irclog2html for #elinux on 20060406

00:05.33*** join/#elinux Crofton (
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00:51.30*** join/#elinux kergoth (n=kergoth@
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01:03.10fishheadkergoth does this release of info from sd ass. mean what I think it does?
01:03.26fishheadwe have most of the info we need to talk to most sdio stuff
01:11.35*** join/#elinux noclouds (n=mhfan@
01:58.13*** join/#elinux we0 (
02:03.24*** join/#elinux FireEgl (i=Atlantic@Atlantica.US)
02:09.20*** join/#elinux Evanrude (
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04:39.27*** join/#elinux fishhead (
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12:06.11*** join/#elinux prpplague (n=billybob@
12:15.09*** mode/#elinux [+o prpplague] by ChanServ
12:15.12prpplagueho ho ho
12:15.18prpplaguemerry freakin thursday!!!
12:27.01prpplaguecrap, wonder whats up with that
13:01.58*** join/#elinux sjhill (
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13:05.02prpplaguesjhill: hey bud
13:05.06prpplaguesjhill: whats cookin?
13:05.54prpplaguesjhill: hehe, grand jury is convening today on that democrate rep woman that hit a capital hill police officer
13:06.24prpplaguesjhill: wanna guess the odds of an inditement?
13:10.11sjhillbecause if they indict her, then it will be a racial issue, right?
13:14.11prpplaguesjhill: yea, but its real tricky, because if they don't press it, they are gonna start having security problems
13:15.03chouimatToday quote:The Bible teaches to love your neighbor, and Kama-Sutra explains how.
13:15.13prpplaguechouimat: hehe cute
13:15.45sjhillchouimat: good morning
13:15.49sjhillchouimat: you recieved $$, yes?
13:15.57chouimatsjhill: yup ...
13:16.04sjhillthx again
13:16.57chouimatsjhill: you're welcome
13:29.16*** join/#elinux GPSFan (n=Ken@
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13:38.34prpplaguemallum: hey hey
13:39.01mallumhey prpplague
13:40.06prpplaguemallum: whats cookin?
13:43.02mallumthe usual
13:43.07mallumoverworked underpaid etc
13:59.44prpplaguemallum: fun fun
14:00.55*** join/#elinux eggers (
14:12.46chouimathi CosmicPenguin
14:15.53*** join/#elinux Evanrude (
14:19.10prpplagueCosmicPenguin: hey
14:19.30prpplagueCosmicPenguin: i was thinking about posting the enc28j60 driver on
14:19.35CosmicPenguinthat would be cool
14:19.41prpplagueCosmicPenguin: you need some time with it prior to me posting it?
14:20.28CosmicPenguinI don't think so - many eyes are just as good as my two
14:21.05prpplagueCosmicPenguin: yea, didn't know if you had some release or something you needed to do, aka public relations
14:21.41prpplagueCosmicPenguin: okie dokie
14:22.04prpplagueCosmicPenguin: probably the 2.4 driver stuff will be up on the wiki next friday
14:23.22prpplaguereally surprised i've been able to go so long without having to do one
14:25.44fishheadprpplague answer me this, did you read over the sd specs last night
14:26.10CosmicPenguinWhy are you talking like you are in a DIsney fairytale?
14:27.34prpplaguefishhead: no, i've had other projects to work on
14:28.02fishheadI read over them, I am not coder but it did look pretty good
14:28.15fishheadI could be dead wrong though
14:29.59fishheadbtw the local walmart has a pixter mm down to like $25?
14:30.17prpplaguemust not be selling well
14:30.21fishheadI think it was mm
14:30.25fishheadit was at least a color unit
14:33.40fishheadwell gotta run, bbl
14:37.17*** join/#elinux Evanrude (
14:38.35prpplaguethe coffee tastes like someone dumped an ash tray into it
14:39.24CosmicPenguinone of the beers on the latest Old Chicago mini-beer-tour tastes the same way
14:39.27CosmicPenguinit sucks!
14:40.42fishheadnot allowed anymore
14:40.58fishheadended up in the ER again with gut pain, they said the caffiene making it worse
14:42.03prpplaguefishhead: caffine aggravates IBS?
14:44.15fishheadthe hiatal henrnia
14:44.23fishheadmake it leak 100x more acid
14:44.31fishheadturns out I have esophagus errorision
14:46.19prpplagueis that anything like aspharagus ambrosia
14:49.21fishheadno it means my esophagus is swiss cheeze
14:49.27fishheadfrom 32 yrs of acid reflux
14:49.36prpplaguefishhead: i know silly
14:49.54fishheadas for my colon, i dumped seroquel and it's better but now I can't sleep at all :/
14:50.11fishheaddamn I miss caffiene :/
14:50.37prpplagueADD self medicating drug of choice
14:50.53fishheadI can have a little bit, like a ice coffee sometimes but if I drink something like an energy drink I am staying on the floor the rest of the day
14:50.55fishheadyeah I know
14:51.06fishheadbut nausea too bad to even piss > add
14:51.11fishheadso it had to go
14:52.21fishheadyou should see the laptop I hacked up, hacked it down to just a bare motherboard and the 640x480 lcd, only has 8 meg of ram but it's battery input is +12 so you know what that means
14:52.26fishheadruns hrs off a SLA :P
14:52.46fishheadmight try uclinux shrunk down and stripped out
14:53.02fishheadhave it display insults to drivers that piss me off in m car
14:55.35fishheadthe man behind the madness
14:56.37fishheadah here it is the laptop gutted
14:57.01fishheadanywas I gotta go fill out this form and go to the doctor so they can patch my gut back togther
14:57.41*** join/#elinux Crofton (
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15:04.41fishheadoh yeah I forgot to mention, while I was in the er, they gave me this cocktail of numbing agents and I immediately started to feel better, although they said without another scope they couldn't tell for sure, my relief pretty much pointed to a esophagus erosion
15:12.29*** join/#elinux ibot (i=ibot@pdpc/supporter/active/TimRiker/bot/apt)
15:12.29*** topic/#elinux is #elinux Embedded Linux || || cross compile, uClibc, busybox, handhelds, post-sale linux installs ;-), etc. || free embedded linux training at
15:12.29*** mode/#elinux [+o ibot] by ChanServ
15:15.28CosmicPenguinibot: welcome1
15:17.37ibotprpplague: thanks
15:37.17*** join/#elinux tux1800 (
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16:00.08CosmicPenguintux1800: email received and forwarded on - I'll let you know
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16:21.40fishheadhey CosmicPenguin
16:22.39fishheadwhat's the verdict on these sd docs
16:22.56CosmicPenguinWhat verdict are you looking for?
16:23.18fishhead"we can limp alone"?
16:23.34CosmicPenguinWhat sort of behavior are you looking for?
16:23.43CosmicPenguinSD and MMC work today, without those docs
16:23.52fishheadsdio stuff
16:25.17CosmicPenguinYeah, the SDIO looks like it should be good to go
16:25.25CosmicPenguinof course, we still don't have a single specification for a SDIO card
16:25.34CosmicPenguinbut at least it will be easier for us to reverse engineer them now
16:25.41fishheadwell at leasst it's something
16:25.44fishheadvs blind shots in thedark
16:26.54fishheaddamn laptop keyboard
16:27.08fishheadi'd be nice to be able to use sdio stuff or more of sd stuff
16:27.16fishheadwell I guess basic sd/mmc works as is
16:27.40CosmicPenguinWe did get the specs for 1.10 which defines a higher speed and more capacity
16:27.47fishheadit's nice to have a simple serial interface even if it's slow for smaller emebedded space where it's easier to trade speed for i/o pins
16:27.56CosmicPenguinso thats nice, but its not exactly ground shaking, because even 1.10 cards work at 1.01 speeds
16:28.55fishheadwonder if there is a way to create ofuscated layers in hw for drivers to prevent reverse engineering the hw but allow for open drivers
16:29.05fishheadjust shooting ideas here I don't have a clue
16:30.13fishheadwish I understand coding enough to be some sorta of moderator between the 2
16:44.26*** join/#elinux Gnulnulf (
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17:12.20chouimatA man staggers into an emergency room with two black eyes and a
17:12.24chouimatfive iron wrapped tightly around his throat.
17:12.29chouimatNaturally the doctor asks him what happened. "Well, it was like
17:12.32chouimatthis," said the man. "I was having a quiet round of golf with my
17:12.36chouimatwife when she sliced her ball into a pasture of cows.
17:12.40chouimat"We went to look for it and while I was rooting around, I noticed
17:12.44chouimatone of the cows had something white at its rear end.
17:12.48chouimat"I walked over and lifted up the tail and sure enough, there was
17:12.52chouimatmy wife's golf ball -- stuck right in the middle of the cow's
17:12.56chouimatbutt. That's when I made my mistake."
17:13.00chouimat"What did you do?" asks the doctor.
17:13.00chouimat"Well, I lifted the tail and yelled to my wife, 'Hey, this looks
17:13.00chouimatlike yours!'"
17:15.47*** join/#elinux Evanr00d (
17:16.17tux1800hey CosmicPenguin
17:26.33CosmicPenguinLife is tough in the tropics
17:29.21*** join/#elinux mbuf (n=mbuf@
17:30.21prpplagueCosmicPenguin: i don't know how you do it
17:30.44mbufhi all, i have written a small quilt tutorial, 'coz i didn't find any, i'd appreciate any feedback guyz:
17:30.55mbufi will release it under GNU FDL
17:30.58prpplagueCosmicPenguin: doing kernel dev all the time just wears me out
17:31.34prpplagueCosmicPenguin: maybe if it was just hacking drivers, but writing them from scratch, learning about it all enough to write a driver in short order is wearing me thin
17:32.05prpplaguembuf: thanks i'll have a look
17:32.45mbufprpplague, :)
17:33.42prpplagueha cute penguin -
17:35.57mbufprpplague, he was honored with a shall at our last free/open source software festival, "FOSS Exhibit 2006" at Arunai Engineering College, Thiruvannamalai, Tamil Nadu, India :
17:36.29CosmicPenguinIts so embarassing talking about power management for x86
17:37.52*** part/#elinux nitinkg (
17:39.47prpplagueCosmicPenguin: hehe
17:41.55*** join/#elinux Evanrude (
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18:00.04prpplaguedsaxena_: ho ho ho
18:00.04*** join/#elinux Evanr00d (
18:14.44*** join/#elinux prpplague (n=billybob@
18:25.16*** join/#elinux Evanr00d (
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19:56.36CosmicPenguinAnyone know how to force set the default content-transfer-encoding in mutt?
19:56.59filescarifice a goat
19:57.07CosmicPenguinI already tried that
19:58.24*** join/#elinux prpplague (n=billybob@
19:59.05prpplagueCosmicPenguin: i'm going unplugged this weekend
19:59.07prpplagueCosmicPenguin: i'm totally worn out
19:59.12CosmicPenguinthat should be good for you
19:59.37prpplagueCosmicPenguin: between this usb gadget drivers and the enc28j60 stuff, i'm beat
20:00.30prpplagueCosmicPenguin: guess i'm a wimp, assimilating so much info in such a short time wears me out
20:00.35*** join/#elinux chouimat (n=dieu@kde/developer/chouinard)
20:00.51CosmicPenguinyou're doing fine
20:01.49prpplagueCosmicPenguin: did you get some enc28j60 based devices yet?
20:02.02CosmicPenguinNope - won't have any for a while either, it looks like
20:02.14prpplagueCosmicPenguin: still on schedule for OLS?
20:02.22CosmicPenguinYep, its almost a certainty now
20:02.41prpplagueCosmicPenguin: i'm about 90% certain i'm going
20:02.58prpplagueCosmicPenguin: donna might go as well
20:03.06prpplagueCosmicPenguin: mainly to see some relatives
20:03.54CosmicPenguinI wanted stacee to come, but she used up all her vacation time with Mexico
20:03.58prpplagueCosmicPenguin: not really, was hope'n to visit the nudie bars :)
20:04.20prpplagueCosmicPenguin: hehe gotta run, see ya on the morrow
20:35.32fishheadwell EL's cheap but like florescent it's a pain in the ass to drive
20:42.26*** join/#elinux Evanr00d (
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20:46.26CosmicPenguinI think my brain just shut down
21:10.03*** join/#elinux rhett (
21:18.38T`CosmicPenguin, reboot ;)
21:38.48*** join/#elinux Evanrude (
21:44.09fishheadbtw kmart has lowered the price of the juicebox mp3 kit to $10 and they are doing 20% off all toys in clearance = $8, which includes a 32 meg sd card, usb to sd reader, usb extension cord, and a sd/mmc to juicebox adaptor which is you remove the outer plastic is just a pcb that makes a nice devel board
22:19.56*** join/#elinux TimRiker (n=timr@
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22:37.32fishheadthis looks sweet too
22:37.38fishheadamdeven underpriced via's c7
22:49.43tsowellI wish we still had kmart in texas
22:50.09fishheadwell toys-r-us, walmart, kaybee and others all had them at times
22:50.10fishheadcheck around
22:50.24fishheadsome toy stores were offering a jb + mp3 kit + headphes for $25
22:50.28fishheadhere's a tip
22:51.08fishheadthe juiceboxes WITHOUT the pinhole size led in the front are usually the older units with 8 meg of ram instead of 2 and a real tsop rom instead of glob
23:11.04*** join/#elinux Evanr00d (
23:15.45*** join/#elinux Evanrude (
23:20.11*** join/#elinux eggers (
23:42.39*** join/#elinux Crofton (

Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc.