irclog2html for #elinux on 20060331

00:57.08*** join/#elinux Artimus (
00:58.57ArtimusI've been trying to use one of the busybox pre-built keychains to build busybox (so it's linked with uclibc, not glibc).  It fails saying "gcc: Internal error: Aborted (program collect2)"
01:06.03*** join/#elinux noclouds (n=mhfan@
01:23.18CosmicPenguinthats unfortunate
01:27.06ArtimusI was kind of hoping for suggestions :P
01:31.59CosmicPenguinI'm having trouble figuring out what a keychain is
01:32.12CosmicPenguinBut I have a history of not being very bright
01:41.05*** part/#elinux Artimus (
02:15.09*** join/#elinux thraxisp (
02:15.57*** join/#elinux we0 (
02:57.11*** join/#elinux bzzbzz (
02:58.30*** join/#elinux TimRiker (n=timr@pdpc/supporter/bronze/TimRiker)
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03:00.44*** join/#elinux gregiadf (n=gregiadf@
03:20.26*** join/#elinux backup (n=backup@
03:20.40backupwhat to do if the kernel ran out of memory for allocating lock records?
03:20.55backupby flock()
04:27.52*** join/#elinux eggers (
05:05.11*** join/#elinux Spetznaz (
05:27.08*** join/#elinux BZFlag (
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05:29.46file[laptop]good, or bad?
05:30.35BZFlagSlow but.ok
06:27.03*** join/#elinux sjhill (
07:28.32*** join/#elinux Xires (
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09:40.01*** join/#elinux vittorio (
09:40.51vittoriohi, does anybody know a free canopen library ?
10:46.55*** join/#elinux ade|desk (n=adavey@
11:40.56*** join/#elinux FireEgl (i=Atlantic@Atlantica.US)
11:43.33*** join/#elinux Gnulnulf (
12:09.23*** join/#elinux prpplague (n=billybob@
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13:13.30prpplagueCosmicPenguin: ping
13:13.34prpplagueCosmicPenguin: you awake yet?
13:49.13*** join/#elinux cantona (i=proxy@unaffiliated/cantona)
14:15.03*** join/#elinux sjhill (
14:15.27prpplaguesjhill: booooo
14:15.40prpplaguesjhill: i see landley is also doing a tutorial for OLS
14:16.11prpplaguetoo much good stuff at OLS this year
14:16.11sjhillon what?
14:16.33prpplaguesjhill: initramfs with uclibc/busybox
14:23.00prpplaguesjhill: if i make it we'll have a get together and i'll by a round
14:25.54prpplaguechouimat: hey frenchy
14:26.17prpplaguechouimat: guess you'll have to show us where the best beer is in ottawa
14:34.06*** join/#elinux bbart (
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14:59.24prpplagueCosmicPenguin: ping
15:25.32chouimatprpplague: :)
15:32.49*** join/#elinux thraxisp (
15:55.00*** join/#elinux Virca5289 (
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16:09.36CosmicPenguinprpplague: poing
16:09.50CosmicPenguinprpplague: you're going to OLS?
16:29.46prpplagueCosmicPenguin: trying to
16:29.51prpplagueCosmicPenguin: working hard to get it planned
16:30.04prpplagueCosmicPenguin: you still on schedule to go?
16:30.15prpplagueCosmicPenguin: there are too many good presentations/tutorials to miss
16:31.45prpplagueCosmicPenguin: questions
16:32.38CosmicPenguinI'm going for sure
16:33.03mindfunkI might be able to go
16:33.09prpplagueCosmicPenguin: cool
16:33.46prpplagueCosmicPenguin: i'm wondering if i should rename some of my functions in my enc28j60 2.4 driver to match those with the new SPI framework in 2.6
16:33.49prpplagueCosmicPenguin: thoughts?
16:34.09CosmicPenguinprpplague: probably
16:34.16mindfunkprpplague: new spi framework?
16:34.23prpplagueCosmicPenguin: or would that be confusing
16:34.24mindfunkwhat new spi framework?
16:34.33prpplaguemindfunk: 2.6.16 has a new spi framework
16:34.49mindfunkyou gotta link?
16:35.06mindfunkor do I just need to d/l the kernel?
16:35.20prpplaguemindfunk: docs are still skimpy, there is a doc in the kernel source
16:35.32mindfunkwill take a look
16:35.46prpplagueshould make using spi interfaces alot easier
16:35.57prpplaguemindfunk: for omap?
16:35.58CosmicPenguinmindfunk: all of drivers/spi/* is new
16:36.02mindfunkprpplague: yeah
16:36.12mindfunkprpplague: it sucks hard core at the moment though
16:36.30mindfunkthere was a hardware issue that prevented me from testing dma
16:36.41mindfunkso, the dma code hasn't been run
16:37.17mindfunkso, I get this kernel from or is it in mvista's kernel?
16:37.49CosmicPenguindoes mvista even have a 2.6 kernel?
16:38.11CosmicPenguinI'm sorry - did I say that out loud?
16:38.30mindfunkCosmicPenguin: um... did I say that? ;)
16:38.52mindfunkso, then?
16:39.07mindfunkCosmicPenguin: they will soon
16:39.20prpplaguemindfunk: yea
16:39.29CosmicPenguinmindfunk: yeah - there might be a git tree somewhere that has it
16:39.35CosmicPenguinpossibly Greg KH
16:40.29prpplagueCosmicPenguin: yea, i'm gonna go to OLS come hell or high water
16:40.35prpplagueCosmicPenguin: staying at les suites?
16:42.49CosmicPenguinprpplague: probably not
16:42.56prpplagueCosmicPenguin: oh?
16:43.00prpplagueCosmicPenguin: where then?
16:43.01CosmicPenguinprpplague: Probably the Hilton
16:43.12prpplagueCosmicPenguin:  is that in walking distance?
16:43.18CosmicPenguinright next door
16:43.35CosmicPenguinLast year I stayed at the Residence Inn - it was nice, but a 15 minute walk
16:44.52prpplagueCosmicPenguin: i'm wondering if my wife would get mad if put i out a sign "wife for sale, need conference money"
16:46.08prpplagueCosmicPenguin: getting a static ip at the house, gonna finally put something up at
16:48.17prpplagueCosmicPenguin: i'm wondering if i would win if i submitted my essay in l33t
16:49.40CosmicPenguinprobably not
16:55.45prpplagueCosmicPenguin: you see the list of tutorials?
16:55.45prpplaguelots of good stuff
17:44.15*** join/#elinux T0mW (
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18:09.07prpplaguedsaxena: greetings
18:12.15*** join/#elinux phidiaus (
18:15.07prpplaguelordy lordy the new season dr.who starts on april 15th
18:15.12prpplaguehope i can get a download of it
18:33.30prpplaguekergoth: The new 13-part series of Doctor Who starring David Tennant and Billie Piper starts on BBC1 on Saturday 15th April 2006 at 7.00pm.
18:39.29*** join/#elinux mindfunk (
18:55.59CosmicPenguinsome days
18:56.01CosmicPenguinsmbus sucks!
18:59.53prpplagueand not in agood way
19:00.44T0mWprpplague: I think they started us out with the first episode.  the one where he meets Rose in the department store?
19:05.01prpplagueT0mW: yea
19:05.15prpplagueT0mW: you are 12 episodes behind
19:06.30*** join/#elinux thraxisp (
19:08.48T0mWprpplague: ah, but, at least we finally have them!
19:09.13prpplagueT0mW: yea that is something
19:09.41prpplagueT0mW: first time in like 40+ years that dr.who airs prime time
19:09.48prpplagueT0mW: even if its a year behind
19:12.39prpplague~weather TBDB
19:13.32prpplague~weather TBPB
19:14.41T0mWprpplague:  Temperature: 72.0 F (22.2 C); Visibility: 10 mile(s); Wind: from the S (190 degrees) at 14 MPH (12 KT)
19:14.53T0mWprpplague: purrfect day
19:15.04*** join/#elinux Crofton (
19:28.23prpplaguemy sinus's are killing me this week
19:39.34*** join/#elinux catastrop (
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20:11.47*** join/#elinux nitinkg (n=ngupta@
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20:27.11*** join/#elinux mlehrer (
20:33.47mlehrerwhat's new?
20:34.00mlehrerdid i tell you i finally got that old dual tft thingy to work
20:34.21mlehreri was really bored one day
20:35.33mlehrerand hi def mythtv finally (anything < x2 3800 doesn't have enough juice)
20:37.17*** join/#elinux Chocobo (
21:20.32*** join/#elinux prpplague (n=billybob@
21:31.08*** join/#elinux CosmicPenguin (
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21:33.34CosmicPenguinNice of xchat to up and quit on my
21:33.40CosmicPenguinI really appreciate it
21:38.57ChocoboI can't wait for the PS3.  I want to make a cluster.
21:41.30*** join/#elinux file[laptop] (
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22:54.40*** join/#elinux sjhill (
23:34.40*** join/#elinux darkschneider (
23:48.32*** join/#elinux thraxisp (

Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc.