CosmicPenguinWhy I2C at all - its a limited protocol
17:01.44prpplaguefromvega: because its easier to bit bang a partport
17:02.09prpplaguefromvega: there are 1/2 a dozen drivers to do spi and i2c from a parport
17:02.26fromvegaCosmicPenguin: because I want I2C. I just want to know how to make a software to implement this protocol.
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17:03.16prpplaguefromvega: can provide you a good place to search for i2c and parallel port
17:04.01fromvegaprpplague: the problem is that there is no parallel port on notebooks
17:04.22prpplaguefromvega: well see, you didn't provide that information
17:04.34prpplaguefromvega: got usb?
17:04.49fromvegaprpplague: not for now....
17:05.03fromvegaprpplague: the linux kernel i2c drivers are for the motherboard i2c bus, right?
17:05.13prpplaguefromvega: correct
17:05.24prpplaguefromvega: well you are pretty limited them
17:05.31prpplaguefromvega: if all you have is rs-232
17:06.34prpplaguefromvega: don't plan to build a house if you don't have a hammer and saw to use
17:06.57CosmicPenguinThe kernel drivers don't stop you from making a bus that bitbangs pins on a db9 connector if you have the electrical connections to do it
17:07.07CosmicPenguinbut if the pins are connected to a UART that you can't turn off, then you're really SOL
17:08.32prpplagueyou can dl the schematic and firmware
17:08.50CosmicPenguinprpplague: how does that work?  You send bytes to the uart and it converts them for you?
17:09.12prpplagueCosmicPenguin: pretty much the pic is just a mediator
17:09.23CosmicPenguinBut you would have to have a protocol in place
17:09.44CosmicPenguinBut I guess it could be pretty simple, just an address and then a byte string
17:10.06prpplagueCosmicPenguin: yea you would still need something on the rs-232 side to implemet what every you are working with
17:10.22fromvegaprpplague: I was thinking about using a PIC to use RS-232 and make PIC talk with the I2C bus. But I'm concerned about response time. What do you think?
17:10.32CosmicPenguinIt wouldn't be too difficult to do that with a linux driver
17:11.03prpplaguefromvega: beggers can't be picky
17:12.06fromvegaCosmicPenguin: do what?
17:12.46CosmicPenguinTo talk to a uart attached to a PIC bridging to an I2C bus
17:12.50CosmicPenguinhell, you could even do it from userspace
17:12.59CosmicPenguinin fact, you would probably want to do it from user space
17:15.51prpplagueCosmicPenguin: yea no need to pester the uart driver
17:16.31prpplagueCosmicPenguin: i once did a bash shell script that used devmem to a parport to print a tux in ascii chars
17:16.38prpplagueCosmicPenguin: was really bored
17:19.29prpplaguekergoth: hehe just finished dl'n the new dr.who episode
17:19.40prpplaguekergoth: converting it to vcd now
17:21.52chouimatROFL "Mad Cow as nothing to do with an angry Oprah Winfrey ... for the effect on human see Ralph Klein"
17:25.06chouimat"1972 - First public toilet opens in Texas. Texans ignore this, and continue urinating in public."
17:27.58fromvegathank you all
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18:40.24T`2anyone good with gcc command line options for cross compiling with custom glibc, and other libraries?
18:41.34T`2i can compile a program, but it segfaults instantly.. can someone take a look at this please?
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21:24.53T0mWT`2: all I see in the pastebin is some compiler options?
21:28.00T`2T0mW, np.. i fixed it :)
21:28.32T0mWT`2: I've been out enjoying the nice weather and running errands today
21:30.16T`2haha nice
21:30.22T`2so it stopped snowing already in PA!
21:31.29T0mWT`2: yeah, put the sled dogs away for the summer
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22:06.12TimRikerhmm. I need an app to convert from and too windows 16 bit bmp images. thoughts?
22:06.25TimRikermake that to and from... ;-)
22:06.55TimRikeryou'd think that netpbm, imagemagick, or gimp would do it, but none of them seems to.
22:08.00T0mWfrom what I've experienced, gimp doesn't do too well with 256 color bmp files.  There is, I think, a couple of "standard" bmp formats.
22:08.27TimRikerI need 16 bit. not 8 bit.
22:08.35TimRiker is an example.
22:08.36T0mWTimRiker: like everything else with MicroSoft stuff, sometimes it works, sometimes you cannot find the info
22:09.07TimRikerthe info seems to be available on m$ site, but I can't seem to find an existing app that will convert them.
22:09.29TimRikermozilla will display them so there is likely a library around that will at least read them.
22:12.02T0mWI've had bad luck with bmp files too, I try to avoid them
22:32.36T0mWI hate this part of designing a board.  I'm going to spend $160 to have the first prototype PCBs made.  Now, I KNOW that something is wrong with this board, but I just cannot see it yet!
22:33.13T0mWNo REV A board gets away without at least one cut + jumper!  :(
22:34.16fileso true
22:34.43T0mWthe last rev A I did looked like a spider web
22:41.03T0mWsometimes you got to do what you got to do
23:10.41MonMothaTimRiker: can DevIL handle it?
23:10.47MonMothaaka OpenIL
23:11.08MonMothaand there are multiple "standards" for BMP files, I know OS/2 had its own ideas, especially wrt palleted files
23:12.08MonMothaand of course mozilla can display it.  libpr0n can handle anything :)
23:27.46*** join/#elinux tuv (n=tuv@unaffiliated/tuv)
23:28.58*** part/#elinux tuv (n=tuv@unaffiliated/tuv)
23:37.20TimRikerMonMotha: it's not palletized. just reduced bit depth. 565
23:42.48TimRikerhave to try again later. cya
23:55.19*** join/#elinux Crofton (

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