irclog2html for #elinux on 20060410

01:14.18*** join/#elinux noclouds (n=mhfan@
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14:23.45CosmicPenguinMorning folks
14:24.33prpplagueCosmicPenguin: morning
14:27.41sjhillhowdy howdy
14:30.53prpplaguesjhill: whats cookin today?
14:31.45sjhilltoday's menu is a side of RHEL3 on compact PCI boards
14:31.55sjhillmanagement koolaide to drink
14:32.09sjhilland the main course is Marvell switch chips with PPC sauce
14:34.09prpplaguesjhill: hehe the koolaide sounds good
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14:37.37CosmicPenguinThats 'sir' to you, solider!
14:41.03mbufCosmicPenguin, i have released the quilt tutorial and code, with README and LICENSE -
14:51.44CosmicPenguinYou should still have the PDF somewhere
14:51.45CosmicPenguinOf course, I guess I could always download it and repost it on our twiki
14:51.45CosmicPenguinbut I'm a lazy man
14:51.46mbufCosmicPenguin, ohh, i have put the source in .tex so you can build it and use .ps or .pdf or .html or any other format you want
14:51.46CosmicPenguinOk, I'll can dig that
14:51.46mbufCosmicPenguin, you'll need Tetex package to be installed from your distro
14:51.47mbufCosmicPenguin, is it ok if i ask you - where do you work?
14:51.47CosmicPenguinI work for AMD
14:51.48sjhill"work" is a relative term for CosmicPenguin
14:51.48mbufCosmicPenguin, cool
14:51.48CosmicPenguinsjhill: fair enough... I sit in a AMD building and drink their coffee
14:51.48*** join/#elinux prpplague (n=billybob@
14:51.49CosmicPenguinspeaking of sitting around and drinking coffee
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14:51.50mbufprpplague, howdy!
14:51.50prpplaguembuf: greetings
14:51.52CosmicPenguinchouimat: you left?
14:51.52prpplagueusbnet seems to work ok other that i get alot of interrupts
14:51.52prpplaguebut the serial driver seems to have some issues
14:51.52chouimatCosmicPenguin: yes last night after 6 beers and 2 bottles of wine
14:51.58CosmicPenguinI would have left too
14:53.05mbufi have a (lc - littlechips) patch for s3c2410 ARM, and is there any way i can find out from where they have obtained the ARM patch for this kernel version? Makefiles EXTRAVERSION only says .2
14:54.18CosmicPenguinIf they don't bother documenting their sources, then I think you are SOL
14:54.22prpplaguembuf: more than likely it is from the simtec patches as well as portions of the h1930/1940 patches
14:54.33CosmicPenguinYou can try to match particular files against versions of the ARM patches, but....
14:55.16prpplaguembuf: the patches for the littlechip board for 2.4 were from simtec and were included in sequencial patches on the cd
14:58.10prpplaguembuf: i'd be willing to bet the 2.6.13 kernel patch you are looking at is based on the h1940 patches
15:05.16mbufprpplague, thanks
15:09.03prpplaguembuf: no problem
15:09.03CosmicPenguinstupid ghostscript
15:13.02CosmicPenguinmbuf: a couple of things
15:13.12CosmicPenguinmbuf: first, my dvips wasn't creating an output file - I don't know why
15:13.23mbufCosmicPenguin, which distro ?
15:13.23CosmicPenguinmbuf: I had to add a -o $(INPUT).ps to the command line
15:13.27CosmicPenguinmbuf: gentoo
15:13.36mbufCosmicPenguin, i see
15:13.41CosmicPenguinsecondly, the targets in your makefile should have dependancies
15:13.52CosmicPenguinso if you do make pdf, it will make the dvi first
15:14.36CosmicPenguinBut, other then that, everything is working fine and happy
15:14.58mbufCosmicPenguin, intention is just to do a make; dvi i used for debugging
15:15.06CosmicPenguinmbuf: but what about make pdf?
15:15.37CosmicPenguinyou could just make all build pdf, and then make pdf depend on latex
15:15.46CosmicPenguinor just get rid of latex and pdf all together and put the targets under all
15:15.48mbufCosmicPenguin, actually latex creates the .dvi here for me in Debian Sarge 3.1r0a
15:15.59CosmicPenguinYeah, latex creates my .dvi too
15:16.02mbufCosmicPenguin, when i do latex
15:16.10CosmicPenguinbut make clean; make pdf doesn't work, because the .dvi disappears
15:16.18CosmicPenguinYou see what I'm gettingat?
15:16.27mbufCosmicPenguin, ohh ok
15:16.31mbufCosmicPenguin, :)
15:22.10mbufCosmicPenguin, is this better?
15:23.30CosmicPenguinmbuf: good
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15:23.47CosmicPenguinmbuf: add the -o $(INPUT).ps on the dvips too - just to be safe
15:24.16mbufCosmicPenguin, ohh ok
15:25.21mbufCosmicPenguin, in ps2pdf line ?
15:25.34CosmicPenguinno, the dvips
15:29.06mbufCosmicPenguin, ok uploaded, dinner time, will catch you folks later, thanks for your help CosmicPenguin, later folks
15:34.10prpplagueho ho hum
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15:50.00prpplaguegserial put_char: 0x0d
15:50.00prpplaguegserial put_char: 0x0a
15:50.00prpplaguegs_write_complete: unexpected status error, status=-75
15:50.13prpplagueCosmicPenguin: getting a ton of those
15:50.25prpplagueCosmicPenguin: looks like i timeout or buffer overflow :(
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15:57.21prpplaguehmm, looks like a fifo overflow :(
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16:17.53CosmicPenguinbuffer overflow is bad
16:18.03fileCosmicPenguin: but in another universe... it's good!
16:18.26prpplagueCosmicPenguin: yea, the question is why
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16:48.49CosmicPenguinObviously buffer overload would mean that something isn't keeping up
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17:04.27prpplagueCosmicPenguin: yea, found it, wasn't properly checking if the packet had been sent
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17:18.51prpplagueits always something Q@#$%@$#%
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17:19.14prpplagueCosmicPenguin: now it works fine for data xfer but doesn't want to be used as a controlling tty
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17:51.28CosmicPenguinsome times, AMDs net policy makes me cry
17:52.39CosmicPenguinBecause it is all ass backwards
17:53.30CosmicPenguinfor example, I don't have any place to put my cool new utility I'm presenting tommorrow
17:56.12CosmicPenguinThey won't even approve a sourceforge site
18:08.47fishheadjuicebox mp3 kit
18:08.57fishheadplus 20% all toys in clearance = $8
18:13.08prpplaguefishhead: nice
18:23.06fishheadyeah very temping :)
18:23.10fishheadthey have lik 15 sets
18:23.17fishheadbut I am going to rid it out lower :P
18:24.08prpplaguefishhead: hehe, the ebay merchants might not wait
18:31.08fishheadI don't care
18:31.10fishheadI am poor
18:31.30fishheadnot even sure I am going to do anything with the jb's too small
18:31.38fishheadunless my idea for using a heatgun to swap the rom works
18:32.07fishheadhey the 2 meg verions
18:32.13fishheadis there any pads to solder the rom to
18:32.16fishheadif you cut off the cob
18:36.00prpplaguefishhead: not a standard pad
18:38.49prpplagueho ho hum
18:38.53prpplaguethis is totally strange
18:39.15prpplaguethis driver complete bombs when you try to use it as a controlling tty
18:55.06prpplaguemindfunk: whats cookin?
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19:01.18mindfunkprpplague: mexico.... :)
19:03.38tsowellmindfunk: ping
19:07.09prpplaguemindfunk: fun
19:13.22mindfunktsowell: pong
19:13.50mindfunktsowell: do me a favor... get 3-4 ethernet cables from the lab dude for me
19:14.01tsowellwant to eat ice cream?
19:14.26prpplagueCosmicPenguin: fun fun fun, looks like its choking on the dup() call
19:22.49tsowellmindfunk: want to eat ice cream?
19:25.59CosmicPenguindup is failing?
19:29.43prpplagueCosmicPenguin: yea, looks like the second open isn't being handled properly
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19:33.13prpplagueCosmicPenguin: i get the feeling that this driver wasn't tested very heavily
19:33.37prpplagueCosmicPenguin: i guess everyone uses the usbnet driver
19:35.29tsowellmindfunk: ping
19:36.07ao2hallo, does anyone here know the site? There are some reverse engineering reports of embedded devices.
19:36.20prpplagueCosmicPenguin: hehe yea, looks like the code to do multiple opens was fudged
19:36.32CosmicPenguinwhat, in the kernel code?
19:36.36CosmicPenguinthe syscall?
19:38.26prpplagueCosmicPenguin: the drivers/usb/gadget/serial.c
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19:38.55prpplagueCosmicPenguin: they were doing a check for the "already open" but didn't set the pointer
19:39.15prpplagueCosmicPenguin: hence leaving a null pointer for the anything but the first open
19:43.22mindfunktsowell: I'm in mexico
19:43.38mindfunktsowell: but, yeah, ice cream would be cool
19:44.19CosmicPenguinYou're ircing from mexico?
19:44.43fishheadshame we can't make the juicebox read nor from the cart port
19:46.02fishheadI have piles of nor chips, yeah only 128-256 but I could load some code
19:46.30fishheadprpplague my idea was to turn this into a os
19:46.43fishheadwell not really an os just enough of code to keep running
19:46.47fishheadport to the jb
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19:48.04prpplaguefishhead: why?
19:48.14prpplaguefishhead: nand is just as good for external applications
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19:48.57fishheadexternal yes
19:49.19fishheadbut you got to wire up that port etc seems like too much of a pain in the ass
19:49.29fishheadwhile if we just did it with nor we could replace the onboard rom
19:49.40fishheadif the jb was just going to be used as a lcd display
19:49.43fishheadnot as a mini-computer
19:49.48prpplaguefishhead: uh nand takes less wires than nor
19:50.16prpplaguefishhead: you are doing far less with the nand chip than with the nor
19:50.31fishheadyeah dude but by the time I buy a smartmedia card, adaptor, etc doesn't see work it
19:50.50prpplaguefishhead: ???
19:50.54fishheadI could probably fit palmORB code in a small nor chip and just solder swap the onboard rom
19:51.18fishheadnm I can't explain what I am trying to do here
19:51.19prpplaguefishhead: you make no sense something, hehe
19:51.30fishheaddude you remeber how you replaced the onboard rom
19:51.32fishheadfirst thing you did
19:51.47fishheadwhen you first got a jb
19:51.59fishheadyou did on the JB
19:52.05fishheadI remeber you talking about it
19:52.22fishheadand remebe ryou guys were trying to find cheap tsop sockets
19:52.25fishheadas a result
19:52.30fishheaddude I will find the linux bbs entry
19:52.31fishheadhang on
19:52.32prpplaguefishhead: it wasn't me
19:52.38fishheadok lemme recheck
19:52.45fishheadmabye I got another ecc errorin my brain
19:53.16prpplaguefishhead: look you can get a sm adapter and some sm cards there cheap
19:53.31fishheadwill that adaptor do raw flash access though
19:53.40fishheadso we can code it the way the jb rom looks for
19:54.26prpplaguefishhead: the adapter is just for the socket
19:54.30fishheadoh ok
19:54.40fishheaddon't we need a way to program the card
19:54.40prpplaguefishhead: don't even really need that
19:54.49prpplaguefishhead: you can solder directly to the sm pads
19:54.57fishheadyes I know that
19:55.09fishheadwhy I totally threw out the idea of ever using XD
19:55.11fishheadtoo damn small
19:55.35fishheadplus my neurological problems have gotten a bit worse as has my eyesight
19:55.42fishheadso I might be finished before I start anyways :/
19:55.46fishheadshaking in my hands is worse
19:56.08fishheadI guess my main reason for wanting to use nor was I Have a supply right now
19:56.12fishheadI am familiar with it
19:56.25fishheadand I have ways using a old motherboard bios socket or ethernet card with boot rom socket to program it
19:56.56fishheadand just hack off the existing rom on the jb and put it in it's place
19:57.05fishheadfor a limited use as just a graphical lcd
19:57.06fishheadnothing else
19:57.52fishheadbrb swapping pc's
19:57.58prpplaguefishhead: then don't worry about chopping of the CoB, just cut the chip select, and solder the reset
19:58.46fishheadyeah once the jb's at kmart get down to $5 I might get a cheap 2 meg unit and try
19:58.53fishheadI hate to waste one of these 8 meg units
19:59.14*** join/#elinux tux1800 (
19:59.16fishheadoh btw after 6 months living here
19:59.25fishheadI finally found the source of the family hoarding gene
19:59.34fishheadthe tendency to worry about losing 5 cent chips etc :P
20:02.16fishheadbtw I got like 5+ hrs off a old 12 volt 7ah sla powering a 486-100 8 meg ram laptop motherboard, with just a floppy, 640x480 stn lcd and running memtest86+ :)
20:02.26fishheadgoing to be nice for a simple embedded project
20:03.04fishheadis it true if you put a diode in series with the battery then the laptop can tap power but if you hooked up the laptop to ac it prevents it from trying to charge the battery?
20:04.44prpplaguethank the USB gods!!! its working
20:10.08CosmicPenguinor tequila
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20:10.17fishheadstop torturing me
20:10.19mlehrerfind a meth lab nearby
20:10.29fishheadyou are cruel
20:11.12mindfunkto, tequilla is nasty and vile
20:11.24CosmicPenguinBUt when in Rome....
20:11.34fileCosmicPenguin: bomb it?
20:11.47CosmicPenguinfile: not exactly the words I was searching for
20:11.54fishheadactually I can get away with a small amount like in a frappicino
20:12.01fishheadbut that's about it and not every day
20:12.12fishheadelse I end up face down on the floor with nausea and cold sweating
20:12.26fishheaditaly? what for
20:12.46filecore developer conference for Asterisk
20:16.45prpplagueCosmicPenguin: now the evil evil evil part
20:16.52prpplagueCosmicPenguin: i have to test with winblows
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20:20.12CosmicPenguingood luck with all of that
20:23.09filespeak of the devil
20:23.12filemy plane tickets just came
20:24.42tsowellmindfunk: ping
20:31.28prpplagueCosmicPenguin: hehe a big zero, didn't even recognize it hehe
20:34.42fishheadMOTHER OF CANUCK
20:34.48fishheadI misread that a few yrs ago
20:35.02fishheadso there is an issue with sb live and a hybrid of amd 760 northbridge and via southbridge
20:35.28fishheadmy poor pastor has bought 2 copies of xp (2nd one with sp2) and 3 hard drives tryign to result why it keeps getting corrutped
20:36.20fishheadmight have finally bit this gremlin in the ...
20:40.55CosmicPenguinLater boys - I'll irc in from Califnoria
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20:56.46mindfunktsowell: what?
21:13.59tsowellmindfunk: wouldn't you like to know?
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